Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1240 Eternal Cage

He failed again.

Why do you say "again"?

Because he has remembered everything.

It turns out that this is not the first time he has come to this mysterious sea area, and the time on the bracelet has not stopped for the first time.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

It turns out that this was not the first time that Huoyu Xiafeng appeared on the streets of Chernobog in 1093. Whether it was Cross or Migru, he had been welcomed countless times.

But every time, after going through hardships and leaving regrets, he failed in the end.

He has witnessed the annihilation of the Black Wings countless times, and the world in his eyes has collapsed in front of him countless times.

Roars, screams, blood, every living life was shattered before his eyes. This sea swallowed up the painful memories he had repeated countless times.

This time, no less.

When the deep-sea monster protruding from the sea like a cow's hair rushed towards the fleet, Xia Feng's whole body's strength seemed to be drained, and he lost all thoughts of resistance.


The fleet suffered a violent collision, and the elite warriors of the Royal Knights fell into the sea and were torn into pieces in an instant.

The deck was in chaos, with Xia Feng standing alone in a daze.

He no longer knows what is right. No matter what he does, no matter how he starts over, the outcome is doomed.


The answer is nowhere to be found.

"Xia Feng!"

At this time, he heard Vina's struggling cry.

Raising his head in confusion, he saw Wei Na, who had just gone to organize the soldiers to fight, now running towards him from the other end of the deck.

The distance between the two gradually approached, and the two hands that loved each other seemed to hold each other together at the last moment.


There was another loud noise, and the No. 1 ship they were on was hit by a huge force from under the sea.

The figure of Vina running towards him disappeared, replaced by a strong sense of weightlessness and a fragmented picture.


Xia Feng fell into the sea, and the cold water drowned him instantly.

Failed, he failed again.

After countless reincarnations, we finally built three years without regrets. Why, the final outcome was far more tragic than before.

Why this time, even Vina...

Falling into the sea water, his body could not move, or in other words, there was no point in struggling at all.

Why, what went wrong, what is missing?

Could it be that there is no correct key to this cage?

As he gradually fell into the deep sea, Xia Feng no longer had the slightest desire to survive in his heart.

The painful memories that had been repeated endlessly for three years attacked his brain like a scourge. It was useless. Everything was useless. No matter what he did, the result was already destined.

He'd had enough, really, he couldn't hold on any longer.

A deep sense of powerlessness intertwined with countless painful memories, and finally converged into just one thought.

He is tired.

Under the overwhelming destructive power of the deep-sea monster, the entire fleet was destroyed in this mysterious sea.

When Skadi grabbed Xia Feng and dragged him out of the deep sea, he had lost consciousness.

The same, everything is the same, there is no escape, no change.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Feng opened his eyes on the beach, and there was deep despair in his pupils.

Skadi, who fell next to him, had lost his breath, and he was the only one who survived.


Lying flat on the sand of the Argore coast, the sky was gloomy.

This wry smile was the maximum emotional expression he could make at this moment.

"Plop, plop, plop!"

Xiaogu's pure white figure fell next to him again.


"Shut up."


"Shut up."

"Goooo, goooo!"

"I told you to shut the fuck up!"

I don't know where he got the strength from, but Xia Feng's ashen expression instantly turned ferocious. He turned over and grabbed Xiaogu.

Hysterical roars filled the sky.

"What exactly are you trying to tell me, not to give up? It's not over yet?"


Holding onto Xiaogu tightly, Xia Feng roared almost crazily with red eyes.

"What do you know about this pigeon? I have never given up, and then what? Repeat it over and over again, and the ending is the same every time. What else can I do! Is there anything I haven't tried yet! Ah! You Talk about it! It appears every time, and every time you can’t help at all, you just scream. Since you know everything, why don’t you do anything? I’ve had enough, go to hell! "

Waving his arms, he threw Xiao Gu into the sea.

"Plop, plop, plop!"

Little Gu finally regained his balance just before he fell into the sea water.

Its wings flapped violently and it flew into the sky.

On the last day of the Terra calendar year 1096, Xia Feng returned to Baigui Street again.

However, before entering Styx's house, he was greeted by Yi Nanxue's fist that seemed to kill him.

"Why did you want to kill Wei Na, Xia Feng, you overestimated, selfish and arrogant guy, why, why didn't you die earlier? It was obvious that you were already dead, why did you drag so many people with you before you died? die!"

Yi Nanxue has never been as angry as she is at this moment in her memory, or it could be said that Yi Nanxue is just using anger to cover up her despair.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Although her body seemed slender, her fists were not weak at all. Yi Nanxue used all her strength to push Xia Feng to the ground and beat her to the ground.

During the process, Xia Feng was like a vegetable. He didn't fight back, didn't speak, and didn't even make a muffled sound.

It wasn't until he was beaten to a bloody head, until Yi Nanxue's fists were all bruised, that this simple act of venting ended silently.

The sky is overcast and the wind is chilly.

When Yi Nanxue stood up tremblingly, the white coat on her body was stained with blood and dirt.

"Xia Feng, we will never have any friendship from now on. You'd better die tomorrow. Otherwise, I won't be able to help but kill you myself the next time I see you."

With desperate eyes as if she didn't want to look at Xia Feng anymore, leaving behind these heartless words, Yi Nanxue left Baigui Street alone.

It was very quiet in my ears, and the summer wind lay quietly on the snow-covered street.

All the bones in his body seemed to have been knocked out of place by Yi Nanxue, and almost no piece of flesh on his face was intact.

However, this kind of physical pain made him feel inexplicably relieved.

Yi Nanxue was still soft-hearted. If it had been him, I'm afraid the culprit in front of him would have been killed instantly.

Perhaps it would be best if people like him didn't exist.

Fortunately, Yi Nanxue didn't kill him by mistake.

Otherwise, the world would no longer be reset, and he would no longer be able to experience the endless pain alone.

After turning over with difficulty, Xia Feng used all his strength to crawl on the street. The only direction in his direction was Styx's home.

Blood foam overflowed from his mouth, and his voice was broken.

"Ha, ha, isn't it just a do-over? Yes, yes. If this ending can never be changed, then this world will never have a future."

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