Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 781 People have to accept reality after all

With the last two lines of the film, the movie ended, scrolling subtitles appeared on the screen, and the lights in the screening room were turned on.

Xia Feng put down the empty popcorn bucket and stretched out on the chair.

If asked to evaluate it, he could only say that the movie was okay and the screenwriter's imagination was OK, but the overall look was a bit nondescript.

Moreover, there is a serious lack of funding for the movie's special effects scenes, especially the so-called evil god whose hair style looks like a mop that has been chewed by a dog.

If he were to shape it, the evil god would have to be taller than a mountain, with glowing eyes, lightning surrounding him, and a hollow voice.

But overall, as a commercial movie, it's pretty good and worthy of his 2 hours of watching.

Seeing that the audience had almost left, Xia Feng patted his butt and stood up.

"Vina, it's over, let's go. Oh, by the way, what are we going to eat tonight? Do you want to drop by the supermarket to buy some food?"

Wei Na did not respond. She sat quietly on the armchair, her eyes covered by her golden bangs.



"What’s wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just think the movie is pretty good."

Through the gap in her bangs, Xia Feng noticed that Wei Na's eyes were red, as if she was crying.

Xia Feng looked like he couldn't believe that Wei Na was actually moved to tears by a crappy movie.

Of course Xia Feng would not laugh at her. Everyone has different ideas and it is normal for them to be moved by different stories.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Xia Feng could only cooperate.

"Yeah, it's indeed quite... quite touching."

Unexpectedly, after saying this, the tears that Wei Na had just held back burst again, and her voice was filled with suppressed sobs.

"Wow, he has been forgotten by everyone who cares. The male protagonist is too pitiful. If I were his wife, I would never forget him. Even if the common experience is erased, I will definitely be there in the first place. You know him when you see him.”

Xia Feng accompanied the smile.

"There's nothing we can do about it. That's how the script is written. How can we remember it if our memory has been erased?"

"I don't care, I would definitely remember it anyway."

"Okay, okay, remember."

After Xia Feng finally walked out of the screening room, Wei Na was still discussing the plot with him.

"Hey, who did you think was the one who called him last? The voice sounded like it was the heroine. They will definitely be together in the end."

Xia Feng replied perfunctorily.

"Who knows, maybe it's the landlord collecting debts, or maybe he's coming to the hero to pay back the money."

"Can you stop being such a spoiler? A good story has turned into such a tacky one."

"No matter how exciting the story is, people have to return to reality in the end. Okay, I won't argue with you. You are always right."


Xia Feng and Vina's "shopping" activity was over, and in the next few days, the three-day vacation approved by Kapewami himself was quickly consumed.

Of course, Xia Feng can take a vacation at any time if he wants, because he is the director of the Special Operations Division.

He doesn't need to look at anyone's face, including his theoretical immediate boss Kapewami.

After returning to normal work, Xia Feng became serious.

He discovered that having a say in the Yuan Council is not determined by who has a loud voice or who has a strong family background.

Relationships, achievements, abilities, status, influence, all factors are combined together to maximize the protection of one's own point of view when there are differences in the Yuan Council's decision-making.

It is impossible for him to satisfy everyone. As long as he climbs up, he is bound to offend the interests of some people, but he is not afraid.

It is the duty of the Special Operations Division to resolve the conflicts between infected people, and the source of conflicts is the intersection between ordinary people and infected people. If there is no contact with each other, there will be no conflicts.

However, it is impossible not to come into contact because the two groups are in a mutually reinforcing relationship. The infected need jobs and the capitalists need cheap labor.

Therefore, Xia Feng's current work is to make this relationship as "harmonious" as possible.

In order to demonstrate the fairness and resoluteness of the Special Operations Office, Xia Feng ignored the opposition of his subordinates and directly ordered a thorough investigation of the largest steel plant in the north.

Yes, this steel plant is the property of the Capet family.

As soon as this operation was confirmed, outsiders almost laughed under the table. This was an unabashed "the following is guilty" and was directly traced to the head of the immediate superior, the Inspector General.

Knowing that Xia Feng was going to investigate him, Kapewami almost vomited and sat in the office furiously.

"This brat is so lawless. It's my fault that I gave him a bonus before. White-eyed wolf, if he wants to investigate, just let him investigate. Our Cape family is upright and not afraid of shadows!"

A few days later, several teams from the Special Operations Branch arrived at the Cape family's steel plant.

According to Xia Feng's instructions, the investigators did not carry out any face-saving projects. It could be said that they did not give anyone any face, and directly investigated the steel plant from the inside out.

During the process, all infected workers were gathered in the factory yard and interviews began one by one.

The investigator held a pen and asked seriously.

"During the work process, did the steel factory deduct wages, impose unreasonable workloads, or deliberately make excuses to embarrass workers?"

However, as the largest family in Victoria, the Capetian family has indeed managed to maintain its integrity and not be afraid of shadows.

The infected workers unanimously said.

Although the workload in the factory is heavy, the pay is also the highest. They are very satisfied. If there is a work-related injury, the compensation will not go wrong. The accommodation conditions are good, and they have three generous meals a day, and they are provided with fruits in the evening.

The entire investigation process lasted all afternoon, and only after it was finally confirmed that there were no flaws, the personnel of the Special Operations Division evacuated.

This time, Xia Feng's severe investigation into his immediate boss quickly spread among the empire's top officials.

As time passed, the jeers quickly disappeared and were replaced by the tension of some people at the top.

This operation perfectly proved that Xia Feng is a "silly young man" who is the most popular new official when he takes office, and even the king of heaven dares to do it.

Soon, some large factories in the north stopped work and production under various excuses, and began a thorough self-examination before the Special Operations Division came to their door.

Even paralyzed patients who were laid off due to work-related injuries many years ago received belated compensation while lying at home.

However, just when all the factories were sorting out their housekeeping like new recruits and confidently waiting for the instructor to inspect, Xia Feng suddenly stopped investigating.

At a regular meeting of the Yuan Council, a co-member asked insinuatingly.

"Master Xia Feng, isn't your Special Operations Department investigating the factory? I wonder when the next operation will be?"

Xia Feng waved his hand casually.

"There are so many factories in the north. I don't have time to thoroughly investigate them all. I'm too busy recently. I won't do it anymore. Everyone can just be aware of it."

To be honest, Xia Feng's sudden withdrawal of action was not as satisfying to the nobles as to get to the bottom of it.

It's like a beheading knife. You just cut it down. If you're not ready, I'll be hacked to death. If you're ready, I can escape. Then I'll do whatever I have to do.

But now that the knife is hanging all the time, they are not sure. Maybe one day when Xia Feng is in a bad mood, he will suddenly have to continue investigating again, which is extremely uncomfortable.

This order was personally issued by Chief Yaerlin. Although they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, on the surface the nobles could not say anything. They could only try to be relaxed and calm.

Moreover, he had to show his admiration very hypocritically, but in his heart he was scolding Xia Feng's ancestors all over the eighteenth generation in complimenting him.

"Oh, Lord Xia Feng, your mental game is so clever!"

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