Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1246 Divine Weapon

Focusing on the four great plans, Xia Feng continued to live in the Red Asian Federation as a researcher.

At first, he didn't feel too strongly about it, because without memory, he could only let nature take its course and take things as they came.

But as time went by, he gradually gained new memories, and as a citizen of the Red Asian Federation, he began to put his own position into it.

What follows is a strong sense of crisis and the preciousness of time.

This kind of life lasted for five full years.

Red AD 2725.

The [Origin Stone Removal Plan] led by the Red Asia Federation completed its first surface experiment, and the results were efficient and remarkable.

At the same time, this information was also captured by the [Hades Alliance].

After many warnings, the [Hades Alliance] dispatched a super battle group with the Amagi-class sky battleship as the core, attempting to use force as a final deterrent and force the [Red Asia Federation] to stop the plan with a tough attitude .

Over the past few years, the Red Asia Federation has been committed to scientific and technological research and development. In the face of multiple warnings and threats from the other two major federations, it almost always ended in negotiation-based compromises.

But this time, things are slightly different.

Faced with the tough attitude of the Hades Alliance, the Red Asia Federation officials did not provide any explanation, and the diplomats only responded with one sentence.

"From this moment on, we will destroy all armed warships that enter the airspace of the Red Asian Federation without permission without distinction."

This response is like a kid in school who has been bullied by bad students for a whole semester. One day he suddenly rolls up his sleeves and declares that I want to be the leader of the school.

In this regard, the Hades Alliance was of course fearless and ignored the warning and directly launched the battle group into the airspace of the Red Asia Federation.

That's the attitude I want to express.

"What if I just drove over here? If I don't take action, you still dare to hit me?"

[Red Asia United Nations] Do you dare to use force to attack other countries' warships that violate regulations and enter the airspace? If it were three years ago, the answer would be no.

Over the past few years, the Red Asian Federation has sacrificed the expense of building an army in order to focus all its limited resources on research and development. Except for the most basic Air Island Self-Defense Force, there is no regular army at all.

And the Hades Alliance knew exactly this and dared to make such a blatant cry.

But at this moment, they ignored one thing.

For the Red Asian United Nations, which has been "working behind closed doors" for several years, the absence of a large number of regular troops does not mean that it cannot win the war.

When the meaning of "weapon" undergoes a qualitative change, a "person" can become an army.

On that day, after completing all simulation tests, the No. 66 mechanical life form of the [Magic Weapon Project] participated in the first "actual training" since its birth.

In the remote main control room, more than a dozen researchers monitored various values ​​of the experimental object in real time.

"The ion shield is charged normally, the light blade expands and contracts normally, the nuclear cannon, the atomic laser ray, the high-temperature fusion energy are good, the golden stone energy supply frequency is 0.0007 milliseconds, and the mechanical life form has clear independent judgment and consciousness."

Staring at the real-time data on the screen, the person in charge of the Divine Weapon Project said in a deep voice.

"Issue the annihilation mission, then issue the cut-off command, and leave all the rest to the mechanical lifeforms to fight independently."

Faced with this request, the researcher showed hesitation.

"Isn't this too risky? After all, this is the first actual combat."

"Self-judgment on the battlefield is the true value of mechanical life forms. Otherwise, a simple mechanical life form is enough. It doesn't matter. I believe that our hard work has created the ultimate weapon for mankind."


The [Magic Weapon Project] has not been fully completed. The No. 66 mechanical life form sent in this battle is still an "experimental body" and not a real finished product.

Through this actual combat, the research team needs to collect enough data to provide the most complete technical support for the final No. 67 mechanical life form.

That day, the main battleship heavily protected by the Hades Alliance was penetrated by a red light falling from the sky.


There was no warning, no opportunity to initiate any interception, and even the radar did not capture the enemy attack. The huge sky battleship was cut into two pieces by a small light spot.

This little light spot is not a missile or a laser cannon, it is just a "person".

Mechanical life form No. 66 lived up to expectations, showing dominant combat capabilities in the chaotic air battle.

Powered by golden stones, the body loaded with dozens of weapons is so fast that it is difficult for any tracking missile to catch it. Even if it is hit from the front, the powerful ion shield can offset most of the damage. The indestructible body can even directly attack warships. Impact.

Supported by the huge energy of the golden stone, the mechanical life form has completely overwhelmed the world's existing war weapons in terms of speed, toughness, sensitivity, and destructive power.

Just like its name, this existence seems to be a "weapon" used by gods to punish evildoers.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

There were countless explosions in the sky, and a red light spot came and went freely in the formation of the battle group.

With every dive, the battleship passed by would instantly disintegrate.

Neither the "Magic Weapon" nor the golden stone that provides energy for the "Magic Weapon" has been officially completed at this moment.

But just the power displayed by the experimental product is already unparalleled.

In less than 20 minutes, the Hades Alliance's air battle group consisting of hundreds of warships was completely destroyed.

That's right, the Red Asian Federation, which upholds the concept of peace, finally chose to use war to end the war, because there was not much time left for mankind.

Hongya United Nations No. 1 Sky Island.

Xia Feng sat in the laboratory of the special research team and witnessed the combat process of the "magic soldiers" through real-time remote monitoring images.

In the past five years, although his ability was not enough to participate in the [Magic Weapon Project], he still had some understanding of the plan, and the overwhelming combat power displayed at this moment was completely within expectations.

But for some reason, sitting in front of the screen in the laboratory, a strange thought appeared in Xia Feng's mind.

Looking at the Hades battle group that exploded like fireworks on the screen and fell in the sky, he murmured to himself in a trance.

"If you have this kind of weapon, you should be able to go wherever you want."

After hearing his words, the colleague next to him spoke up.

"Lao Xia, what are you mumbling about? Where do you want to go?"

Xia Feng came back to his senses and felt that his thoughts were a bit baffling.

"I don't know what I'm talking about either."

Five years later, he still couldn't recall any memories, including why he appeared on the ground covered with Origin Stone bushes at that time.

However, today's work and life have gradually made him give up the pursuit of this answer.

Just like scientific research, some things are destined to remain unanswered.

Just like that, without any accident, the super battleship group of the Hades Alliance was easily destroyed by the mechanical life form No. 66 with one person.

This battle can be regarded as quelling the obstacles of the Red Asia Federation in the [Origin Stone Removal Plan] in a short period of time.

After watching the video, Xia Feng turned off the screen, leaned on the chair and gently closed his eyes.

He raised his finger and printed his fingerprint on the sensor next to the location. The next second, a mechanical electronic sound came.

"Permission identification successful, number C6324, Section Member Xia Feng, may I need anything?"

"A cup of coffee without sugar."

"OK, just a second."

After a while, the metal door of the laboratory opened automatically, and a small robot carried a cup of steaming coffee to Xia Feng's side.

Picking up the cup, he took a sip, then opened the screen and switched to the project he was responsible for.

At this time, the colleague sitting next to Xia Feng was named Zhang Jin. Seeing that his mood was not right, Zhang Jin spoke up again.

"Lao Xia, what's wrong? You seem depressed."

"I'm fine."

"Hey, did you...remember something? I mean your lost memory."

Xia Feng stared at the screen and denied softly.

"No, I still can't remember anything about what happened before coming to Sky Island."

Zhang Jin, who had a round face and was slightly chubby, stretched out his waist and smiled deliberately to adjust the atmosphere.

"It doesn't matter. It's a good thing that you can't remember it. Anyway, you are living well now. It is estimated that after the completion of this project, you will be promoted to a level 2 staff member."

"Oh, I don't care."

After checking the time, the colleague nuzzled at Xia Feng.

"Hey, Lao Xia, Dr. Precious issued a notice yesterday, saying that the progress of recent projects of each group can be slowed down and fully cooperate with the final stages of the Divine Weapon Project and the Golden Stone Project."

Putting down the coffee, Xia Feng clenched his chin expressionlessly.

"Why are you talking about this? Our special team doesn't need to participate anyway."

Zhang Jin smiled.

"That's the point. Since we don't need to participate and the progress can be slowed down, doesn't it prove that we can give ourselves a holiday? Hey, how about Lao Xia, let's go have a drink tonight."

Xia Feng still stared at the screen with his chin clenched.

"Not interested."

Next to him, Zhang Jin stood up from his seat, walked up to him, playfully poked his arm, and it was obvious that the two of them had a good relationship.

"Lao Xia, don't be such a spoiler. It's a rare opportunity to relax. Listen to me. I'll call Lu Yu and Li Minghe later. We old partners won't come home until we get drunk tonight!"

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