Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1057 Thousands of Miles Away

It was already early morning when we returned home in the cherry blossom forest, and everyone was deeply asleep.

Xia Feng sat alone in the dark living room, as if he had merged with the darkness.

The next day, the heavy snow that had fallen all night stopped.

In the living room.

Xia Feng returned the clover pendant to Qiancai and decided to tell her about it.

"Qiancai, it may be a bit sudden, but now I want to tell you something about your life experience."

Qiancai blinked her big confused eyes.

"life experience?"

"Well, your real name is Nishimiya Chicai."

Later, Xia Feng told Qiancai all the truth he learned. With various side proofs, there was no doubt about this matter.

racial characteristics.

A pendant belonging to the Nishimiya family.

Perfect age and timing.

And Nishimiya Ryuhei's personal identification.

There is no doubt that Aguang and Qiancai are the sons and daughters of Nishinomiya Ryuhei who were separated 20 years ago. This is Nishikawa, the real hometown of their brothers and sisters.

After hearing these things, Qiancai was completely shocked and could not even utter a complete sentence.

In fact, this was completely within Xia Feng's expectation. Anyone who suddenly learned about his life experience would have this reaction.

He gently put his hand on Qiancai's shoulder and spoke softly.

"Qiancai, you just need to know the truth. Other than that, you don't have to bear any burden. You can digest this matter slowly."

Qiancai's eye circles began to turn red.

"Brother Xia Feng"

"I know that it may be difficult for you to accept it in a short period of time, but you have to believe that your father was forced to do nothing back then. He just wanted you brothers and sisters to survive."

"Father Him"

"Don't worry, your father is fine. Now the Nishimiya family is experiencing a catastrophe, but with me here, I will definitely be able to protect everything."

Looking at Xia Feng's gentle expression, Qiancai nodded heavily with tears in her eyes.


Except for Qiancai, everyone gathered in the living room now fully understood the ins and outs of the matter.

A Guang is not only Xia Feng's brother, but also their family.

Red Knife, ACE, Ifrit, Turtle, Lapland, Frost Star, Snow Monster Team, Three Wolf Brothers, including the injured Mr. Xiao, no one will regard this matter as a trouble.

Their thoughts are the same as Xia Feng's. There is no doubt that this is their duty as members of Black Feather!


Brother ACE lit up a cigarette, his expression under his sunglasses was a little nostalgic, but more determined.

"Aguang is our brother, and the land we are standing on right now is his hometown."

Hong Dao didn't say much, he just looked at Xia Feng and said in a deep voice.

"Xia Feng, what to do, everything else is up to you."

Lapland put his hands behind his head and showed a cruel smile.

"Isn't this matter very simple? Just use our old Black Feather method, right boss."

Ifrit was probably the last person in the living room to figure it out.

A hint of confusion flashed across the girl's stunned face, and then her skinny fists gradually clenched and she gritted her teeth.

"Those bugs that dare to invade A Guang's hometown, I will burn them all to ashes without leaving a trace!"

Including Frost Star and the Snow Monster team, everyone's thoughts reached a consensus at this moment, or in other words, this matter did not need to be discussed at all.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Xia Feng nodded happily.

Then, he walked up to Bagpipe, who was sitting on the sofa without saying a word, and pursed his lips.

"Bagpipe, I'm sorry, I may have to break the previous agreement. I do expect a stable life, but Aguang is my brother, and this is what I have to do."

At this moment, Bagpipe did not show any disappointed look. After knowing the ins and outs of the incident, she stood up from the sofa with the same determination.

"Xia Feng, I was too naive before. I support you in this matter!"


"We are a family and I will not back down from a moment like this. Whatever you want to do, count me in."

After all, Bagpipe seemed to have regained his former iron-blooded soldier identity.

Turning around, she ran to find the long gun that had been wrapped in black cloth and covered with dust.

Sometimes, walking on a road so dark that there is no end in sight may not be difficult at all.

The really hard thing is that no one understands why you set out on this path.

Of course, with Xia Feng's current situation, the path he has chosen is not difficult at all in a sense, but with the support of all his companions, he will feel very relieved.

Back at the table, he picked up the phone and called Victoria's Grill.

On the phone, he said only one sentence to Nancy.

This sentence is extremely firm and cannot be questioned by anyone.

"Nancy, send me my Red Demon Sword. I want to use it now."

That night, the Nishimiya family's soldiers on the front line were already fully implementing the shrinking defense plan, abandoning their positions at the junction and returning to defense across the board.

Xi Gong Ling, who was far away in the mansion, was very anxious and kept pacing in the room.

Although he received Xia Feng's overbearing promise, this was not a game.

As the head of the Nishinomiya family, he was still not sure what Xia Feng could do.

All the soldiers on the front line have withdrawn, which means that at least under the current situation, they have voluntarily abandoned a dozen large cities in the periphery. Within a few days, these cities will be occupied by the Sakura Takeshi family.

As common people of the Eastern Kingdom, the Sakurawu family would certainly not burn, kill, and plunder these cities, but war always meant making the best use of everything.

You don't need to think about it to know that in order to continue to attack the interior of Nishikawa, the generals of the Sakurawu family will definitely scavenge every last grain of food in the city and forcibly send all the men into the army to expand their advantages.

This not only hurts the innocent people, but also makes itself more passive.

It is easy to leave these cities, but it is more difficult to take them back than to reach the sky.

However, in this extremely tormenting mood, Nishimiya Ling received the latest information from frontline investigators the next day.

According to intelligence, after all our own soldiers withdrew their defenses, the Sakura Takeshi family's attack did not start as planned.

The investigators vaguely discovered that several enemy positions on the other side of the border seemed to be burning with fire!

Now that we have decided to take over this dispute completely, everything needs to be considered in the long term.

Xia Feng was not so arrogant that he could defeat the hundreds of thousands of Sakura Warriors' army head-on with just a dozen of his companions on the south coast and hundreds of Black Steel's elite troops.

As the first target, he also used a delaying strategy, but his delaying strategy may be more violent than Nishimiya Ryuhei's previous method.

Nishimiya Ryuhei's approach was to shrink his defense and avoid its sharp edge.

What he did was to take away more than ten important strategic material reserve points of the Yingwu family on the border of Dongzhou overnight.

That night, dozens of Heigang's armed helicopters slowly took off in the night.

In the cabin, in addition to hundreds of elite members of Black Steel holding Originium guns, there were also Ifrit who was gearing up, and Frost Star who was surrounded by the Yeti team.

Also, several boxes of finished source stones.

After the heavy snow, the temperature dropped sharply.

Standing on the coastline with biting cold wind, Xia Feng watched the helicopter rise into the sky and gradually disappear into the eastern night.

Return to the pavilion in the cherry blossom forest.

In the living room, Xia Feng sat alone at the table, silently staring at the phone in a daze.

Although he seemed expressionless, no one could understand the complex emotions in his heart, as if he was engaged in a fierce battle of thoughts.

Finally, he picked up the phone and dialed an encrypted contact number for the Victorian military he had obtained from Nancy.

The communication went through the Imperial Military Headquarters several times and several codes were verified. Finally, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.


Hearing this voice, Xia Feng smiled subconsciously, even though he was very nervous now.

"Hello, I'm Xia Feng, Wei Na, long time no see."

Thanks to Mr. Lu Yu and Mr. Lu San for the 1W reward. Congratulations to Mr. Lu Yu for his new pool graduation. Hum, envy makes Feng Feng completely different.~*.*~

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