Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 782 The calm before the storm

Victoria's winter is getting warmer again, and this warmth comes more from the hearts of the infected than from the temperature.

If the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce in the south is the candle in the snowy night for infected people, then at this moment the Special Operations Office of the Supervisory Office is the light of justice.

Affected by this wave of purges, major factories in the north have invariably increased the wages of infected workers and investigated safety hazards in production after resuming operations.

Some jobs with extremely high risk factors also have special subsidies and life insurance.

This is a good thing. Infected people no longer only need to find candles for warmth at night. During the day, they can also raise their heads and enjoy the warmth of the sun like ordinary people.

Of course, Xia Feng was not blindly complacent about this achievement.

Capitalists will not feel gratified by the smile of a "slave", because this smile is based on the premise of loss of their profits.

Ordinary people living in the comfort zone of the north are not happy about this change. For them, infected people are synonymous with danger.

As the living standards of infected people improve, they also lose the sense of security generated by their sense of superiority.

The whole of Victoria seems peaceful on the surface, but Xia Feng is well aware of the psychological activities of each class.

But it doesn’t matter, ideological change requires a process. As long as we stabilize our steps during this critical period and establish complete laws and regulations, just like driving nails, to completely nail this form, then people will slowly accept it.

The living security of infected people can increase their enthusiasm for work, because conflicts are diluted, and they are more willing to cooperate with official arrangements, such as behavioral norms, anti-transmission treatment of corpses after death, various crimes caused by oppression in life, etc.

Under this situation, Xia Feng felt that as long as he could contain various "accidents" in time and not take it lightly, he would be able to comprehensively improve the current situation of infected people in this country in at most two months.

Kapewami was not really angry because of his "following offense". As the Imperial Inspector General, he also understood that Xia Feng was not targeting him, but "killing chickens to scare monkeys", using this behavior to express a strict attitude.

Therefore, Xia Feng received great support within the Supervision Office.

Inside the office.

There was a knife rest on Xia Feng's desk, and a shining golden knife lay on the knife rest.

This golden sword was the reward given to him by Princess Weilin on behalf of the royal family after he won the swordsmanship competition.

With this golden sword that symbolized the royal authority, all the senior officials of the empire who came to visit and wanted to use the back door swallowed the words they had practiced countless times.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the office door.

Xia Feng raised his head from the documents on his desk.

"Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a communications officer from the Office of Supervision stood at the door.

"Director Xia, the Yuan Council just issued a notice requesting you to attend an impromptu meeting this afternoon."

Xia Feng looked at the time. It was almost noon now, and he still had a lot of investigation reports on hand that he had not read yet.

"Please reply to Speaker Lefl for me and tell me that I am busy with work and will not participate this time."

The correspondent continued with some embarrassment.

"The notice said that you must attend this time. It is said that there is something important."

Xia Feng frowned.

"Bullshit, saying there is something important every time is not an excuse to call. I am really busy this time. You can go out."

The correspondent had no intention of leaving, but continued.

"The notice said that Chief Yaerlin will also attend."

Xia Feng lowered his head and paused while preparing to sign the investigation report. After a moment, he replied in a deep voice.

"I understand. I will attend the afternoon meeting on time."

"Okay, Director Xia, then I will resign."

As the chief executive of the empire, Ya'erlin would not casually attend regular meetings of the Yuan Council. For Ya'erlin, such discussions were a complete waste of time.

Yaerlin's willingness to participate this time means that there are very important things to be decided at the meeting.

It was past noon after finishing the work at hand. Xia Feng didn't even have lunch and went directly to the Imperial Administration Building.

In the conference hall.

Because I came earlier, there were not many people in the hall at this time. Of course, this meeting was held temporarily, and the number of people would not be the same as a regular meeting.

In other words, unless notified in advance, the southern nobles will not be able to come anyway. The members of the Yuan Council who can be present today should be the northern nobles.

After Xia Feng entered the door, he greeted several collegial officials as usual.

"Master Bida, Master Kuer, you are here so early."

However, the two collegial officers did not show their usual enthusiasm. They just replied perfunctorily, "Master Xia Feng, please take a seat" and ignored him.

Xia Feng didn't think much about this, just thinking that the two old guys were in a bad mood because they were delayed from taking a nap.

Glancing at the conference hall, he quickly spotted Marenleg.

Walking to sit next to him, Xia Feng adjusted his black Office of Supervision uniform and asked casually.

"Hey, what's going on today?"

Maren Legg is the son of Maren Lefur. As a family member of the speaker of the parliament, he will definitely know some of the arrangements for the meeting.

Xia Feng's tone was very relaxed, but Maren Laig's face was a little solemn.

"Xia Feng, today's topic may be a bit troublesome for you."

"Oh? What's the trouble?"

"I'm not sure what it is yet."

Xia Feng was a little confused.

"If there is trouble for me, is it because someone wants to withdraw from my job? What's the matter? If you don't want me to do it, I won't do it. I just want to go back to the south to retire."

His words were a joke, but Marenleg did not cooperate and continued to speak worriedly.

"As far as I know, the matter to be discussed today is about infected people."

Xia Fengmian was startled.

"Infected person?"

"Yes, but I don't know what specific decision it is."

Soon, more and more members of the Yuan Council rushed to the conference room, and the meeting time was approaching.

Xia Feng looked around, and as he expected, those who came today were all northern nobles.

After Speaker Lelf walked through the door, there was actually a distinguished person following him.

This man wore the same black uniform as Xia Feng, but the identity logo on the brim of his hat and chest was the highest in the entire Supervisory Office.

Xia Feng didn't expect that Kapewami would also come!

As the head of the Cape family, a first-level noble in the north, Capewamy is naturally also the collegiate officer, but because of his position as Inspector General, he rarely participates in regular meetings of the Yuan Council.

Obviously, this meeting is not just a discussion, but a decision, and this decision requires the cooperation of the Office of Supervision.

At this moment, Xia Feng felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

His rank is not low. He is the director of the Special Operations Division. If the issue is related to infected people, it is impossible for him to not notice it in advance.

But now that he has no idea about today's meeting, there are only two possibilities.

First, everyone hid it from him.

Second, this is completely directed at him.

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