Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 492 The First Lesson

In the morning, Xia Feng woke up early.

Today is his first official day of class.

After simply washing up in the dormitory, he was ready to go out.

Yesterday, Nancy had brought back the textbooks for him. The college will separate the course schedules according to the majors registered by the students, which means that there will be no conflict between the courses of Originium and Konoe College.

Picking up a piece of soft bread provided on the first floor of the dormitory, Xia Feng put on her small schoolbag and went to class happily.

Walking on the road to the academy facing the morning sun, Xia Feng felt like he was youthful all over. Thinking back to his struggles along the way, either fighting people in natural disaster areas or running away with injuries all over his body, this kind of harmony now Campus life is where you really get ahead.

Of course, the precondition is that he can continue to be harmonious.

After finishing the bread in two bites, Xia Feng lifted the scarf around his neck. It was impossible to take this scarf off in front of outsiders. Fortunately, it was winter, so it didn't look too out of place.

There is only one class in the morning, which is in the main teaching building of the Origin Stone subject.

Knowing that today was Xia Feng's first day of class, Director Willy waited at the door of the teaching building early, specially prepared to bring Xia Feng in personally and have a serious explanation with the teacher in charge of him.

Of course, the class that Xia Feng was assigned to was full of freshmen like him, but they had come a month earlier and had been taking classes together for a month. For these classmates who were already very familiar with each other, Xia Feng Like a transfer student.

After Director Willy left, the teacher led Xia Feng into the classroom and said to the students below.

"Quiet, this is classmate Xia Feng. He is a late freshman. You will be classmates from now on. Everyone is welcome."

There was sparse applause below.

The students here all raised their chins to the sky, and naturally ignored Xia Feng, a late freshman who didn't look like an aristocrat.

Then the teacher signaled to Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, come and introduce yourself to everyone. Don't be nervous, just introduce yourself casually."

Xia Feng nodded and walked to the podium.

At this time, Xia Feng spotted a familiar guy below. This little fat guy was also waving to him secretly. It was Paddy who had picked him up yesterday.

Looking back, Xia Feng cleared his throat.

"Ahem, hello everyone. My name is Xia Feng. I am from Hapi City in southern Victoria. I am very interested in Originium Science. I hope to study and make progress with you in the coming days."

This plain self-introduction was meaningless at all. Seeing the bored expressions on his classmates' faces, Xia Feng continued.

"Let me explain again, I am not a noble, so I don't understand some noble etiquette. I hope you will forgive me if I say or do something inappropriate in the future."

Hearing that Xia Feng was not a noble, the students looked at him with even more contempt.

Xia Feng didn't care about this kind of look. What he said was the truth. There was no need to pretend to be a fat man because he was not a noble. Moreover, he did not think that the status of a noble was very impressive. He only said this out of sincerity.

Seeing that the introduction was almost complete, the teacher waved his hand to ask Xia Feng to come down, but Xia Feng obviously hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Well, let me take this opportunity to ask one more question, is it okay if any of you have a family that is an international trader?"

This sudden question confused the students below.

In the structure of the Terran world, there are many trading houses, but you can count them all with the word "international" on one hand. It is not difficult to become a local emperor, but if you want to go smoothly internationally, you can imagine the strength that a family must have. And know.

Seeing the strange expressions on all the students, Xia Feng blinked.

"No? Isn't there anyone whose family is in an international business?"

Upon seeing this, the teacher quickly stepped onto the podium.

"Xia Feng, you can discuss this kind of problem with your classmates after class. After introducing yourself, go to your seat. Now we have to go to class."

"Oh fine."

Xia Feng's seat happened to be arranged next to Paddy. For some reason, only Paddy's seat was empty in the entire class.

After Xia Feng sat down, Paddy smiled warmly at him.

"Xia Feng, if you need any help, just tell me. If you don't understand the course, you can ask me. I can't do anything else. I'm very confident in studying, hehe."

Xia Feng could tell that Paddy's sincerity was not an act. It was obvious that the little fat guy didn't know who he was and only regarded him as a new classmate.

As a member of the Mullen family, Xia Feng benefited from Paddy's friendliness. It seemed that the aristocratic children were not all domineering.

Xia Feng reached out to him under the desk.



"You are my first friend after coming to the Royal Academy."

Paddy's expression froze.

"Are we friends?"

"Of course, but make sure you agree in advance that I have no merit and am very lazy. Unless you have no choice, it's best not to ask me for help. Even if you ask me for help, I may not be able to help you 100%."

Even friends must keep a distance. Xia Feng will not get too close to new people in a short period of time. There is no way, he still has many secrets that cannot be known to outsiders.

Xia Feng listened very carefully to the next class.

But being serious, he didn't really understand even one-third of it. This class mainly talked about the first generation derivatives of Originium Technology. To put it bluntly, it was the old industrial era, and he missed the class by nearly a month. It's impossible to understand everything.

The class passed quickly. Xia Feng looked at the empty notebook and felt a little depressed. He wanted to pick some useful knowledge to write down, but found that there was nothing useful to him at all.

After class, some students sat down to sort out their notes, some chatted in twos and threes, and some stood up and left the classroom.

Paddy clenched his fist and asked Xia Feng unnaturally.

"Um, Xia Feng, are you going to the cafeteria to eat?"

"I'll be there soon. I know where the canteen is."


Xia Feng didn't think about the meaning of Paddy's words at all, but after answering, he felt that this kid's original intention might be to invite him to eat together.

At this moment, a female classmate stood at the door of the classroom and shouted inside.

"Xia Feng, someone is looking for you."


Xia Feng was stunned. Not many people in the entire college knew him. Who would come to the classroom to look for him?

Xia Feng quickly stuffed the book into his bag, stood up and walked out quickly.

outside the classroom.

A man in a suit leaned against the corridor wall.

This man looked to be about 27 or 28 years old. When he saw Xia Feng coming out, he straightened up and walked forward and said.

"You must be Xia Feng."

Xia Feng stared at his neither ugly nor handsome face for a long time, without any impression in his mind.

"you know me?"

The man reached into his suit jacket pocket.

"It's not like we know each other. I only heard about you yesterday."

As he spoke, he took out a business card.

"Yesterday Tang Hua from the Liye family called me and asked me to take care of you. Today I sent someone to the admissions office to get your admission information, so I found you."

Xia Feng took the business card. Behind a lot of titles on the business card was a name, Maren Legg.

Xia Feng raised his head.

"Are you Mullenleg?"

"I am."

Looking at the eldest son of the Mullen family, Mullen Lege, one of the major shareholders of the Royal Academy, Xia Feng was speechless.

I have already said that there is no need to find anyone to take care of me. Is this boy Tang Hua full of food?

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