Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 788 The center of the storm

As time passed day by day, various small-scale conflicts broke out one after another.

Xia Feng still didn't know what Princess Weilin was thinking. Victoria was now like a huge chessboard, and he could only drift with the flow like a chess piece.

In the evening, Xia Feng left the supervision building in A Guang's car.

On the way, Aguang looked at Xia Feng's sad face and said while driving.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will always be with you, even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire, as long as you take a step forward, I will never hesitate at all."


Xia Feng just responded lightly.

Aguang pursed his lips and continued in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, I still have some things I don't know whether I should say."

"We are brothers, that's all you say."


Aguang stared at the front of the vehicle and said leisurely.

"Actually, I don't understand the high-level officials of the empire, nor do I understand the interests of infected people, but after this period of time, I know that you are not happy. Brother Feng, I may be a little ignorant when I say this, but I still want to say it.”

"What do you want to say?"

"Brother Feng, if we can't survive in Londinium, we can go back to the south, no matter who it is, the Yuan Council or the Supervisory Office. When we go back to the south, General Grissom and everyone at the barbecue restaurant will be here, and no one can bully them. If we, the south, can't survive, the worst we can do is leave Victoria and go to Sargon, Kjerag, Sami, or Longmen. The world is so big, and we have money and people, and we are like a dragon wherever we go."

Xia Feng closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"do not talk."

"Brother Feng."

"I know you're thinking of me, but don't say it."

Aguang was right. With Kuroyu's current strength, he would still be a tyrant-level existence without Victoria.

However, precisely because Aguang was right, Xia Feng didn't want to think about this, because this "fallback path" would make him hesitate in his heart.

At night, the kitchen of Vina's house.

Xia Feng ate all the rice in the rice bowl without saying a word, and didn't even add vegetables to the meal.

For some reason, Wei Na did not drink alcohol tonight, but just ate in small bites.


“Is there any news about Sargon’s Origin Stone order?”

"It should be soon."


Xia Feng took a deep breath.

"Vina, I want to tell you something else."

As if she sensed what Xia Feng wanted to say, Wei Na stood up and put away the dishes with an expressionless expression.

"If it doesn't help the current situation, then don't say anything."


"It's very late, go to bed early."

Just as Wei Na left the table with the dishes and chopsticks, Xia Feng finally couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Vina, sit down, I have something to tell you!"

Wei Na stopped where she was, and the atmosphere became a little solid.

a long time.

Wei Na put the dishes and chopsticks back on the table.

"what do you want to say."

Xia Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the words again. Finally, he mustered up the courage.

"Vina, you should understand that the Glasgow Gang is just a gang. Under the operation of the royal government, nothing can be changed. If there is forced intervention, more than one million troops from the four military regions can crush everything."

"Then what."

Xia Feng lowered his head and a small voice came from his mouth.

"Vina, come back to the south with me. Don't stay in Londinium. At least, I can protect you."

Under the golden hair, Wei Na's eyes were a little blurry, but they were soon replaced by firm persistence.

"Will I go back to the south with you? Do you think the south will be safe?"

Xia Feng raised his head, and there was a look of prayer in his eyes that had never appeared before.

"The south is at least safer than the north now. If. I mean if, if the south is also affected one day in the future, we can leave Victoria. I will accompany you wherever you want to go. We can go to a small country far away from the war. us."

"You mean, let me escape?"

"This is not an escape."

Xia Feng stood up excitedly. To be honest, he would never have said such words in the past, but now, he really felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"Vina, this is not an escape. You have no responsibilities at all. Indeed, you have royal blood flowing in your body, but you..."

"Are you trying to say that I am unacknowledged royalty?"

Xia Feng clenched his fist and said without giving up.

"Even though King Willanson is so ill that he will die at any time, he has not recognized you as his daughter, Vina. Is there anything else in this country that is worthy of your sacrifice?"


The wine glass was crushed by Vina, the glass cut her palm, and blood flowed down her fingers.

There was no trace of pain on Vina's face, she raised her head proudly and said.

"This is my hometown and I will never leave. If you are afraid, you can go wherever you want at any time."

Is Xia Feng afraid?


But he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of sacrifice, nor is he afraid of burying everything he currently owns.

If giving his life would prevent him from regretting it, he would walk towards the abyss without hesitation. But now, the so-called abyss was shrouded in layers of fog, making it impossible for him to even find where to jump.

This is not a game, there is no chance to start over after failure, nor is it like a TV series, where one episode after another will definitely have a happy ending.

He admitted that his heart was far from being as strong as it seemed, and he was indeed afraid if a single move could affect his whole body.

Unknowingly, the name Xia Feng has become the hope of the infected, and now, those infected who believe in him are in dire straits.

To be honest, Xia Feng didn't think he had the ability to call for anything, let alone the qualifications. After all, he was indeed an infected person, but at the same time he was also a noble.

He has not personally experienced the oppression of infected people. His quality of life is even higher than that of most rich people, with endless money to spend, mountains of Origin Stones, and a large number of companions with abnormal fighting abilities.

In this case, he was afraid. He was afraid that if he was not careful, he might become a sinner for the ages.

This night was the only night after Xia Feng stayed at Weina's house that he didn't hear "good night".

The lights in the living room were turned off, and Xia Feng lay quietly on the sofa.

Vina firmly refused the suggestion of leaving Londinium. Of course, this was within his expectation, but as a friend, he had to try this possibility.

Now the conclusion is out, Veena will not give up her hometown.

If Wei Na is willing to play hard to get, put herself out of the storm, and protect her hometown as a bystander, maybe some things will be easier to handle.

For example, when going to Sami, Yi Nanxue would never refuse Wei Na to move her position there.

When the time comes, it will not be too late to take measures based on timely intelligence.

But now Wei Na has firmly stated that she will not leave. She will stand stubbornly in the center of the storm and welcome the arrival of the storm.

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