Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 501 The foundation of a foothold

Xia Feng didn't know what kind of chain reaction this incident would cause after the destruction of the second-level nobles. However, no matter what reaction it caused, he would not regret it. As long as Guigui and the others were still in the academy for a day, this Xifu and his The family must disappear.

Of course, except for Mullenleg, almost no one would associate this matter with one of his students. Sif's threat was not directed by Kahn, but was his personal behavior. It is estimated that even Sif himself came to I don’t even know that Xia Feng did this.

Shiv thought that he was implicated by his family's enemy, but in fact, his family was implicated by him.

As for Maren Laige, he is a smart man, and Xia Feng's meaning is already obvious.

Unless the Malen family is an upright family that is loyal to the royal family and swears to defend the rights of the nobility, there is no reason for him to report Xia Feng to him to inquire about students' information, because this is harmful to others.

The destroyed Krone family was a supporter of the Capet family, while the Mullen family and the Capet family were mortal enemies. He could still figure out this relationship clearly.

As long as he didn't say anything, it would be a favor to Xia Feng, otherwise it would be a thankless task.

But even though this is the truth, as one of the major shareholders of the college, Mullenleg still has his own considerations. After all, Sif is also a student of the college.

"Xia Feng, this matter has attracted the attention of the royal family. No one will doubt you for the time being, but for the sake of safety, I still recommend that you do not continue to stay in the Royal Academy."

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"You want to fire me?"

Laige walked around the desk and walked to Xia Feng.

"It's not expulsion. I suggest you take a leave of absence for one to two weeks and come back when the matter calms down a bit. I'll let the Teaching Office make arrangements."

Xia Feng thought for a moment.

"No, I still have a mission."

Legge sighed.

"You can come back in two weeks at most. Xifu is a student of the Royal Academy. The royal family will definitely send someone to the academy to investigate. Although no one will doubt you, you'd better not show up. I know you have two students in the junior high school. Sister, don’t worry, I will take care of you.”

Xia Feng looked at Laige with some surprise.

"Why do you want to help me with this?"

"I do it for Tang Hua's sake."

Xia Feng smiled.

"I don't believe Tang Hua has such a great reputation."

For Tang Hua's sake, Laige didn't believe this even after he said it.

He turned around and walked to the window. From this angle, he could overlook most of the Royal Academy. However, his eyes were not looking at the ground at this time, but at the sky.

"Xia Feng, rather than helping you, I am leaving myself a choice. Victoria, things may change."

Xia Feng looked at Laige's back without saying anything more, said thank you, and left the office.

The Mullen family is a first-level noble in Victoria. Obviously, Legge, as an important member of the family, also had a premonition of something.

Attacking a noble is almost equivalent to provoking the royal family. Normally, such a thing would be thoroughly investigated by the army, and no one would have the guts to protect anyone.

However, when the storm is about to come, no one is paying attention to this shocking event, and everyone is trying their best to find a way to deal with the changes.

Yes, Xia Feng wanted to destroy the Krone family. He originally planned to let Nanfeng lead people to do this, but after communicating with Wei Na on the phone, Wei Na said that she would do it.

There was no surprise in Weina's voice on the phone. It felt as if she was not helping Xia Feng, but executing some necessary purge plan.

General Grissom had said at the beginning that there were people in the Royal Academy that he could not afford to offend, but similarly, for Xifu, Xia Feng was also someone he could not afford to offend.

The battle ended before it started. Xifu's method only stayed at the oral stage and died. However, after finishing this matter, Xia Feng did not feel much relaxed. Similarly, he did not feel any guilt. He only felt that doing What must be done.

While walking in the college, he raised his head and looked at the sky. The dark clouds hanging over Victoria seemed to be thicker than before.

the next day.

Aguang parked the jeep at the gate of the Royal Academy. Xia Feng, wearing a red scarf, got in the car in the cold wind.

He followed Legge's suggestion and decided to leave the academy temporarily. After saying a brief farewell to Turtle and the others, he prepared to return to Happy City.

College life has come to an end for the time being. Just as he expected, there is nothing he needs to do personally here.

In the jeep, Xia Feng glanced at the data on the bracelet.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 15%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.51u/L]

[Critical period: 8]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 29 days]

The black and white twins spent the 30th day in peace. Without eliciting the black power, the white light that soared into the sky did not appear. When they woke up, it was already the first day of the 8th cycle.

In the evening, Xia Feng returned to Black Feather Grill.

Everything in the barbecue restaurant is still the same as usual, but without Turtle and Ifrit, the inside and outside of the house are a little deserted.

Two dogs poked their heads out from behind his door.

"Lao Xia, you're back."


"Where are Turtle and Ifrit?"

"They are still taking classes at the Royal Academy."

"Ah? Then why did you come back by yourself?"

"My grades were so good that the college gave me a holiday."

"Tch, bragging."

At the desk at the far end of the hall, Nancy showed Xia Feng the recent accounts of the Chamber of Commerce.

The profit from smuggling of light manganese ore still accounts for the majority, followed by the share of shipping with the Haimen Gang. Of course, shipping smuggling also includes light manganese ore.

In Colombia, Black Steel also gained a lot of profits from the smuggled light manganese ore, which can be regarded as a joy for the three companies.

In addition, the Origin Stone processing business was a bit bleak. The main reason was the raw materials. During this period, Vina occasionally shipped small quantities of raw materials from the north and could only meet some small orders.

The shop [Grey Stone Metallurgy] near Yehua City heard from the grapevine that Xia Feng was also engaged in processing source stones, so he ran away overnight. The boss was a smart man, and he understood that there is no room for two tigers in a mountain. As for the shop in the north, It also announced that it would no longer accept orders.

On the surface, this seems to be a good thing. With no effort, competitors surrendered without a fight. This monopoly can be said to have gone very smoothly.

But at the same time, this also increased the pressure on Xia Feng. If the raw materials were not supplied, the product would not be available. Now customers from all over the world are waiting for him to deliver the dishes.

Of course, his time at the Royal Academy was not without its gains. Regarding the supply of raw materials, he got two useful pieces of information.

First, Master Kahn has an Ursus who is called a friend. If he can be called a friend, he is certainly not an ordinary person. The Cape family runs a steel factory in the north. The steel factory cannot only produce steel. To put it bluntly, it is still metallurgy, and metallurgy requires raw materials.

Second, when Xia Feng got acquainted with the Imperial Academy on his first day, he got a piece of information from Senior Du Wei who guided him. One month later, Yin Hui will come to the Royal Academy, and he knows who Yin Hui is better than anyone else. Yin Hui is the chairman of Kalan Trading.

Both of the above information may be useful to him, but he can't do it now because he is temporarily suspended from school, and Yin Hui hasn't come yet.

Although the raw materials are not yet ready, the recipe is temporarily available, and now we just need to wait.

He can't be idle until the time is right. He still has one important thing to do, which is the intelligence organization that Wei Na mentioned before.

Source Stone Cluster and raw materials are indispensable. The raw materials can be purchased from international commercial banks, but the Source Stone Cluster has the only way, and that is the natural disaster area. If you want to know the information about the natural disaster area, you need intelligence.

Xia Feng stood up from his desk and walked to the door of the barbecue restaurant with a tea cup in hand.

Hong Dao was sitting on the sofa at the door holding a long knife. Xia Feng walked next to him and said softly.

"Hongdao, come with me to Longmen tomorrow."

Hong Dao raised his eyelids.

"What are you doing in Longmen?"

Xia Feng took a sip of hot tea and said with a chuckle.

"Go find a penguin."

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