Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 783 A bolt from the blue

In the conference hall, after everyone took their seats, the last person finally appeared at the door.

Seeing this gray-haired old man, everyone who had just been seated suddenly stood up.

"Hello, sir!"

Arlin was wearing a simple gray suit and holding a walking stick in his hand, just like an ordinary old man passing by.

After entering the hall, he smiled and waved his hands to everyone.

"My lords, please take a seat."

Afterwards, Yaerlin did not sit on the main seat, but sat in a separately prepared seat next to the hall.

This behavior was also to demonstrate the authority of the Yuan Council over the imperial government.

After everyone is seated, the meeting is about to begin.

However, Speaker Lefl said something else before announcing the start of the meeting.

"Thank you to all members for taking the time to attend this extraordinary meeting, and special thanks to Chief Yallin for participating in the discussion. Before today's meeting begins, I would like to introduce to you a new member of the Yuan Council."

After saying that, Leful waved to the door.

"Please come in."

Following Leful's voice, a tall, mature woman slowly walked in from outside the conference hall door.

The woman's delicate facial features were now smiling, and her fur coat and black velvet hat made her look very noble.

But no matter how carefully she dressed up, she could not hide her pale and bloodless skin, which was not difficult for even a normal person to detect.

This woman has absolutely no breath of life that a "living person" should have.

Originally, Xia Feng didn't care too much about the addition of new members. It was not uncommon for the royal family to grant new nobles, just like himself.

However, when he saw the cold and charming woman walking in from the door, his pupils shrank instantly.

"Why is it her!"

Xia Feng stared in disbelief at the woman who had walked to the center of the conference hall. There was no doubt that he had seen this woman before.

If I remember correctly, her name is.

Speaker Lefl introduced solemnly.

"Everyone, this is Lady Hela, a second-level noble conferred by the royal family. Just yesterday, Lady Hela officially completed the noble conferment ceremony. According to the privileges of the nobles, she has the right and responsibility to join the Imperial Yuan Council."

Regarding the appearance of Hela, some members of the Yuan Council were as surprised as they should be. Of course, the reason for the surprise was that Hela was a woman and they had no impression of it before.

The expressions of the other small group of people did not change at all, as if they had known it for a long time.

Like the former, Xia Feng was also very surprised and shocked. After a while, he thought that Hela had left Victoria, and almost forgot about this "special" existence.

He never expected that Hela would suddenly appear again and directly enter the Imperial Yuan Council, becoming a second-level nobleman with a higher status than him.

Xia Feng suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted loudly.

"I have a question!"

At this moment, Hela's eyes met Xia Feng's.

Xia Feng's eyes were filled with astonishment and undisguised hostility, while Hela always maintained a mysterious smile.

Seeing Xia Feng stand up, Speaker Leful was a little confused.

"Xia Feng, what's your problem?"

Xia Feng looked gloomy.

"I have doubts about her identity."

This sentence caused a commotion in the conference hall, and Speaker Leifle frowned and asked.

"Are you doubtful about Lady Hela's noble title, or about her personal identity?"

Xia Feng stared at Hela coldly.

"I don't understand why she became a noble."


Facing Xia Feng's unilateral questioning, Hela calmly took out a small badge from her pocket.

Holding the badge between two slender fingers, Hela responded calmly.

"This is a noble medal awarded by the royal family. Princess Weilin was even present at the medal ceremony in person. I don't think my identity needs to be questioned."

Xia Feng glanced at Chief Yaerlin who was sitting next to him.

At this time, Ya'erlin didn't show any signs. He even closed his eyes to rest, but there was a hint of worry between his brows.

Speaker Lefl's voice came.

"Xia Feng, there is no problem with Lord Hela's identity. With the rigor of the Imperial Yuan Council, people with doubtful identities will not be allowed to participate in regular meetings. You can rest assured on this."

Xia Feng had a gloomy face and sat down silently.

Later, Hela also took her seat as a formal member of the Yuan Council.

Although the overall meeting did not change much, except that there was one more person, Xia Feng's intuition told him.

The entire atmosphere of the meeting has changed since Hela walked in.

"The meeting begins now!"

With Speaker Lefl's announcement, this extraordinary meeting officially began.

What Xia Feng didn't expect was that the first issue raised at the meeting made him unable to sit still.

An old collegiate officer stood up and read out expressionlessly.

"Recently, the Yuan Council has received responses from cities across the country. There is a shortage of housing in local areas where infected people are concentrated. The reason is that since last year, a large number of infected people have entered our country and stayed there for a long time. According to statistics from the Imperial Civil Affairs Office , the number of legally infected people in our country is now 3.37 million. This number is only for legally infected people. According to a survey by the Ministry of Military Affairs, there are at least more than 700,000 illegally infected people living and circulating in our country, and this number is still increasing. ."

Another collegiate officer took over and continued.

"The total number of infected people exceeds 4 million, combined with the total population of our country, which means that there will be about 1 infected person in every 10 people. This ratio is very exaggerated in the world. As we all know, there is no The average life span of infected people is extremely short, which will greatly increase the chance of infection for ordinary citizens in our country and will also bring various unstable factors to society."

At the end, the collegiate officer added another sentence.

"After all, an infected person knows that he or she is going to die soon, but he can do anything."

Before the collegiate officer finished speaking, Xia Feng was the first to stand up and retort loudly.

"What does this mean? Without the labor of the infected, how could this country develop into what it is now? It is true that there are risks in the control of infected people, but the Special Operations Office has been doing its best to deal with this situation and has achieved a stage sexual results if now"

At this time, Chief Yaerlin interrupted Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, don't get excited, let the collegiate officer finish the topic."

Afterwards, several collegiate officers briefly explained the topics that needed to be determined at the current meeting.

The main purpose of this meeting is to control the number of infected people in the country. The parliament gave three plans for various aspects.

First, the Department of Civil Affairs will work with the local security bureaus in various cities to reduce the number of places for legally infected people to live, so as to slow down the growth in a short period of time.

Second, the military headquarters will form a patrol team to search for all illegally infected persons in the country who have not obtained a residence permit. Depending on the situation, they will be fined and then apply for a residence permit, or they will be deported directly.

Third, major factories in the north reduce the number of infected people employed and increase the wages of grassroots workers to encourage ordinary people to participate in manual labor. The number of job opportunities for infected people will decrease, and the number of infected people preparing to go to Victoria will also be reduced in disguise. Desire here.

After hearing these three plans, Xia Feng's eyes widened.

He was shocked not only by the outrageous issue, but also by the fact that not a single member of Parliament spoke out to refute such a stupid decision!

Crazy, he thought these people were crazy.

If we do this, all the previous efforts of the Special Operations Division will undoubtedly be in vain.

Xia Feng couldn't figure out why the collegiate officer would raise such an outrageous topic.

It’s possible to control the number of infected people, but it’s definitely not at this time, and it’s not this method.

Not only him, Xia Feng felt that this was a stupid decision, and Princess Weilin would never agree with it given her wisdom.

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