Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 779 This woman is not simple

Black Feather's medicine delivery event had already been held once before, so Xia Feng didn't need to do it himself this time.

Early the next morning, he returned to Londinium with Xiaolan in the car driven by Aguang.

The Black Feather Chamber of Commerce in the south is his foundation, but at the same time he also has a premonition.

The imperial government of the empire is in a critical period. On the surface, it is calm, but in fact, there are undercurrents.

At this moment, he could not stay in the south to develop himself. He had to focus on the Yuan Parliament and the "heart" of Victoria, Londinium.

The previous case of hitting someone was completely unsolved. Master Luo Da, who was hit with a concussion, could only be helpless and furious after he woke up. There was nothing that could be done to him.

There is no doubt that Xia Feng's status has changed dramatically in just one week before and after the car accident.

At this time, with the support of the Imperial Supervisory Office, Luoda was no match for him, no matter whether he was playing tricks or playing tricks.

After returning to Londinium, Xia Feng's life trajectory once again integrated into the circle of senior imperial officials.

Participate in the Yuan Council, review subordinate investigation reports on large factories, understand the number of infected people in each city, and participate in the formulation of some laws and regulations targeting infected people.

Gradually, Kapewami, as his immediate boss, changed his attitude towards Xia Feng slightly.

Although I still dislike Xia Feng's interest-driven personality, I have to say that the Special Operations Division has indeed helped the Office of Supervision solve many difficult cases.

In fact, in the final analysis, there is no deep hatred between Capewamy and Xia Feng. The trigger of the conflict was that Xia Feng beat Kahn at the Royal Academy, and because of Lieqi's case, the reputation of the Supervision Office and the Cape family was harmed. damage.

As for the person who really wanted to put Xia Feng to death, it was Chief of Military Affairs Frey.

After a while, Kapewami discovered that this young man Xia Feng did have "something".

On the surface, he is carefree, but in fact, he manages his work and interpersonal relationships clearly, and is deeply trusted by Chief Yaerlin.

Chief Frey, who had previously intended to target Xia Feng, had not made any move or expressed any attitude since then.

In this case, Kapewami, who had been friends with Frei before, felt a little hesitant.

The Capet family is one of the most famous families in Victoria. He is the Imperial Inspector General, and his eldest son is the newly promoted Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Military Region. Now King Willanson is seriously ill in bed, and Princess Vereen also intends to protect herself as an infected person. summer breeze.

In this case, is it too stupid for him to continue to maintain a hostile attitude towards Xia Feng, an "unstable factor"?

The next day, Xia Feng sat in the office and received a letter of commendation signed by Kapewami himself.

[In view of the high efficiency of the Special Operations Division in recent times, the Office of Supervision has specially approved Division Director Xia Feng to take 3 days of paid leave and a bonus of 100,000 yuan. We hope to continue to work hard. 】

Xia Feng took this letter of commendation and glanced at the envelope containing 100,000 Terra coins on his desk. He was dumbfounded.

Secretary Xiaolan stood aside happily and said.

"Director, that's great. It seems that our department has attracted the attention of the Inspector General."

Xia Feng crumpled the commendation letter into waste paper and threw it into the trash can, mumbling.

"What's this nonsense, do I need his approval if I want to take a vacation?"

Of course, although Xia Feng felt baffled by Kapewami's attitude, he could not see any malicious intent after all, which was better than deliberately causing trouble for him.

That night, Xia Feng returned to Weina's house and ate two large bowls in a row.

At the dinner table, Xia Feng threw the envelope containing the money in front of Wei Na.

"It's for you, food money."

Wei Na held the wine glass and glanced at this obviously official envelope.

"Where did the money come from?"

"It was sent by the leader."

"Boss? What are you paying for?"

Xia Feng cleaned the rice bowl and burped.

"Hey, because of my strong work ability, not only did I get a bonus, but I was also granted three days' leave."

Seeing Xia Feng's proud look, Wei Na didn't ask any more questions.

"Tsk, stop showing off."


After drinking the last red wine in the glass, Wei Na suddenly said.

"Xia Feng, since you have a holiday, please go out with me tomorrow."

When Xia Feng heard Wei Na asking him to act together tomorrow, Xia Feng immediately noticed.

"What are you going to do? Seize territory? Or fight against others? We agreed in advance that I have a special status now. If we fight, you'd better find me a mask to cover my face."

Veena kicked him under the table.

"What are you thinking about? It's not your turn to fight in Londinium."

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing special, just casually strolling around."


Wei Na's face looked slightly unnatural, but she still pretended to say it as a matter of course.

"Can't you go shopping? You haven't been shopping since you came to Londinium. In order to fulfill my friendship as a landlord, I will take one day out of my busy schedule to walk with you. If you don't want to, forget it."

Seeing Weina's reaction, Xia Feng immediately responded.

"Oh oh oh, yes, yes, yes. When you said that, I suddenly felt that I really want to go out for shopping. It's decided that we will go shopping tomorrow."

Wei Na pretended to be calm and stood up from the chair, wearing slippers and walking towards the stairs.

"That's it, you still sleep on the sofa and get up early tomorrow, that's it, good night."

Vacation days are always pleasant. The next day, Xia Feng slept until about nine o'clock. When Wei Na stepped on his face with her foot, she finally woke up from her sweet dream.

After breakfast, the two drove to the commercial center of Londinium.

Xia Feng is now immune to the so-called prosperous metropolis, and will not look around like a country bumpkin, but it has to be said that as the capital of Victoria, Londinium's prosperity can indeed be called an international metropolis.

After parking the car, the two walked side by side to the mall.

Today, Xia Feng and Wei Na were both wearing casual clothes. In the eyes of outsiders, they looked like an ordinary young couple, but no one knew that these two people together were Victoria's "night".

Standing at the entrance of the shopping mall, Xia Feng looked at a busy beverage shop and said.

"Boss, give me a cup of milk tea."

Veena glared at him.

"Do you want a girl to treat you when you go shopping with a girl?"

Xia Feng turned up the pockets of both trouser pockets.

"I didn't bring my wallet."

"Why don't you bring it?"

"Don't you want to do your best to be a landlord? I thought I didn't need to bring a bag when I go out with you."

There was no purpose today, just wandering around. It seemed like she hadn't been out shopping for a long time, and Wei Na was in a very high mood.

The two of them took a cup of milk tea each and strolled leisurely in the huge shopping mall.

After reaching the clothing area on the fourth floor, Wei Na immediately ran forward and kept moving towards Xia Feng.

"come over."


"Come here and try on this suit."

"Ah this."

The shopping mall they visited was Londinium's top designer shopping mall, and the prices of clothes were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

As if to satisfy her own interests, Wei Na compared various styles of clothes to Xia Feng.

"How about this one? It suits you very well."

Xia Feng was a little embarrassed wearing a brown coat.

"Weina, this one looks too old. I think it's suitable for my second uncle."

"What about this one? It makes you look younger."

"This is orange, it's not good, I'm an official now."

"Tch, there are so many things."

Although Xia Feng usually doesn't pay much attention to dressing, but if you really want to ask about his aesthetics, to be honest, he has quite a lot of opinions.

Women's clothing area.

Weena poked her head out of the fitting room wearing a red dress.

"How about I wear this?"

Xia Feng shook his head.

"Not suitable for you, the color is too bright."

After a while, Wei Na changed her clothes again.

"What about this one?"

"No, it's too exposed. It's winter now."

After being repeatedly denied by Xia Feng, Wei Na pouted and went back to the fitting room.

Just when Xia Feng was waiting and yawning, Wei Na finally came out.

"Where's this set?"

Xia Feng nodded perfunctorily.

"Okay, this is a good set, it suits you very well."

Wei Na took two steps forward, grabbed Xia Feng's ears, and shouted loudly.

"This is what I wore today!"

"Ouch, it hurts."

2 hours later.

Carrying large and small parcels, Xia Feng followed Wei Na out of the clothing area.

"Vina, I'm hungry, let's find a place to eat."


At this moment, a familiar female voice suddenly came from behind.

"Xia Feng, you are actually here!"

Xia Feng turned around when he heard the sound, and what stood in front of him was a bagpipe.


Today's bagpiper is not wearing a military uniform, but is wearing youthful casual clothes, looking like an energetic female college student.

Walking briskly to Xia Feng, Bagpipe said with a smile.

"I happened to come to the Military Department in the morning to do some business. After finishing it, I went to the Supervisory Office to see you, but your secretary said that you were on vacation and couldn't find you, so I had to go to the business center by myself. I didn't expect you to come too. It’s such a coincidence that I’m shopping at the mall.”

After listening to Bagpipe's words, Xia Feng said apologetically.

"Sorry, you can't find me. Why didn't you call me?"

"I don't have your phone number."


At this time, Bagpipe noticed Wei Na standing next to Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, is this your girlfriend?"

Xia Feng denied it repeatedly.

"No, no, no, it's not."

Bagpipe covered his mouth.

"Ah! Is this your wife? Are you married?"

"Harm, what? She is only mine."

Before Xia Feng could explain clearly, Wei Na took the initiative to take two steps forward and stood in front of Bagpipe, smiling and extending her hand to her.

"You are Xia Feng's colleague. My name is Wei Na. Nice to meet you."

Looking at the iconic long golden hair of the Vina Aslan tribe, Bagpipe hesitated a little, and then generously extended his hand.

"Hello Miss Vina, my name is Bagpipe."

The two slender hands were held together. At this moment, although the expressions of the two women were smiling, there was a subtle emotion underneath the smiles.

At this moment, they all felt clearly in their hearts at the same time.

This woman is not simple!

Thanks to Deep Sea Admiral Poi for the reward. Congratulations on being promoted to another leader of Fengfeng. Thank you, Poi, and I will always be a god!

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