Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1239 The inescapable restraint

That day, in the endless darkness, light appeared.

From Heixue's words, Xia Feng finally knew how to change the world.

Natural disasters, Origin Stones, infected people, the endless cycle of this desperate world are all controlled by the so-called "gods" in the deep sea.

What the God of the Deep Sea needs is to infect as many people as possible in the current era with this disease to form a gradually expanding energy cycle.

The divine power turns into crystals, and the crystals spread throughout the world through disasters. People in the world are infected with diseases due to the crystals. The infected people gradually transform into crystals, and finally turn into dust and return to the deep sea.

After listening to Yin Hui's words, the companions in the office were completely silent, and everyone had expressions of disbelief.

Wolf said with a trembling voice.

"Is this world really going to end? Then what was the purpose of everything we did before?"

Ifrit blinked with dull eyes.

"Will everyone die? Turtle will die, Helmer will die, and Seria will die too, right?"

Just when everyone was in a daze, Xia Feng's firm voice came.

"No, everything we have done so far is meaningful. This is the only way to the end!"

Xia Feng's eyes flashed with a strange look.

"In this desperate world, there are still things worth protecting. No one will die. If there is a price to pay for the so-called rebirth, then sacrificing one person is enough."

Xia Feng had never felt that the road under his feet would be so clear before. The existence of the traveler Huo Yu Xia Feng seemed to have finally found a consistent meaning.

Changing the world sounds ridiculous.

But this is the only thing he must do now. Even if we die together, sacrifice our souls, and give up everything, he must do it.

If he succeeds, there will be no more natural disasters and source stones in this world, and all the conflicts and hatred derived from this will disappear.

if he fails

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of déjà vu came to my mind.

No, he couldn't fail, absolutely not.

This world is so hopeless, but in the cruel reality, it is also so beautiful, just like these people who have gathered around him in the past three years.

Turtle, Ifrit, Brother ACE, Shuangyue, Shuangxing, Aguang, Meisha, Nanfeng, Weina and so on.

He was lucky. He came to this world as a mortal and accidentally inherited the black and white twins. He lived up to his mission as a time traveler.

Although the process was bumpy, he finally protected everything in sight.

Every face was extremely clear, and every memory was deeply impressive. He even thought that if he had not woken up from his deep sleep before, maybe this would be the most beautiful dream without regrets.

He didn't know why he had such a huge sense of accomplishment. It was obviously a mistake that led him to this point.

But in a daze, a certain thought seemed to tell him how precious everything in front of him was.

This level of preciousness has far exceeded the three years he experienced in the world of Terra.

So this time, he had to succeed.

The end of the Agor Sea is the last obstacle in Huo Yu Xia Feng's life path. He must overcome it without any room for error!

Even if he died together with the so-called God of the Deep Sea, he would not have any complaints.

After returning to Victoria, he found Captain Roger and obtained the sea map that represented hope.

On the empty and cold street, he handed the pinwheel into the hands of Turtle whose eyes were red from crying.

"Big Windmill, don't leave me behind. Wherever you are going this time, I will go with you."

Xia Feng stood in front of Guigui, stretched out his hand, and touched her little head.

"Take it, be obedient, and wait for me."

Turtle pursed his lips, holding back tears.

"You said that Black Feather has been disbanded. Where should I go to wait for you?"

As if he had already thought about it, Xia Feng said directly.

"Go to Kjerag, Silver Ash will protect you."

"No, I don't need protection, I can even protect you!"


"I don't!!!"

Looking at Guigui's face, Xia Feng showed a firm smile.

"Believe me, I will find you again."

The determination to die no longer meant anything to him.

His heart is peaceful, without any reluctance or hesitation. This is what he must do, because if he doesn't do it, no one in this world can do it.

Styx's home.

After a heated conversation, Xia Feng did not get any information that was helpful to him.

Looking at Styx's weak appearance as if he was about to die, he knew that no one could help him.


With a final farewell, he walked out of the room.

Just before he was about to step out the door, the erratic sound of the Styx came from behind.

"Xia Feng, in this world you have lived in, do you still have any regrets?"

Stopping, Xia Feng didn't look back.

But his voice was so firm that there was almost no hesitation.


Styx held the silver coin in his hand tightly.

"This time, if you really change the world, will you be satisfied and die without any regrets?"

At this moment, Xia Feng didn't know why Styx said "this time", but now, he no longer wanted to dwell on meaningless words.

Do you want to die without any regrets? The answer is of course yes.

In the past three years, he has accomplished everything he can do. Even if time were to start over again, he would still do the same if he had thousands of choices.

Turning around, he stood at the door and looked at the Styx firmly.


Along with his answer, a crisp warning came.


The silver coin that had been held in Styx's hand was bounced high into the air.

As if there was a strange magic power, Xia Feng's eyes were firmly locked on the trajectory of the coin, and he followed it up and down.

When I walked out of Styx's home, the heavy snow had stopped, but the sky was darker than before.

The snow-covered Hyakki Street was deserted in the evening, as if he was the only one left in the world.

At this moment, the sound of snow being trampled was heard in the distance.

"Hoo, ho, ho~"

Even though her cheeks were red, she was still running in his direction because she was eager to share the joy in her heart with her most beloved person.

"Xia Feng!"


Under Vina's golden hair, this joy is like a dream that has finally been realized after overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

Her voice was loud, almost roaring.

"Xia Feng, starting from today, I am no longer the king of Victoria. I have got rid of my responsibilities and my identity. Now, I have finally become an ordinary person!"

She stretched out her hand towards Xia Feng, tears of joy overflowing from her eyes. At this moment, she seemed to be the happiest woman in the world.

"Xia Feng, let's get married."

In that house just now, Styx asked him if he had any regrets in this world.

His answer was, no.

Yes, the way forward continues, and as long as he can defeat the thing in the deep sea, he has no regrets.

As long as he wins, there will be no more natural disasters, no more Origin Stones, no more discrimination, no more hatred in this world, and all longing dreams can come true.

Including his wedding to Vina.

Looking at Wei Na's expectant eyes, Xia Feng did not show any sadness, he said loudly and cheerfully.

"Vina, wait for me to come back!"




Something was wrong, it seemed like something had deviated from what I was thinking.

Northern Sami, Agor ruins, southwest coast.

Xia Feng wore a black coat and stared blankly at the east, which was the direction of Ursus.

Next to him, Nanfeng pulled out the saber from under his coat, pointing the blade straight at the end of the sea.

"Royal Knights!"


"Come aboard and let's all set off!"


Something seems wrong.

He originally wanted to challenge the so-called God of the Deep Sea alone, but in the end, he couldn't defeat Black Feather's companions.

Nanfeng summoned the ocean fleet composed of the Royal Knights. All companions were fully armed and fully prepared, even Vina came.

Yes, from an objective and rational perspective, such a powerful fleet does have a much greater chance of winning than him alone.

But for some reason, he just had an inexplicable feeling that made him uneasy.

Perhaps, everything in front of him was too precious and hard-won for him.

The fleet set off.

According to the map given by Captain Roger, they headed towards the deepest part of the Agor Sea.

The first island.

The second island.

The third island.

Until the fleet sailed out of the reef waters under heavy fog, they saw the fourth island.

There was [Dark Green]'s birth island, and countless terrifying monsters launched a siege on the fleet.

This battle resulted in heavy casualties. After paying the lives of countless soldiers and two ships, they finally sailed away from the island area.

On the deck, Xia Feng was a little distracted and let the sea breeze blow. The blood stains on his body from the battle just now had dried.

I don't know if it was a sequelae of using black power, but his brain began to feel dizzy again uncontrollably. The scenes in his eyes were bright and dark, and the sounds in his ears were louder and softer.

At this time, Wei Na's concerned voice came.

"Xia Feng, you look so bad, are you okay?"

Xia Feng shook his head gently.

"I'm fine. What about you, were you injured just now?"


"That's good."

Looking side by side at the sea, Vina stretched out her hand, intertwined her fingers, and held his hand tightly.

"Xia Feng, don't worry, we will definitely win."


"Of course, just like what we have experienced along the way, as long as we are together, no matter how powerful the enemy is in front of us, we can do it."

Wei Na was still speaking words of encouragement to ease the atmosphere, but in Xia Feng's ears, her voice gradually became blurred, became smaller, and faded away.

Xia Feng looked at the sea absentmindedly. Suddenly, an unprecedented sense of fear came over him, making his whole body tremble.

His pupils were constricted and his lips were pale as he trembled and murmured.


"Xia Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"no, do not want"

"Xia Feng?"

"don't want!"

Wei Na looked at Xia Feng in surprise, and felt even more at a loss when she felt the trembling palms of her beloved.

"Xia Feng, what's wrong with you? Is the mineral sickness attacking again? I'm going to call Hemo."


"Xia Feng, what's going on?"

Xia Feng stared and said intermittently.

"Withdraw, we withdraw"

At this moment, the scout's hurried report hit Xia Feng's soul like a bolt from the blue.

"Report, the fifth island is found ahead!"

Along with the scout's urgent report, the sound of wings flapping was heard very close to his ears.

"Plop, plop, plop!"

A dove fell from the sky and landed on Xia Feng's shoulder.

At this moment, Xia Feng felt that all the sounds in his ears disappeared.

He could no longer hear what Vina was saying to him, nor could he tell what the busy companions on the deck were shouting.

The calm sea surface began to become violent, and the sky turned dark for a moment.

Lower your head.

He found that the time on his bracelet had stopped.

Xia Feng's mouth was half-opened, and he stared at the bracelet that had stopped time inexplicably with a horrified expression.

His brain had lost the ability to think. At this moment, there was only a lingering sense of déjà vu in his heart that was so strong that he could hardly tell the truth from the false.




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