"I know how to suppress the treatment, but I can't do it now."

Just listening to the second half of this sentence, it is obvious that the money is less. This is like a social worker who refuses to work overtime. I can work overtime, but I don't.

But someone added another sentence before. "Even without the money and the knife, my answer wouldn't change at all."

Looking at it this way, it's not about money anymore.

Looking at the doctor's indifferent expression, Xia Feng also knew that his threatening tactics were a bit clumsy, but he had no choice. As long as he could save Guigui, he was willing to do anything, even if it was something he was not good at.

"What do you mean? Is it racist?"

This doctor was from Ursus, which made Xia Feng couldn't help but think of this.

The doctor smiled softly.

"You may have misunderstood. In my eyes, people are not divided into races. The characteristics of each race are just information about my treatment of patients, and have no other meanings."

From the beginning to the end, this doctor behaved very calmly. Even though there were vicious gang members around him, and even though there was a bright machete on the coffee table, he still did not panic. At the same time, there was a trace of seriousness and seriousness in his eyes.

For some reason, looking at the doctor's condition, Xia Feng suddenly had a special feeling. This feeling seemed familiar, as if seeing him would give people a reliable sense of security.

This forced Xia Feng to think carefully about the meaning of the doctor's words.

According to his understanding, there are several ways to suppress oriosis.

The first is surgical treatment. This method is an emergency measure to control the rapid spread of Originium substances in the body due to a long period of no treatment. Just like when he was first transported to Rhine Life from Ursus, Hemer used The same operation was performed on him for two days and two nights. After that, his oriopathy became stable.

The second type is drugs. There are two types of drug suppression, namely injection and oral administration. He has experienced both of them in his life in Rhineland. He does not know the specific ingredients of the drug. He thinks it should be a very complicated and precious thing.

The third type is external suppression. Later, Hemer explained to him that the ring he and Turtle wore around their necks at that time had the function of suppressing ore disease. The principle was to use some rare ores and special radiation microwaves to destroy the Source Stone in the body. If you want to describe the impact of the substance, it is a bit like a filter. However, the service life of this kind of thing is extremely short and requires professional maintenance every two or three days. Moreover, this kind of thing can easily reveal the identity of the infected person to the outside world. So Hemo didn't let Xia Feng bring out this kind of ring at that time.

The above three methods are the methods that Xia Feng currently knows to suppress ore disease. Obviously, the first and third methods are not realistic in the current situation, so there is only the last one left, drug suppression.

Guigui on the sofa frowned, her eyes still closed, as if she subconsciously sensed someone around her, and she murmured in her mouth.


Xia Feng immediately held her little hand.

"Turtle, I'm here."

It was obvious that Turtle had not woken up. The symptoms of ore disease were still tormenting her organs, causing her to fall into a state of semi-shock.

Xia Feng pursed his lips tightly. To be honest, this situation was more uncomfortable than suffering himself.

Standing up, he put his hands on the doctor's shoulders, the threat in his voice turning into a plea.

"Doctor, are you really helpless? I'm pretty capable. Just tell me what you need, and I'll do my best to help you get it done. Whether it's blood, organs, or some kind of medicine, as long as you You can tell."

The doctor sighed softly.

"If it had been a month ago, I would have definitely been able to suppress this little sister's mineral sickness."

After hearing his words, Xia Feng asked immediately.

"Why, don't you have any medicine now?"


The doctor looked into Xia Feng's eyes, with a hint of helplessness and regret in his tone.

"I only have analgesics now, and the ingredients for injections to suppress mineral sickness are very complex, and they need to be prepared immediately, which means that each drug must be injected into the patient within 12 hours after preparation, otherwise the drug will It will fail.”

Hearing this, Xia Feng instantly understood. Not all infected people in the world are paupers. There are even big men like Ogur and Black Steel among them. However, there is no drug to suppress the ori disease, whether on the market or in the black market. , and here’s why.

It turns out that drugs to suppress ore disease need to be prepared immediately and cannot be stored, which explains why some powerful armed organizations have their own dedicated medical teams.

The doctor continued.

"Drugs need to be prepared immediately, and it does not just require the formula and various drugs required. The preparation process is very complicated, which requires professionals in the field of mineral disease to operate. Otherwise, even if the dosage and ingredients are consistent, effective medicine cannot be prepared. drug."

After hearing this, Xia Feng asked immediately.

"Don't you only know the recipe but don't know how to prepare it yourself?"

"No, I can prepare it."

"Then why?"

"In fact, my clinic has been unable to suppress patients' mineral sickness for a month because I currently lack two very rare ingredients."

As expected, this is similar to what Xia Feng had just thought. It's not that the doctor doesn't know how to do it, it's that it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Xia Feng clenched his fists.

"Doctor, what are those two drugs you need, and where can you get them?"

He has made up his mind, no matter what it is, whether it is a sword, a mountain of fire, a life-stealing or an open robbery, he must get it.

However, the doctor's answer made him feel helpless.

"Unfortunately, Victoria has neither of these things."


"Unfortunately, one of these two substances is an active ore that can only be found in the reefs of the distant sea. In the medical field, we call it [blue stone]. The other is only spread in the field of high-end warlocks, but it is also relatively rare. The element is called [gold], these two are indispensable for the preparation of inhibitors and cannot be replaced by other drugs."

Xia Feng looked at the doctor blankly.

"Doctor, do you know where I can get these two things?"

"Sorry, I don't know."

"Then where did the ones you used before come from?"

"It was delivered to me from Ursus through some special channels, but the channels through which it was obtained were cut off a long time ago."

Xia Feng was completely stunned.

There is no doubt that he has never heard of these two things: blue stone and gold. If he has to find a place that has both of these two medicines, then in his impression there is only Rhine Life. Could it be that he is now Do you want to swim back to Colombia and rush into Rhine Life's laboratory to rob it?

This is obviously unrealistic. The things involved will lead to the result hundreds of thousands of miles away, and even if he succeeds, it will not happen for many days.

Xia Feng stood there in a daze, a cold feeling running through his body from his heart. This was an unspeakable, deep feeling of powerlessness.

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