【King's Staff】

This name reminded Xia Feng of something. He had seen a few words briefly mentioned by Tianhuo in the information on Arknights.

[Yes, I am very strong, but the combined strength of the five of us cannot even be measured in words. 】

Tianhuo herself has absolute confidence in the strength of the "King's Staff", and she made it clear that if Rhode Island does not grow, it will become a hindrance to the "King's Staff".

Although this statement is somewhat arrogant and exaggerated, apart from Rhode Island's strength, Rhode Island has more than 100 operators, while King's Staff only has five people.

At this point, Xia Feng realized that this issue was not unrelated to him. Tianhuo was a member of the "King's Staff", the core organization of [Foxtail], and the "King's Staff" was in Victoria.

Paddy is a warm-hearted person. It stands to reason that Xia Feng and him have never met before. He doesn't have to care who a new student messes with. Most people just like to watch the show, but Paddy reminded him out of good intentions.

"Classmate Xia Feng, I am not being alarmist. You must not come into contact with Senior Sister Tianhuo. Believe me, even the words "King's Staff" are best not mentioned in the academy."

Xia Feng smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I understand, thank you, we will be classmates from now on, just call me Xia Feng."

"Oh, Xia Feng."

After saying goodbye to Paddy, Xia Feng and others left the Origin Stone School District.

Nanfeng said carelessly.

"Xia Feng, that Foxtail seems to be behind something. He might be selling Origin Stones. Do you want me to lead someone to arrest their boss?"

Xia Feng turned her head to look at him as she walked.

"Have you ever heard of Foxtail?"

"I heard Fredo mention it before, but I don't know much about it."

"What about the King's Staff?"

"I've never heard of this."

Seeing that Xia Feng stopped talking, Nan Feng asked.

"What should we do? Do you want me to go back and make arrangements?"

"No need, don't worry about it."

Xia Feng now has no idea what the organization [Foxtail] does. They are not a gang or a consortium, they are an organization not for profit.

If it's the army, he can find a win-win solution with the commander. If it's a gang like Yi Nanxue, he can exchange benefits, including lone wolves like Red Knife and Lapland. You can also invite them to join with sincerity and advance and retreat together like a family.

However, the situation of [Foxtail] is different from those mentioned above. Xia Feng has a hunch that this is an existence that has transcended the normal framework. Three years later, the King's Staff even has the power to suppress the integration movement. The reason for the hostility is not a conflict of positions, but simply the accidental death of a pet.

Obviously, the Victorian royal family has acquiesced in the existence of the King's Staff, or maintained a subtle relationship with the royal rule.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng couldn't help but feel that maybe the existence that General Grissom mentioned that he couldn't afford to offend included the King's Staff.

Therefore, no matter what considerations he had, he should not take the initiative to contact this mysterious and powerful group at this time.

Unless things develop to the point where contact is necessary.

After the two Xia Feng registered in the school district, he became familiar with it, and he had no interest in visiting it.

After returning to the dormitory, Xia Feng couldn't help but make a call to Wei Na.

"Vina, are you busy now?"

Vina's voice was unhurried.

"It's okay. Have you arrived at the Royal Academy?"


"How's it going? Is it going well?"

"It went very well. I want to ask you something."

"What's up?"

Xia Feng asked in a calm voice the doubts in his heart.

"Vina, do you know the Staff of the King?"

After asking this question, Wei Na on the other side of the phone fell silent.

After a long time, her voice came.

"Did you come into contact with the people from the King's Staff? Or did they find you on their own initiative?"

"No, I just heard about it."

Wei Na's voice became extremely serious.

"Xia Feng, don't have anything to do with the King's Staff, let alone have any thoughts of making friends with it, absolutely don't do it."

At this moment, Xia Feng seemed to understand something.

"Vina, what you are afraid of is not the King's Staff, but what the King's Staff represents, right?"

"The King's Staff doesn't mean anything, but they can be a double-edged sword of purification."

Xia Feng lay on the bed, holding his cell phone and asked finally.

"Is it an enemy?"

Wei Na paused for a moment, then replied in a deep voice.

"At least they can't be friends."

"I understand."

He won't ask about Weina's concerns. Some things that haven't happened yet can't be explained at all. The language is pale, which is also the culprit of misunderstandings between people.

In the evening, Aguang called.

"Hey, Brother Feng, are you done?"

"Busy working."

"Well. My sister and I want to treat you to a meal, hehe."

Xia Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, what are you doing? We are all on our own. Let's eat. Just tell us the place. I'll let Nancy take us there."

"Hey, I've made a reservation at Royal No. 1 Hotpot Restaurant in the food court of the main school district."

After going to Guigui and their dormitory to call for help, Nancy led a large group to this hot pot restaurant.

On the dinner table.

A pretty girl stood up and bowed politely to Xia Feng.

"Hello, Brother Feng. My name is Qiancai. You can call me Xiaoqian. Thank you for taking care of my brother."

There is no doubt that this polite girl is A Guang's sister.

Sister Qiancai's tall and graceful figure, her modest and polite manners reflect her extremely high upbringing, and she looks like a lady from a famous family. If it weren't for the one horn on her forehead that represents the ghost clan, Xia Feng wouldn't even be able to kill her. Will believe that she is the biological sister of this big boss A Guang.

Aguang sat next to her with a proud and doting expression, as if to say "Look, my sister is pretty good".

Xia Feng smiled and waved his hand.

"Sister Qiancai, please sit down quickly. We are all our own people. Don't be so polite. Aguang is my brother, and his sister is my sister. We are all a family."

Qiancai majored in medical nursing and is already a third-year student this year. Xia Feng is now a first-year student, so theoretically she has to be called senior.

This meal was very enjoyable. There were two pairs of brothers and sisters at the dinner table. If Guigui and Ifrit could be considered Xia Feng's sisters, they would be the whole table of brothers and sisters.

Xia Feng said while eating.

"Xiao Qian, we will be alumni from now on. You can come to me if you encounter anything. Don't be afraid of trouble. I am the least afraid of trouble."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Feng."

A Guang picked up the wine glass with a smile.

"Hehe, please trouble Brother Feng to take more care of my sister."

"Damn it, you kid, don't be so polite to me."

the next day.

Nancy accompanied Guigui and the others to the junior high school to register, and accompanied them to attend classes all morning. They went through all the procedures for going to school, and only after confirming that there were no problems did they let them go to class on their own.

In the entire afternoon that followed, Nancy accompanied Xia Feng to visit most of the college, and carefully and responsibly arranged all the things that should be explained and popularized.

In the evening, Xia Feng sent them to the school gate. The family group had completed their mission and was going back.

Nanfeng waved his hand.

"Xia Feng, if you want to fight, remember to call me. I'm particularly good at dealing with rich kids like this."

Xia Feng laughed and cursed.

"Get out of here, I won't be bullied yet, go back and take good care of the Chamber of Commerce, so nothing goes wrong."

"Don't worry."

After Aguang, Nanfeng and Nancy left, Xiafeng sent Turtle and Ifrit back to the dormitory respectively.

At this point, his long-lost school life officially began.

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