At this moment, Xia Feng finally experienced firsthand the feeling of powerlessness felt by Wei Na and Brother ACE towards their companions. This is the horror and despair of ore disease.

And this is just the beginning. Turtle, Ifrit, Helmer, and many operators he knows well, including himself, will leave this world in despair one day.

Aijie's voice on the phone interrupted Xia Feng's thoughts.

"Brother Feng, don't worry. There will always be a way. Wherever you are now, I'll come find you."

After hearing Aijie's words, Xia Feng immediately sobered up a lot. Yes, it's not the end of the road yet. The situation is that the dead are still alive, and there will always be a way.

Xia Feng then told Aijie Heiyu's address. Now he was no longer worried about exposing anything. Although they didn't have much interaction before, he still trusted Aijie.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng took the wet towel from Nancy's hand and put it on Turtle's forehead, thinking quickly in his mind.

Turtle's infection level is not high, and he should not die directly. However, he knows that if no timely suppression measures are taken when the ore disease attacks, the infected person will suffer a lot of pain. Even if he survives, the infection will further progress. deepen.

So he can't wait here for the turtle to recover on its own. He can think of several ways now.

The first is to leave Hapi City with Turtle and go to a nearby large city to seek suppressive treatment.

The second is to directly find a way to get in touch with the Victoria royal family. This world power must have an institution for research on ore disease, but this method is too difficult to operate. No one is familiar with it and has no clue.

As for the third type.

Xia Feng took out the phone and dialed his second uncle's number, and soon learned another number from his second uncle.

Yes, this is the number that Hemer called Hurd before.

At this moment, Xia Feng has never missed Hemo so much. Recalling the years he spent in Rhineland, Hemo was like the Ming Dynasty, knowing his physical condition well, and he didn't need to think about anything, just press Hemo Just do what you asked for.

It would be great if Hemmer was here now.

Xia Feng quickly dialed Hemo's phone number.


As expected, this number has been blocked. Perhaps because she is afraid that Rhine Life will trace something, Hemo will definitely not use this number again, and she will not have any contact with Xia Feng in a short period of time.

Ten minutes later, Aijie and more than 20 boys rushed to the address Xia Feng told him on the phone.

Xia Feng sat on the corner of the sofa with his head lowered. Hearing the sound, he raised his head and glanced at him.

Seeing these people in the house and Turtle unconscious on the sofa, Aijie immediately understood the current situation.

"Brother Feng, are you sure it's ore disease?"

"should be."

Although Xia Feng is not 100% sure, he is basically inseparable. In this case, it would be a waste of time to force him to the hospital.

Ajie thought for a moment and said immediately.

"There are also infected people among my brothers. I understand that the doctors in the hospital can treat common illnesses, but they can't do anything about ori disease. My brothers basically endure the ori disease and wait for it to resolve on its own. "

Ajie is not an infected person, but it is not surprising that one of his younger brothers is infected. The profession of a gangster inherently represents danger, which is perfect for an infected person who believes that life is no longer precious.

Xia Feng had a gloomy face.

"But I can't wait for my friend to recover on her own. She saved my life and is a more important person than me. I can't."

Speaking of this, Aijie suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Huh? By the way, this is the Guilt neighborhood!"

Brother ACE next to him said immediately.

"That's right, this is the Guilt neighborhood. What did you think of? Tell me!"

"I remember there was a private clinic in District C of Kilt. Although I haven't been there personally, it is known that people living in District C are infected people. It might be possible to open a clinic in a place like that."

A Guang, who was standing at the door, slapped his thigh.

"Yes, I also remembered it. I usually don't dare to go to Area C, which is full of infected people, to collect protection fees, but I have heard about that treasure house."

Xia Feng's eyes lit up, as if he saw a glimmer of light.

Yes, formal professional channels will definitely not work in this case. This is just like the strange disease that made all the palace doctors shake their heads in ancient times. No matter how much money is spent, it cannot be cured, but when the patient's family falls into despair , but this disease was cured by a passing charlatan.

Although it is difficult for a small clinic to have many talents, as the saying goes, you should seek medical treatment when you are sick, so Xia Feng must give it a try.

Xia Feng stood up from the sofa and immediately gave instructions to Aguang and Aijie.

"Go and bring me the doctor from that clinic. No matter what method you use, I want him to appear in front of me immediately!"


To be honest, his mind is still a little confused now. He can't be sure whether the doctor in that small clinic can help him. If not, he needs to consider the next plan immediately, so he can't do Tai Chi with that kind of small doctor. If he can cure it, he can cure it. , can’t, just can’t.

After noticing the noise outside, the neighbors at the end of the street also came out of their homes one by one. They were also surprised to see a large group of vicious gang members surrounding the entrance of the barbecue restaurant.

Xia Feng was in no mood to answer or explain. He simply ignored the neighbors who were gradually coming to the door to watch, and sat on the sofa with a sullen face.

In just 10 minutes, a strange middle-aged man walked in, being carried by Aguang and Aijie.

Xia Feng obviously didn't recognize this man, but what surprised him was that this man's race turned out to be Ursus. He wore glasses, a brown shirt and trousers, and he also held a large medical kit in his hand. .

Although he was being held up by two people, his expression was surprisingly calm.

At this time, Xia Feng no longer cared about anything except Gui Gui. Looking at the so-called doctor, he pointed at Gui Gui and said quickly.

"This is the patient. It should be an attack of mineral disease. Check it out immediately to see if it can be cured."

Xia Feng's tone did not allow for rejection. Although he was brought over before he could figure out the situation, the doctor immediately walked over to Gui Gui and leaned down to examine him.

He put on a mask, took out some small instruments from the medical kit, took out a thin needle, and took a blood sample from Turtle's finger.

His technique looked very professional. Unlike regular hospitals, he did not have any large-scale equipment to check the blood. He just added several unknown liquids for observation. Then, he stretched out his hand to check the turtle's pupils and mouth. nose.

Soon, his examination was over.

"This little girl is indeed suffering from oripathy."

Xia Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Do you know how to treat this?"

"I know."

Xia Feng turned around and shouted to A Guang.

"Take out all the money!"

Soon, Aguang put the more than 1 million he received from the East District in the morning on the coffee table.

Xia Feng didn't even count. After putting the money away, he took a machete from a younger brother and slapped it on the coffee table with the money.

Staring at the doctor closely, Xia Feng spoke word by word.

"I don't want to hear perfunctory, if you can suppress her ore disease, the money is prepared for you, but if you can't and waste my time, then this knife is prepared for you."

To be honest, this method seems a bit old-fashioned, but Xia Feng must do it at this moment.

He didn't want the doctor to be perfunctory and then tell him that there was nothing he could do after working blindly for a while. At the same time, he also wanted to prevent him from saying that he couldn't cure the problem even though he was afraid.

However, what the doctor said next was beyond his expectation.

The doctor took off his mask, glanced at the money and knife on the coffee table, and then replied expressionlessly.

"Even without money and a knife, my answer will not change. I know how to suppress ore disease, but I can't do it now."

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