After rushing out of Richie's villa, Xia Feng reached out and grabbed the door of the jeep.


The heavy metal car door was torn off by him, startling A Guang who was listening to music inside.

"Brother Fengfeng, what's wrong!"

Xia Feng threw away the car door and quickly got into the passenger seat.

"Go back to Black Feather BBQ Restaurant as fast as possible. Quick."

Xia Feng's tone could not be rejected. This was the first time A Guang saw Xia Feng showing such an expression.

"I understand, Brother Feng, sit tight."

Although he didn't know what happened specifically, Aguang had already realized the seriousness of the matter. He stepped on the accelerator and the jeep, which was missing a door, jumped out like a wild dog.

On the way back, Xia Feng clenched his fists and his chest rose and fell greatly.

He just felt that his mind was blank now. Although Brother ACE just said on the phone that Guigui had fainted, this piece of information alone made him unable to help but think of countless possibilities.

No matter how much energy it took to replace Simon, no matter how important the plan to obtain light manganese ore was, he knew exactly what he wanted.

What Reddy said was right, but it was the other way around. Everything became insignificant in front of his real treasure.

He may not be the boss of the East District, he may not want light manganese ore, and he may not even be able to help Wei Na when that huge incident occurs, but he cannot let anything happen to Turtle.

Maybe he is not a qualified leader or an excellent ruler, but these are his exclusive values. In the eyes of the world, those wealth that can be obtained at the expense of anyone is just a tool to complete his mission, and in the eyes of the world, those wealth The emotions and bonds that can be trampled on at will are worth more than anything else in his heart.

Forcibly suppressing the black power that became extremely manic due to emotional stimulation, Xia Feng took a deep breath. Now he must calm down.

He didn't know what happened to Turtle. It might be caused by his own reasons, or it might be man-made.

If it was the latter, he couldn't imagine what he would do.

A Guang, who was driving next to him, was shaking with his hands holding the steering wheel. At this moment, he felt that the person sitting next to him was not a person, but a bottomless black hole, the will of which seemed to be able to swallow everything.

Along the way, the Jeep ignored all the red lights and had a collision with several cars. Fortunately, Aguang's driving skills were not bad and he was not unable to move forward due to a traffic accident.

In just ten minutes, the jeep appeared on Street 4, District B, Kilt.

The signboard of Black Feather Grill can already be seen in sight.

Xia Feng jumped out of the high-speed jeep. Due to the inertia of the forward motion, his feet dragged out a trace on the road like an excavator.

As soon as he stood firm, Xia Feng immediately took steps and rushed into the headquarters.

At this time, Brother ACE was standing at the door with a solemn expression. When he saw Xia Feng coming back, he immediately went to greet him.

"You are finally back!"

"Where's the turtle?"

"Right inside."

Not caring about asking other questions, Xia Feng immediately rushed into the lobby of the barbecue restaurant.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Turtle lying on the sofa with her eyes closed. Her face was flushed and she looked like she had a fever. Perhaps it was because of physical pain. Her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

Ifrit was half-kneeling in front of the sofa and holding Turtle's little hand, while Nancy stood beside him helplessly holding a wet towel.

Seeing Xia Feng, Ifrit raised her head and said aggrievedly.

"YoYo, I didn't take good care of Turtle."

"Don't tell me this."

Xia Feng quickly leaned down and touched Turtle's head.

It was very hot, and he did have a fever, but it was definitely not a cold. Even when Turtle walked alone in the ice and snow of Ursus, he had no problems.

Xia Feng is not a doctor. He has no idea what's wrong with Guigui. Just guessing is not the way to solve the problem. He must have professionals deal with it.

But just like Brother ACE said on the phone just now, Guigui does not have a legal residence permit for infected people. Although Hapi City does not exclude infected people, the premise is that they must comply with relevant procedures. If you don’t have any identity, let alone be infected. Otherwise, even healthy ordinary people will be arrested as criminals.

He didn't know what would happen if he took Turtle to the hospital. Although he had now become the boss of the East District, in the final analysis, he had no experience in this area.

There was no time to hesitate. If you didn't understand, you had to find someone who understood. Xia Feng quickly took out his phone and dialed Aijie's number.

The phone was quickly connected and Ajie's voice came.

"Brother Feng, what are your instructions?"

Xia Feng forced himself to calm down and asked in a deep voice.

"Aijie, I want to ask you a question now. If I get sick and need to see a doctor, but I don't have any identification, what should I do?"

"What? Brother Feng, did you fight with someone else? Where are you? I'll take them there now."

"It's not me, it's a friend of mine."

"Oh, that's it. It might be a little difficult to deal with without an identity, but it's not completely impossible. What disease does your friend have? Our chamber of commerce has some connections with the hospital. Let's see if we can find the right doctor."

Xia Feng glanced at Turtle lying on the sofa.

"I'm not sure what the disease is now. Oh, by the way, she is infected."

Having said this, Xia Feng was suddenly stunned.

He quickly stretched out his hand to open Guigui's eyelids, and then his whole expression tightened.

Turtle's white eyeballs were now filled with red bloodshot eyes. Xia Feng gently opened her mouth and saw obvious traces of bright red inside her mouth, which was a sign of internal bleeding.

Seeing this familiar symptom, three words appeared in Xia Feng's mind.

Ore disease.

Turtle is an infected person. This is something he already knows. As a mildly infected person, Turtle cannot see much difference from normal people. This makes Xia Feng subconsciously ignore one point. After all, infected people is infected.

Now he can probably be sure that this should be the onset of Turtle's ore disease!

Aijie's voice came immediately over the phone.

"Brother Feng, what are you talking about? Is your friend an infected person?"

Xia Feng held the phone tightly.

"Can the doctors in Happy City treat oriosis?"

"Huh? Ore sickness? This... I'm afraid it's possible."

"Can't it be dealt with? Doesn't such a big city have professional doctors to suppress oriosis? Doesn't Hapi City have privileges for infected people?"

Hearing the obvious anxiety in Xia Feng's voice, Aijie immediately explained.

"Brother Feng, please calm down first. I can't lie to you. I have to tell you the truth. The hospital in Hapi City does not have a doctor to treat ore disease. The reason is that if you think about it carefully, in fact, the infected people..."

"Stop talking, I understand."

No need for Aijie to say, Xia Feng immediately figured out that mineral disease is different from ordinary diseases. The biggest difference is that no matter how superb the technique is, no matter how advanced the medical equipment is, it cannot be completely cured.

In a place like Hapi City, if a huge medical department is built just to suppress the disease, it will cost a huge amount of money, not to mention that the point is that it cannot be cured at all.

Depending on the severity of the infection, all infected people will have an attack of oriosis, which is random.

The so-called professional treatment only relieves pain and exerts a slight degree of suppression. Unless it has medical technology like Rheinland Life and Rhode Island in the future, it will not have any substantial effect at all.

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