Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1075 Going towards the darkness

Facing a desperate situation, what choice will Yamashio Sakura take? Xia Feng, who has almost complete knowledge of frontline intelligence, still has not received accurate information.

Obviously, Sakurawu Shanxiong has not made a choice yet.

As for why he didn't make a choice, it was because he still had one last hope.

This hope is the Tokoku Sword God who claims to be able to turn the tide of the war with one person, and is also his biological brother, Sakura Takeran.

For more than half a month, the Victoria Army has been aggressively attacking, and almost half of the entire Dongzhou has been crushed by iron hoofs.

However, among the countless reports sent back from the front lines, there was no information about the "Eastern Sword God" at all.

Ying Wulan did not stop the Victoria Army, and no one knew his whereabouts. In the chaotic situation, he seemed to disappear.

Xia Feng also didn't know where Ying Wulan was, but he had a hunch.

Sakura Wulan seemed to be getting closer and closer to him.

A few days later.

The Nishimiya family's mansion has never been attacked by assassins again. It seems that the wave of annihilations last time was the Sakura Takeshi family's last trump card.

The tense atmosphere in the entire mansion gradually disappeared, and Nishi Gong Ling never hid in the basement again.

Even the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be much brighter than before.

The final encirclement operation of the Victoria Army has begun, and the three forces will converge on Dongzhou Capital in two days. By then, this cruel war will be completely over.

Yes, everything went very smoothly. Although no one said it explicitly, even the servants in the mansion smiled subconsciously.

After the thunderstorm, it seems like the sky has cleared after the rain.

However, as the protagonist at the center of this whirlpool, Xia Feng never showed a relaxed expression.

Because he knows that some things are destined to be avoided.

This is his own choice, his responsibility, and an obstacle that he must overcome in his life.



An earth-shaking loud noise broke the silence.

Following this loud noise, everyone in the mansion trembled at the same time, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to be shaking.


The aftertaste of the loud noise lingered for a long time. Xia Feng, who was sitting in the yard, raised his head lightly, and his only left eye was quietly staring at the eastern sky.

There were black clouds in his sight, and the black clouds on the horizon were so thick that they looked like a devil's claw reaching down from the sky.

Soon, the wind picked up.


This gust of wind quickly turned from gentle to wild, and hit Xiye Mansion like an invisible shock wave.

"It is going to rain!"

Someone shouted, and the servants in the mansion began to get busy.

Indeed, the loud noise just now was indeed like thunder, and the terrifying black clouds on the horizon were very similar to those on the eve of a storm.

But the wind doesn't lie.

As the heir to the Ancient Stone and a severely infected person, Xia Feng noticed something very familiar to him from the direction of the strong wind.

It was the Origin Stone. The wind blew the subtle Origin Stone energy over, and the trembling air was filled with Origin Stone fluctuations.

This is the most original Source Stone energy in the world without being mixed with anything else.

Looking at the black cloud at the end of the sky, Xia Feng was very sure.

It was not a storm, it was an act of God.


At this moment, a ray of light broke through the dark clouds, illuminating the dark sky for an instant.

It was a bolt of lightning, but it was no ordinary lightning, because in his life, he had never seen lightning from the ground up.

If you want to find something that matches it, there is only Originium Skill.


The blue lightning is extremely terrifying, like a ferocious blue dragon.

Judging from the distance, the Nishinomiya family's residence was at least 20 kilometers away from the natural disaster cloud, and that lightning was actually clearly caught by him. One can imagine how terrifying the power it contained must be.

This level of Origin Stone skill is even close to Ifrit's power of the Balrog.


Turtle's cry came from behind.

As an infected person, Guigui apparently also caught strange fluctuations in the air. When she saw the black clouds on the horizon, she finally guessed what it was.

Turtle stared with panic on his face.

"The big windmill, that black cloud, could it be..."

"Yes, it's a natural disaster."

"That lightning"

"Heh, maybe the type of natural disaster is a lightning storm."

After saying that, Xia Feng stood up and lightly dusted his pants, with a surprisingly calm expression on his face.

He didn't lie to Guigui, and he didn't need to lie. Yes, it was indeed a natural disaster.

In such an extraordinary period, a natural disaster actually came to the land of Xichuan. How should I put it, it was quite a coincidence.

However, there is no reason or pattern for natural disasters to come.

In this world, this kind of horrific disaster can happen at any time and anywhere, and no one can control it.

The good news is that judging from the distance and scale of the natural disaster, it will basically not affect Xiye Mansion.

The natural disaster almost perfectly avoided the towns and fell on the mountains and fields.

However, in addition to natural disasters, there is obviously something else under that dark cloud.


At this moment, the same lightning as before appeared again, and from the direction of the natural disaster cloud, a flash of bright light illuminated almost half of the sky.

This weird lightning seems to be conveying some kind of signal.

Standing in the yard, Xia Feng glanced at the dark sky. Finally, he seemed to be sure of something.

"Guigui, don't worry, this natural disaster is far away from us."


"Well, just stay in the house."

Seeing Xia Feng always staring at the natural disaster, Guigui clenched his little hands and asked immediately.

"how about you?"

Xia Feng pursed his lips.

"I want to go out."

He said this very calmly, and after the words fell, he took the Shenyue Sword and the Red Demon Sword on his back and stepped toward the door.

However, the next second, his hand was grabbed from behind.

Xia Feng did not look back and felt the trembling of Guigui's palms. At this moment, he seemed to recall a not-too-distant past.

On the last day at the No. 4 Experimental Base of Rhine Life, when Hemmer announced that the growth of the black and white twins was about to exceed their physical limits, he left accompanied by Ceria.

The scene at that time was surprisingly similar to the scene now.

Even what Turtle said to him was almost exactly the same.



"Do you have to go?"


In silence, Guigui lowered his head and held Xia Feng's hand firmly from behind.

Finally, her voice was filled with a complex emotion that seemed to transcend everything.

"You promised me that you would always stay with me, so don't die."

Turning around, Xia Feng showed a relaxed and impeccable smile to Gui Gui.

"Don't worry, if I still don't come back tomorrow, you and Red Knife will go back to the south coast, and then everyone will go back to Victoria."


"Don't cry, I mean what if."

Raising his hand, Xia Feng gave a thumbs up calmly.

"It's okay, I'll come back as soon as I go, Huo Yu Xia Feng won't die!"

At this moment, Qiancai ran over in panic from the other side of the yard.

When she saw Guigui pulling Xia Feng, she seemed to have a premonition of something.

"Brother Xia Feng, where are you going!"

Turning his head, he also smiled relaxedly at Qiancai.

"Qiancai, don't worry. When the sun rises tomorrow, the Nishimiya family will have no enemies anymore."

After that, he gently broke away from Guigui's hand and left the yard without looking back.

Familiar faces disappeared, and the inseparable emotions gradually faded away.

Xia Feng walked out of the mansion, out of the street, out of the city.

Until there were few people around him, he walked in the wilderness in the direction of the natural disaster cloud.


A low muffled sound came from the horizon, and the Origin Stone fluctuations in the wind became stronger and stronger.

He walked towards the natural disaster that everyone feared in the world of Terra without any hesitation, because he knew that there was someone waiting for him under the natural disaster cloud.

And he must keep the appointment.

With a sword hanging on his body, the thin figure walked towards the natural disaster, as if walking towards the abyss step by step.

But Xia Feng's heart at this moment was surprisingly calm, and there was even a sense of relief.

It would be much easier if something that had been bothering him could finally be solved through violence.

Staring at the terrifying natural disaster, a sneer of laughter came from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, Sword God."

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