Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 500 Evaporated

If life is compared to a game, then life and death are definitely not the most important. It is like playing LOL. If you die, you can be resurrected in the spring water. It is like a survival game. If you die, you can still watch the battle.

However, if your account is gone, then you really have nothing. All the achievements and wealth you have gained in the game will be destroyed along with your account, and you will not even be qualified for the solo game.

At this moment, the arrogant Xifu didn't understand what Xia Feng meant. He might have thought that the "number" Xia Feng was referring to was a mobile phone number.

The next morning.

Xia Feng didn't go to class. He made a phone call to Marenleg in the dormitory.

After the call was connected, before Xia Feng could speak, Laige took the lead in asking.

"What happened between you and Paddy yesterday? Now it has been spread in the academy that the young master of the Cape family had soup thrown at him in the restaurant. Xia Feng, I need an explanation."

Xia Feng had no intention of explaining.

"I don't want to explain to you on the phone, I want to see you now."

"I'm busy this morning."

"Okay, it's okay if you don't meet. I'll tell you directly on the phone."

"what do you want to say?"

You couldn't tell whether Xia Feng's voice was happy or angry. From a gangster's point of view, this was called a professional tone.

"Kahn has a follower named Xifu. I need his detailed information. Your family is the majority shareholder of the Royal Academy. Don't tell me you can't find it."

Legge on the other side of the phone was confused.

"Why do you want his information?"

"I offended him yesterday and wanted to find an opportunity to come and apologize. If he doesn't accept it, I will find a way to find a relationship and see if there are any acquaintances who can talk to me. But before that, I at least need to know where his family is. For what?"

Laige did not doubt Xia Feng's words. He sighed on the phone.

"Okay, it's good that you know you were wrong. I advise you not to provoke Kahn's group again. I will help you settle things in the academy. You should also find an opportunity to apologize to Kahn face to face."

"Let's talk about it. Give me that Sif's information first."

"I'll give it to you later."

At noon, Xia Feng got the information sent by Laige. The information in the information was not very detailed. It could be seen that it was just the basic information registered by the students when they enrolled, including race, family background, etc.

But that's enough.

Based on the student's personal information provided by Laige, Xia Feng quickly asked Wei Na to help find more detailed information.

Sif's full name is Kronciff, and he is the eldest son of the northern second-level noble Krang family. The Krang family's status in the northern region is not high. The family's territory is a relatively remote medium-sized city, which looks similar to the Leaf family. .

The Krone family runs the largest textile factory in the area, and Xifu's second uncle is the director of the local security bureau. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is collusion between government and businessmen.

Among the younger generation, Shiv, the eldest son of the family, is very close to Master Kahn of the Capet family. The Capet family is well-versed in politics and business. They use this dog-licking classmate relationship to benefit the family. Strive for a lot of intangible benefits, as well as the future.

However, after careful comparison, there are still big differences between the Crown family and the Leaf family. Although they are both second-level nobles, the properties of the Crown family are personal assets, while the light manganese mining area of ​​the Leaf family is assigned by the royal family. To put it simply, Yes, the Liye family works for the royal family, while the Krone family pays the most taxes when they make money.

After closing the document, Xia Feng's face was filled with murderous intent.

He is not a heinous bad person, but he is not a good person either. Xifu has seriously touched his bottom line. There are some things in his heart that there is no room for relaxation.

In his current position, this is what the world is like.

2 days later.

In a medium-sized city in northern Victoria, a fire broke out in the city's largest textile factory at night. The fire shot into the sky, as if venting someone's anger.

In the flames, 9 large factories and 5 warehouses were all swallowed up by the fire, and the fire brigade that followed were unable to get close.

The fire attracted the attention of high-level officials in the royal family. The Imperial Supervisory Office immediately mobilized nearby troops to handle the matter. After investigation, it was found that the textile factory belonged to the local second-level noble family, the Krone family. However, strangely, after the incident, the Krone family did not One member showed up and didn't even call the police.

Overnight, everyone in the Krone family, including the director of the Security Bureau, seemed to disappear.

This ancient second-level noble in the northern region became history in the flames.

Royal Academy.

When he learned what happened to his family, Xifu was stunned. After a moment, he ignored everyone's comfort, even Master Kahn pushed aside.

Xifu rushed out of the school gate like crazy and drove back to the north alone.

After crossing the North-South Bridge, the car entered a tunnel. However, the car never came out of the other side of the tunnel.

Inside a black jeep.

Hong Dao drove the car expressionlessly, and Lapland, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was humming a tune while wiping the blood on his hands.

"Oh, the boss finally sent a killer to do the job. This is interesting."

Royal Academy.

In a luxurious office.

Xia Feng sat on a high-end sofa with his legs crossed and said while holding his cell phone.

"Vina, how are you?"

Vina's voice on the other side of the phone was calm.

"It's all been dealt with. Kate led people to do it. No traces were left."

"Okay, say thank you to Kate for me."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng picked up the tea cup on the coffee table, took a sip and praised.

"Well, good tea, Mr. Legg has great taste."

Sitting behind the desk, Legg's expression was uncertain. In the past two days, he had learned about the textile factory fire that occurred in the north. After seeing Xia Feng today, he had already recovered from the shock.

Legge crossed his hands and rested his chin.

"Xia Feng, it was you."

Xia Feng looked innocent.

"Huh? What does Mr. Legg want me to do?"

"Who were you calling just now?"

"Oh, she's a good friend of mine. I asked her for some personal matters. Now that the matter is done, I'd like to thank her."

"What private matter?"

"Oh, it's all about business. Mr. Legg, why do you seem to have a hundred thousand reasons, hahaha."


Legg slammed the table, stood up and said sternly.

"Xia Feng, don't pretend to me. Two days ago you asked me for Xifu's information, and then his family in the north suffered a devastating blow. Don't tell me that this has nothing to do with you!"

Xia Feng sat on the sofa and looked at Laige calmly.

"Well, I want to correct you. It's not a devastating blow, it's a complete destruction."

Legge gritted his teeth.

"Why do you do this?"

"Mr. Legg, you must speak with evidence. I, a student, cannot bear the charge of attacking a noble."

"You don't have to pretend to me. You asked me for Xifu's information two days ago. Do you know what the consequences will be if I report this matter to the royal family."

Xia Feng picked up the teapot on the coffee table and poured himself another cup of tea.

"What are the consequences? Maybe the Royal Knights will arrest me and interrogate me, and then I deny it. They may let me go in the end, and they may try to incriminate me, and that's about it."

"Aren't you afraid?"

Xia Feng put down the teapot and said calmly.

"Of course I am afraid, but I believe Mr. Legg will not do this. If I am convicted, you will be the first to take credit. But if I am not guilty in the end, I may be very angry, and I will step back ten thousand steps." To be honest, Dipai and I are good classmates, and you promised me that you would take care of me in the academy."

Legge stood there and thought for a long time, and finally sat back down.

Legge leaned back in his chair weakly, with a hint of compromise in his voice.

"Even the Cape family would not dare to do such a thing in Victoria. Did you know that the Crown family is a second-level noble?"

Xia Feng drank all the tea in the cup, put down the cup, and stood up slowly.

"It is precisely because some people think that I dare not do it that they use it as a bargaining chip to threaten me. But unfortunately, I am not subject to any threat, even my own life. If someone threatens me, I will take all the threats." Erased from the world, that’s all.”

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