To be honest, Xia Feng doesn't like to deal with nobles, especially nobles with high power. Everyone has their own way of living, so don't always join in the same trend.

Obviously, Tang Hua, the boy, didn't know whether it was out of good intentions or just to show off, that he forcibly found him a backer in the academy. But the problem was, now that the admission had been completed, this backer was of no use.

The most important thing is that Xia Feng is afraid that his true identity will be exposed.

Of course, in the eyes of the nobles, he doesn't have any earth-shattering details. He is at best a gang boss. This kind of thing can be big or small. Some people don't care, some people may feel uncomfortable, or those students who are not from Victoria's own country will Worry.

He has a citizen certificate and a registered company. As long as he doesn't bother with it, there shouldn't be any big problem with his schooling. The worst outcome is that he will be dropped out of school.

However, it’s okay to drop out of school, but don’t drop out after just a few days. At least he should accompany Guigui and Ifrit to get through campus life before dropping out. It’s best to find a partner in an international trading firm before dropping out and use Get the lowest price or something based on your classmate relationship.

In the corridor outside the classroom.

Xia Feng looked at Maren Legg awkwardly.

"Mr. Legg, did Tang Hua tell you who I am?"

Legge said expressionlessly.

"Aren't you Xia Feng?"

"My name is Xia Feng, that's right. I asked him if he told me about my job."

"He didn't say that. He only said that you were a friend of his and asked me to take care of you more in the academy."

Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Tang Hua was quite smart.

However, Laige's next words made Xia Feng depressed again.

"Although Tang Hua didn't say it, Xia Feng, I know who you are."

Xia Feng hugged his shoulders and said unhappily.

"Oh? Then tell me who I am?"

Legg pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"The Liye family has been responsible for the light manganese mining area assigned by the royal family for generations, but I know that they are engaging in smuggling without the knowledge of the royal family. Tang Hua mentioned it to me before when we were playing cards and asked me if I wanted to become a shareholder, but I did not agree."

"Then what?"

"The gangster that the Leaf family previously cooperated with was the Friedo Chamber of Commerce. However, a few months ago the Friedo Chamber of Commerce was replaced overnight by the newly emerged Black Feather Chamber of Commerce. Now it is the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce that the Leaf family is cooperating with."

Xia Feng's face became increasingly ugly, and he continued to ask with a sullen face.

"Then what."

"I have inquired and found out that the blond man who sent you here yesterday has an extraordinary identity. He is the president of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce. His name is Nanfeng, that's right."

"That's right."

"Oh, Tang Hua is willing to intercede for you. It is obviously entrusted by President Nanfeng who is cooperating with him. If I guessed correctly, you should be President Nanfeng's confidant."

"That's right. Huh?"

Legge was reasoning like the famous detective Corgi, but in the end he drifted and almost broke Xia Feng's waist.

Why do you become a younger brother?

Well, it seems that he is overthinking it. There is no interest relationship between the Mullen family and the gang, and they have no time to investigate him in detail.

Xia Feng patted his thigh.

"Hey, you have discovered that I am actually the accountant of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce. It's not because I don't have enough knowledge. President Nanfeng sent me here for further study. Mr. Legg is really smart."

Xia Feng thought to himself that he seemed to be worrying too much. Not to mention his confidants, even if Maren Laig knew that he was the real boss of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, there was no need for him to drop out of school. He and the Maren family were totally on the same page. Can't hit.

"Mr. Legge, I've accepted the business card. If nothing happens, I'll go have a meal first. I'll ask you to take good care of me from now on. See you later."

After that, Xia Feng was about to leave. He didn't want to have more sex with this person. What happened to the major shareholder? He paid the tuition.

As soon as Xia Feng took a step forward, Laige called out to him.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Feng turned his head sideways.

"Is there anything else you can do?"

Legg's expression was a little less serious than before.

"Paddy is my brother, you should know that."

"I know. He told me yesterday that he is a member of the Mullen family. We are now classmates and deskmates. Is there any problem?"

Legge sighed.

"Xia Feng, you are a gang member. Of course, I don't discriminate against gangs. I just want to warn you that if you don't intend to make sincere friends with Paddy, please don't use your gangster methods to take advantage of him. He is a kid. I haven’t had many friends since I was a child.”

Xia Feng's calm voice came from his mouth.

"Paddy is an adult now."

"No, he just turned 16 this year."

"I understand."

Xia Feng stood still.

"Although I'm not a good person, I never let down those who treat me sincerely. This is my principle. As long as Paddy treats me as a friend, I will treat him as a friend, and vice versa."

At this time, Paddy also walked out of the classroom. When he saw Laige and Xia Feng in the corridor, Paddy was stunned.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

Paddy pushed up his glasses.

"I'm just passing by, okay, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Legge turned around and prepared to leave. When passing by Xia Feng, Legge whispered.

"Don't forget your words. If I find out that your words and deeds are inconsistent, I will immediately expel you from the Royal Academy."

Xia Feng didn't say anything, turned around and left from the other direction.

What Legg wants to express is very clear, if you don't love, please don't hurt.

Because he knew his gang identity, Legge was particularly concerned about this.

However, Xia Feng has no interest in this kind of pretentious nonsense. Paddy is not a girl. No matter how much she is hurt, it will hurt her. Men should go through more hardships before they can grow up. How can they survive in society in the future if they don't suffer some losses in communication? Go on a adventure.

In the afternoon, Xia Feng went to the Guards College and took two theoretical classes.

Compared with the boring Originium Science, Xia Feng understood almost everything about this course on military popularization. Not only did he take notes, but he also raised his hand to answer the teacher's questions in class.

The afternoon passed in the blink of an eye.

The sun sets.

The first day of formal life in the academy ended quickly. There was one class in the Originium subject in the morning and two classes in the Konoe Academy in the afternoon. The course schedule was really loose.

In the evening, Xia Feng saw a pink figure at the intersection of the Xueyuan Business District.

"Brother Xia Feng!"

From a distance, Xia Feng saw Ansel running over with his long ears swinging. He had called Ansel just now and made an appointment to meet here.

Ansel ran to stand in front of Xia Feng and said happily.

"Brother Xia Feng, when did you come?"

Xia Feng handed him the cup of hot milk tea she just bought.

"Guigui and I arrived the day before yesterday. We didn't tell you because we were afraid of disturbing your class. Don't worry, everything is arranged now. We are alumni."

"Turtle and Ifrit are here too!"

"Well, they are in the junior high school."

After chatting briefly with Ansel for a while and confirming that he was not in any trouble, Xia Feng prepared to return to the dormitory.

"Ansel, just study hard in your class. If you need anything, come to me anytime. I'll invite Guigui and the others over the weekend and we'll have a meal together."


Xia Feng knew that Ansel was different from them. Turtle was here purely to make friends, while Ifrit was here to fool around. It was best not to disturb Ansel with such weird existences like them.

Xia Feng just wanted Ansel to realize his dream without any worries.

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