Arknights is too real, right?

Fengfeng's chat preview

(Free chapter for author)

Ding, the new chapter of Ark is not going to stick, and there is another bloody storm in the limited pool. Fengfeng drew a card during the live broadcast yesterday, and now he has gone bankrupt. He has nothing left, not even a drop of it.

I took a day off yesterday because I'm not good at it, so I still haven't finished pushing the main line today, so I went back to coding.

I know that some book friends do not read the official plot. There are even many people who have not played Ark for a long time or have given up, but are still chasing this book, so I will not spoil or elaborate on the official plot.

Let’s talk about the direction of this book today.

Now the East Kingdom chapter has entered the core stage. It may not be as complicated as the Victoria chapter, but it is necessary to be exciting.

The Dongguo chapter I want to show is different from Victoria. It may be more about the customs and customs, and it is more down-to-earth, because it is very backward and closed, and people think more purely.

A book friend once asked me why social and technological differences are so huge in the same world. Are these people all fools?

How should I put it? In fact, this is easy to understand.

The more rapid the development of science and technology, the more serious this phenomenon will be.

For example, from childhood to adulthood, people around us have started to use smartphones. However, the popularity of smartphones did not happen instantly.

At a certain time, everyone on the street used different mobile phones. There were Apple phones, Android smartphones, old-style color screen phones, flip phones, and even Nokia with black and white screens that could crack walnuts.

At that time, people would not think this was anything out of the ordinary, and would not attract the attention of passers-by just because someone took out a black "big brick".

However, this era of "letting a hundred flowers bloom" was short-lived. Smartphones soon became fully popular, and black and white machines became a memory of the times.

And it's the same when it's reflected in our stories.

Just like the transformation from black and white machines to smartphones, it requires a process, and the span of this process depends on productivity and information dissemination capabilities.

If this span is stretched out as a whole, it would be around 1094 in the current Terra Calendar. The East Kingdom is about to be eliminated and is incompatible with the world where Originium technology is rising, but it is still fighting in vain.

This is my setting, and of course it is not considered a second setting, because there is no official information about Dongguo. It should be regarded as my first setting based on the world view.

If the official plot of Dongguo is released in the future, it will be a second set, huh.

Return to the plot of this book.

In fact, all book friends who have read this know that almost all the plots in this book are Fengfeng's original works, and there are almost no scenes that appear in the official plots.

I created a large number of original characters to enrich the world from another perspective, and Xia Feng's way of thinking gradually changed as a result.

He no longer views the world from a predetermined subjective perspective. To put it bluntly, he no longer regards operators as superior to others. Of course, this does not mean that operators are unimportant, but that other people are equally important.

How to put it, this development is inevitable for the plot, and it has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it will appear more realistic, but the disadvantage is that it will become increasingly divorced from the official settings, because Fengfeng's update speed far exceeds the official update speed.

But I won’t struggle with this issue now. The official update will only allow me to draw on more knowledge points when unfolding the plot, and it will not become an obstacle.

Everyone who has read this knows that the beginning of this book does not take place 3 years ago in the official plot, but N years later.

Well, the elderly Fengfeng may be a bit verbose, so what I want to say next is the key point.

Regarding the Eastern Kingdom and the subsequent Yan Kingdom, I have almost no official settings to refer to, so I will be completely original. Of course, it will be original in line with the Terran worldview, so you can rest assured about this.

After all, when reading a book, the most important thing is to have fun.

What I want to say after that is that life must have a beginning and an end. This book has been serialized for more than a year, and life will always have an end.

In my plan, the next chapter is most likely the final chapter of the book, and it is also the real main plot of the book.

It may be different from some books. For example, there is nothing left to write at the end, so I can only make a reasonable ending.

But this book has been paving the way for this ending. It is even said that all the previous chapters are foreshadowing and foil to lead to the final ending.

I know that the official world of Terra cannot have a finale, only one story after another. Because this is a game, wouldn’t the ending be a failure?

But as a book or a fan work, it must have an ending. Of course, this ending must be completely original.

Many people may be reluctant to give up after hearing the ending, but Fengfeng decided to write this book precisely because he wanted to conceive this ending.

And don’t worry, it won’t end so quickly.

What I want to say is that since it is called the ending, it must be the end of the story. As long as the last period of the ending falls, there must be no regrets. This is the ending in my mind.

Therefore, I would not agree that the last sentence of the finale is "their story continues and the book is finished."

In my opinion, unless you want to write a second part, it's not much different from a bad ending.

This is what I want to say and what I want to explain to you in advance.

I will make the ending of this book completely original, completely break away from the official plot, and jump to a brand new subversive concept to present the world of Terra in my mind, which is also the meaning of the existence of Fire Feather Xia Feng.

In this way, we will have no regrets and no regrets.

Even decades later, when the old Fengfeng recalls this story, he can still feel calm.

I, Feng Feng, have written that Huo Yu Xia Feng has been here, he really existed in that world, and he really changed that world.

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