Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1245 Golden Stone

Xia Feng once asked Lu Yu why humans named the ore containing mysterious energy "Source Stone".

Lu Yu’s answer is that the “source” of the Source Stone represents the origin.

The world's top scientific researchers almost unanimously agree that this is not the first time that the Origin Stone has appeared.

Perhaps, the birth of this planet is due to its gift.

There was no spring rain, no autumn cold. In this huge sky island radiated by the [Eternal Lighthouse], Xia Feng started his new life.

Because he had a lot of time, he began to systematically study the characters of the Red Asian United Nations, including all the basic knowledge.

The colleagues in the special research group are all top academics. If you randomly pick an assistant and throw it into the crowd, he is a professor-level existence. It is more than enough to teach him something.

In this way, Xia Feng began his study career. As for work, he also started with the simplest things.

After mastering the writing, he began to be responsible for organizing information and some miscellaneous scientific research matters.

It was during this ordinary but fulfilling process that he learned more and more about the world and the Red Asian Federation where he was located.

The so-called "United Nations" is not actually a "super United Nations". Of course, the United Nations of Red Asia is not the only international community in the world.

In the west and north of the world, there are also two powerful air alliances, namely the [Lanka Alliance] and the [Hades Alliance].

Among them, the [Hades Alliance] has the largest population and the largest control of resources, and the [Lanka Federation] has the most powerful military capabilities. As for the [Red Asia Federation], except for a small number of Sky Island Self-Defense Forces , no army is established at all.

Because the [Red Asia United Nations] has mastered the world's top science and technology, the hundreds of islands connected together form a super air battle group.

Of course, as of now, the Red Asian Federation has no idea of ​​aggression at all, because the living environment of this world is rapidly declining.

Both leaders and researchers have foreseen the inevitable demise.

However, just because you don’t want to fight, doesn’t mean everyone has the same idea as you.

Therefore, the Red Asian countries have never stopped researching and developing war weapons.

According to Xia Feng's understanding, the Red Asia Federation is currently carrying out four "great plans" at the same time. They are:

【Origin Stone Removal Plan】

【Outer Space Immigration Plan】

【Magic Weapon Plan】

【Golden Stone Project】

1. Source Stone removal plan.

As the name suggests, the goal of this plan is to completely eliminate the source stones that are breeding crazily in the world, so that this stone that makes the world rise and also leads to destruction can be completely eliminated.

Because only in this way can people return to the earth and enjoy the real sunshine and rain again.

Only when the living space becomes larger and the population has dropped sharply to a very dangerous level can it return to its peak.

This is a great and selfless plan, sacrificing development capital in exchange for a healthier living environment for future generations of the race. This is the great cause of justice.

At the same time, the results of the Originium removal plan have begun to take shape. After decades of research, the Red Asia Federation has formulated a new type of ore that has almost the same breeding characteristics as Originium, but is completely incompatible with it.

Just like a herbicide, it can theoretically effectively prevent the growth and spread of Source Stone. This new type of ore is blue, and its tentative name is Blue Stone.

However, this plan is still in the theoretical experimental stage.

Since there is selflessness in this world, there must be selfishness. Not surprisingly, this plan has been strongly resisted by the other two coalition countries.

They even did not hesitate to invoke war to force the Red Asian Federation to stop this plan.

2. Outer space immigration plan.

The significance of this plan is almost equivalent to the replacement after the failure of the [Origin Stone Clearance Plan], and the goal is also easy to understand.

As the number of Origin Stones growing on the earth increases, sooner or later, the last living space will be squeezed out and disappear. At that time, humans will need a new place to live.

The current space technology is not enough to realize large-scale outer space immigration. This is a long process, and the difficulty is almost equivalent to creating a "new world" with bare hands.

Of course, although it was difficult, the Red Asian United Nations never gave up.

Because this is the last insurance for human survival.

Three, the magic weapon plan.

Compared with the first two plans, the purpose of this plan is not that great. If the former is the eyes looking into the future, then the latter is the butcher's knife in the hand.

Since the dawn of civilization, so-called beliefs have never been unified. Disagreement is the normal state of human nature.

From an objective perspective, it is difficult for you to say 100% which idea is right and which idea is wrong.

For example, some people think that there is no need for technology. In addition to the most basic medical care, everyone cultivates the land and weaves cloth, lives a primitive life, cares for the environment, and follows the laws of nature. Only in this way can the planet go further.

At the same time, some people believe that humans are the masters of the world, and technology is the capital for the continuation of civilization. When technology is powerful enough, it can even formulate new natural rules, such as the eternal lighthouse at this moment.

Idealism, materialism, religious cognition, scientific belief, everyone is subjectively insisting that their own ideas are the most correct. People with the same ideas have formed one group after another, and finally a country.

Of course, diversified philosophical concepts are benign as long as they do not invade each other and do not cause serious conflicts.

However, if it involves the most fundamental matter of life and death, all truth ceases to exist.

The ultimate goal of the [Magic Weapon Project] is to completely eliminate the existence of "differences" when this day comes, because there is no need for diverse meanings in the gap between life and death.

If there is, make it go away before it causes serious consequences.

According to colleagues in the research team responsible for the [Magic Weapon Project], Xia Feng learned that the current project team is working hard to develop a super weapon that subverts common sense, tentatively named "Mechanical Life Form".

This is also the reason why the Red Asian Alliance acted so calmly after learning that he was the successor of the [Black and White Twins], and never even thought about using the power of the ancient stone for war.

Putting aside the ethereal form of power, they believe in clear data. In the Divine Weapon Project, if the final experimental body is successfully released, it will surpass all war weapons.

To describe it in a simple and crude sentence.

Loaded with dozens of weapons and integrating the technology of this era, the "ultimate weapon of mankind" can attack the whole world within an hour.

Once the [Magic Weapon Plan] is completed, the Red Asia Federation will completely have the right to speak in the world, and no one will dare to oppose the [Origin Stone Clearance Plan].

As for the key to the success of the Divine Weapon Plan, it all depends on the fourth plan, the [Golden Stone Plan].

Because the golden stone is the irreplaceable energy source of the "magic weapon".

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