Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 780 From before the destruction of the world

Vina and Bagpipe greeted each other "friendly", as if they were acquaintances of friends they met while shopping.

Of course, this is just an ordinary encounter with acquaintances, but their identities are not ordinary.

Xia Feng was not such an idiot that he took the initiative to introduce to Bagpipe, "Ah, this is the leader of the Glasgow Gang. Have you heard of the King of Advancement? Yes, he is the largest gang leader in the north."

Privately, Bagpipe is also a bit "silly and sweet". Perhaps she gossips more about the relationship between Wei Na and Xia Feng than Wei Na's identity.

After chatting briefly, Wei Na checked the time.

"It's almost noon now, and we're planning to go have lunch. Miss Bagpipe, if you don't mind, come with us."

Bagpipe didn't hesitate.

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too."

Xia Feng noticed it and immediately stopped this impromptu dinner.

He walked to the bagpipe and pushed her shoulders to turn around and offered some kind words.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that there are some things I haven't bought yet. We may have to go shopping for a while. If you are hungry, go and have a bowl of noodles first."

"But Miss Vina said"

"She was just being polite, why did you take her seriously?"

Xia Feng put his mouth to Bagpipe's ear and added in a low voice.

"You don't know, Wei Na is very protective when eating. You will never be full when eating with her. Listen to me and leave quickly."

Bagpipe pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, okay, then I won't disturb you anymore. I'll come and play with you another day."

"No problem, just remember my phone number and I'll treat you to a big dinner next time. You can choose any of the high-end restaurants in Londinium."

Bagpipe pointed at Xia Feng.

"That's what you said."

"I do what I say."

In this way, with a future feast as an agreement, Bagpipe left with satisfaction.

After Bagpipe left, Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now let's go eat."

Wei Na stared at him with an unkind expression, as if a police dog had smelled something strange.

"That young and lively girl seems to have a good relationship with you."

Being stared at by Wei Na with such eyes, Xia Feng didn't know why he felt weak.

"Harm, they are just ordinary colleagues, maybe not even colleagues. They are not part of the same system."

"Then why don't you let her eat with us? It's very rude. You know I'm not being polite."

Xia Feng didn't know where Wei Na was thinking, so she could only explain in a low voice.

"Bagpipe is from the military. Who knows how she views gangs. What if she discovers your identity and embarrasses everyone."


Xia Feng didn't know much about bagpipes, but based on her current character, she would never "collude" with the gang, and her straightforward temper might make her fall out.

Wei Na is not a stingy person, and this episode will pass quickly.

At noon, they went to an elegant high-end restaurant. The table was filled with exquisite food, except for potatoes.

I opened a bottle of the most expensive red wine in the restaurant, and the meal was quite enjoyable.

After lunch, they planned to watch a movie in the afternoon.

Wei Na stood in the lobby of the theater and selected for a long time, but in the end she still couldn't make up her mind to choose the youth romance movie that she really wanted to watch.

Xia Feng came over holding two buckets of popcorn.

"Vina, have you chosen?"

Wei Na raised her finger tremblingly, her face a little red, and then she moved her finger away from the poster of "Northern Love Story" and pointed at "A Machete Kills the Sky".

"Just this one."

Xia Feng stared at the bloody movie promotion poster.

"Oh, let me go. What kind of movie is this? It's bloody."

"It's a crime movie, gangster-themed."

"Turtle, I thought it was a horror movie."

Xia Feng has no interest in movies because he knows they are all fake. He prefers animation to movies performed by "people" like him.

Although he knows that anime is also fake, it does not feel as inconsistent as real people, and it caters to his chuunibyou.

Not surprisingly, Xia Feng became depressed when he saw the movie "A Machete Kills the Sky" that Wei Na had "carefully" selected.

There is no doubt that this is a gangster crime movie.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of subject matter will be very exciting, very enjoyable, and very thrilling, but how can I say it in the eyes of people like him.

This is like letting a generation of martial arts masters watch "Ip Man", letting Sun Wukong watch "Westward Journey", and letting aliens at the pinnacle of technology watch "Shanghai Fortress".

While watching a movie, the aliens will only do two things: fall asleep or destroy the movie theater.

Although the movie comes from life, it should be higher than life. The most important thing is to perform something that the audience understands and resonates with, but cannot do in reality.

Xia Feng felt that if his journey to Victoria were made into a movie, it would definitely be a hundred times more exciting than a movie like "A Machete Kills" which sounds like a bad movie just because of its title.

Based on the above considerations, Xia Feng held two buckets of popcorn and said suggestively.

"Vina, are we really going to watch a gangster crime movie? Are you sure?"

Wei Na took back her finger, knowing that it was inappropriate.

"Well, you can choose, I'll do whatever you want. I like to read whatever the subject matter is."

"All right."

Xia Feng raised his hand and pointed at a magnificent movie promotional poster.

He felt that the male protagonist of the movie on the poster looked a bit like him. Of course, to be fair, he was not as handsome.

Buy your tickets, walk into the screening room, and the movie will start soon.

This is a big-budget science fiction movie called "Before the World Destroyed."

At the beginning of the movie, the male protagonist who has lost his memory wakes up on the street. He has no idea who he is and his memory is very confusing. He seems to be on a mission, but his memory cannot be completely connected.

With his body's own super strength, he began an aimless journey in this world.

During the journey, he made many friends. Gradually, he fell in love with the land and finally settled down in a quiet street.

Relying on his unparalleled super strength, he helped his companions solve one problem after another. In the process, he formed deep relationships with more friends. He even found another beloved companion, and met a man who shone like a star. The woman got married.

In a few years, he went through hardships and obstacles, solved all the troubles he thought he had, and finally, he lived a peaceful life.

But the false calm will eventually be broken, and a calm morning like the past will end.

On that day, the world suffered a catastrophe that could destroy civilization. In a mysterious place where no one has set foot, an "evil god" who could destroy the world appeared.

In order to save the world, the man must defeat the evil god, although he still doesn't know why he appeared on that street at that time.

But in order to save civilization from ending, he must gather his companions to kill the "evil god".

After an extremely brutal battle, he finally stood in front of the "Evil God" covered in blood, but behind him was the body of his companion who was deeply bound to him.

The "evil god" said to him, you can kill me, and after my death, the world will be saved from destruction, but those of your dead companions will never come back to you.

Facing the "evil god" who hated him to the core, in the end, the man did not wave his weapon.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that he didn't want to save the world. What he really wanted to save was the people he cared about. If those people disappeared, what would be the meaning of the world's existence.

He did not agree with the result.

The heaven and the earth are twisted, and everything in the world is rapidly regressing in a twisted posture.

The sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the river surges and flows backwards, the broken glass recovers, and the lifeless eyes emit light.

After a loud bang that shook the soul, the world fell into darkness.

The man opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was standing on an unfamiliar street. He could not remember anything in his mind.

A few years later.

The world once again faced the crisis of destruction. After a fierce battle, his sword pointed at the "Evil God". This time, he still did not wave his hand.

"Evil God" said, it has been 9016 times, but you still can't kill me, even if I stand in front of you defenseless.

After hearing the words of the "evil god", 9016 identical experiences flooded into the man's brain. Although there were slight differences in the process, the result could never be tampered with. As long as time flows, everyone will die in the end.

It turned out that he had witnessed the death of important people tens of thousands of times, and the deep pain stimulated his heart like a knife.

However, the more painful it was, the calmer he became, and the more desperate he became, the more he understood something.

"Oh, next time, I will definitely kill you."

After reviewing tens of thousands of repeated memories, the man finally understood.

He can save the world, but he can never save the people he cares about, and the reason does not lie in anyone. It is the established ending that cannot be tampered with no matter what changes are made.

Then, there is only one way to avoid it, and that is to make the "chain" that dominates this trajectory disappear, which is himself.

However, if he simply disappears, the world will eventually be destroyed and everything will be reduced to nothing.

In other words, he can neither exist nor disappear. He needs to separate himself from this world and let himself existing in different time periods become two independent existences.

One self wants to step back into a time period that has been repeated countless times, and the other self that has been stripped away has to go to the more distant past.

For example, the beginning of technology.

For example, before the formation of civilization.

Or maybe it was at the peak of ancient technology when the "evil god" could not pose any threat to the world.

The ending of the movie is dramatic. In the end, the man succeeded. He eliminated the evil god before he was born.

Then, he who completed this feat also disappeared, because only the stripped him disappeared, and tens of thousands of years later, another self could exist in that time period.

However, those experiences that have been repeated tens of thousands of times, sad, beautiful, painful, and happy, will all become experiences that have not happened yet.

The last shot of the movie.

The man is walking on the street where he "used to" live. The companions with whom he "used to" have deep feelings have forgotten him. To them, that has never happened.

He was walking alone on the street, not even knowing where he was going.

But despite being lonely, there was a happy smile on his lips because he had completed his mission.

At this moment, a friendly call suddenly came from behind.

"XXX, welcome back!"

[If you save the world at the cost of letting everyone forget you, then I will use the same determination to make everyone think of you]

[Because, in a world where no one remembers that you once existed, it is too lonely to be the only person who remembers you]

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