Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1076 Broken Seal

Xia Feng once had a dream, but when he woke up, the scene in the dream was fragmented.

At this moment, he seemed to recall what that dream was.

Black clouds, lightning, source stones, natural disasters, and that vague figure. Now, the illogical fragments seemed to overlap with what he was about to face.

In the wilderness, Xia Feng moved forward step by step in the direction of the natural disaster.

This road seemed to be very long, long enough for him to recall the scenes he had experienced.

At the same time, this road seemed to be very short, so short that he had already reached the end before he had experienced all the beauty.

The light dimmed.

Unknowingly, the seemingly distant natural disaster cloud had enveloped him, and the Originium substance in the air became thicker and thicker.

If it were an ordinary person, his blood would soon be eroded and he would contract an incurable disease called "despair."


Staggered lightning was raging not far away, wild sand was flying, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

In the extremely harsh environment, the sharp stone sliced ​​across his cheek, leaving small blood marks, which was very painful.

Standing on the edge of the natural disaster, as long as you walk forward, you will enter the core area of ​​the natural disaster. This is not the remains after the natural disaster, but the energy vortex where the natural disaster is occurring.

One step forward and it could be hell. .

Under the dark clouds and in the wild sand, Xia Feng ignored the blood stains on his cheeks and gently lifted the scarf up.

Then, he walked in resolutely.

He has noticed that there is someone at the center of this natural disaster.

This person is not an ordinary person. Although he has never met him, ever since he stepped into this area, a deep and cold aura of the deep sea has locked onto him.

I don't know if it was God's will, but the decisive battle venue chosen by Sakura Wulan was very suitable for his extremely paranoid character.

During a natural disaster, there really will be no outsiders to disturb you.

At the same time, he also expressed his intention for this duel.

What is a winner?

A real winner needs to be unafraid of powerful enemies and natural disasters, and must defeat powerful enemies and natural disasters in order to leave here alive.

The surrounding wind was raging, and the air was filled with surging Origin Stone energy.

Under this almost saturated quality, I am afraid that the lifeblood of the world will soon be born, that is, the natural source stone cluster.

Walking in the natural disasters that people in this world are afraid of avoiding, Xia Feng doesn't have a trace of fear in his heart.

Sensing Sakura Wulan's persistence in this battle beyond life and death, he was also aroused with an inexplicable fighting spirit.

Although he was passive, at this moment, whether it was his body or his heart, he was willing to face him without any dodge.

As we moved forward step by step, the light became darker and darker, and the raging wind became stronger and stronger.

Finally, Xia Feng stood firm.


A bolt of lightning with a diameter of at least five meters fell from the sky and hit him.


The gravel flew and the shock wave caused his clothes to puff.

Along with this lightning, he and the person not far away finally saw each other.

Sakura Wulan was still wearing the blue gown, but the fabric on the chest was somewhat torn. From the gaps, the terrifying Originium crystals distributed on the surface of the skin could be clearly seen.

With blue eyes flashing, Ying Wulan looked directly at Xia Feng, and a hollow voice came out.

"This is a natural disaster area that everyone in the world of Terra fears, aren't you afraid?"

Xia Feng stood upright, and there seemed to be no emotion in his responding voice.

"It's just a natural disaster, why should I be afraid?"

After saying that, Xia Feng looked around frivolously at the place that looked like purgatory.

"Oh, it's a good location, whether it's a stage or a tomb."

Facing Xia Feng's eerily calm attitude, Ying Wulan smiled.

"Xia Feng, it seems that you have overcome the fear in your heart before and are finally willing to face my challenge. Of course, you have no choice. You must hate me now."

Xia Feng also laughed, but this laughter was more like ridicule.

"No, I don't hate you at all, I just sympathize with you."


"As you said, defeating me is your ultimate goal in life, the last hurdle for you to become the best in the world, right?"

Sakura Wulan's smile gradually disappeared.

"Yes, this is what I live for."

"Oh, what's the meaning of living? In my eyes, the meaning of your life is just a joke. At the same time, this joke can't even make me laugh out loud."

Ying Wulan's face had turned cold.

Obviously, he could care less about the eyes of the world, but he had lost his composure when he was so frivolously denied by the only person who valued him.

"Xia Feng, I know you are very strong. You can cut through a city with one sword. You are indeed proud of yourself."

"No, you're wrong."

Xia Feng's voice reached Ying Wulan's ears word by word.

"Do you know why I can cut through Londinium with one sword? It's not because I am strong, but because when faced with a situation where I am helpless, I can easily give up things that are important to ordinary people but not important to me. .”

"Oh? Then facing me now, what do you want to give up?"

"This time, I don't have to give up anything."


Under the black clouds, another thick bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and a shocking loud noise exploded next to the two of them.

Along with this flash of lightning, Ying Wu Lan looked directly at Xia Feng and slowly stretched his hand towards the Sakura Knife at his waist.

"It seems I've been underestimated."


"Ha, Xia Feng, I'm afraid you don't know that I am no longer the same person as I used to be. Even the first swordsman of the Yan Kingdom can only flee. You can cut through a city wall, but unfortunately, I can't More insurmountable than a city wall."

Xia Feng didn't even move when he saw Ying Wulan's sword-drawing posture.

"Really, that's a coincidence. I haven't seen anyone in this world who can fight better than me."

Holding the Sakura Knife tightly, Sakura Wulan's blue pupils narrowed slightly.

"Xia Feng, arrogance will make you lose your life in an instant."

Xia Feng finally raised his hand, but it was not to draw a sword or a sword.

He raised his hand to his cheek and gently wiped the wound scratched by the gravel, wiping away the blood that oozed from it.

At this moment, his voice was filled with unshakable confidence.

"You can try."

Facing the final battle to realize the meaning of life, Sakura Wulan was already excited and excited.

But in order to perform the unique skill of Sakura Takeka swordsmanship, he still forcibly calmed down his mind.


He half-bent down and just held the handle of the knife, the blade began to scream with huge energy.

Now that Ying Wulan has become a severely infected person due to the dark blue source stone, the power of the sword drawing technique performed by him has been many times higher than that in the battle with Xiao Yunye that day.

The combination of man and sword surpasses the limits of swordsmanship in both speed and power.

However, until he prepared the starting position of drawing the sword, Xia Feng on the opposite side still didn't react at all, and just looked at him quietly with his bare hands.

"court death!"

Sakura Wulan, who thought she was being slighted, stared angrily.


His legs exerted force, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Xia Feng.


The moment Ying Wulan took action, another thick bolt of lightning struck from the sky, hitting the middle between the two of them.

The next second, Sakura Wulan's figure cut through the lightning, and the sharp Sakura knife was instantly forced into Xia Feng's throat.

The power of this sword seemed to be able to cut through everything.

But the moment he was cut off by lightning and lost his vision, Xia Feng's state had already changed.

The two figures were already close at hand.

Sakura Wulan saw it.

The only left eye on Xia Feng's cheek was burning with black flames.

At this moment, Sakura Wulan felt that the person looking at him was not a human being, but a demon from hell.

The next second, the blade of the Sakura Sword stopped abruptly, and the left hand filled with black mist held the knife firmly in the palm.

At the moment of shock, Xia Feng's right fist had already hit his face.


All the rubble around him was blown away, and a black shock wave exploded on the spot.

Blood surged from Ying Wulan's mouth, and her whole body was blasted out like a cannonball.

At this point, the seal of the Styx was completely broken, and the black power on the 31st day began to flow again.

With Xia Feng as the center, the surging Source Stone energy generated by the natural disaster merged into the body and transformed into a more destructive black force.

His left arm surrounded by black mist clenched his fist, and his left eye burning with black flames looked at Sakura Wulan who flew out with contempt.

Xia Feng's figure stood under the natural disaster.

"Sword God, that's it?"

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