Because of the "failed conversation" that night, there seemed to be a estrangement between him and Vina.

The most direct impact was that after waking up from the sofa every morning, he had no breakfast.

A week later.

Xia Feng received a call from Tang Hua in the office of the Special Operations Division.

"Xia Feng, the Security Bureau sent people to the Kilt neighborhood and told them that they were going to impose a curfew. Except for Area A, Areas B and C are not allowed to go out at night."

Xia Feng yelled into the phone.

"Has the director of the Security Bureau lived enough?"

Tang Hua was also a little helpless.

"I don't know what's going on. The people in the Security Bureau are also in a dilemma. They said it was an order from above and they didn't dare to carry it out without authorization, so they came over to ask for your opinion."

Xia Feng calmed down and said to Tang Hua while resisting the urge to kill.

"Tell that director that if Happy City dares to impose a curfew, I will make the entire security bureau's military and police evaporate."


After hanging up the phone, secretary Xiaolan hurriedly opened the door and entered.

"Director, something has happened. A large-scale conflict has occurred in the infected area of ​​Nilan City. All infected residents have gathered together and are confronting the stationed military and police. There are already casualties."

"Depend on!"

Xia Feng slammed the table.

Niland City is a medium-sized city 70 kilometers away from Londinium. The main force of the Central Army is stationed nearby. At this time, a collective conflict broke out. Isn't it nonsense?

Xia Feng grabbed the Shenyue Knife and quickly walked out of the office.

"Let Aguang prepare the car."


These are critical times, and the imposition of curfews is bound to cause dissatisfaction at the outset.

As long as he endures the humiliation and bears the burden, the incident must not be allowed to worsen until Commander-in-Chief Yaerin and General Grissom, including himself, come up with a solution to this situation.

A few hours later, Xia Feng finally arrived at the infected area in Nilan City.

As he pushed open the car door, an angry roar immediately reached his ears.

At this time, a large number of infected people gathered excitedly at the entrance of the concentration area. Opposite them, military police holding explosion-proof shields shouted loudly and called for reinforcements.

"Don't move, stand still, throw away your weapons, do you want to rebel?"

"Anyone who comes closer will be arrested for assaulting a police officer, do you hear me?"

However, the infected ignored the warnings of the police and continued to scream with crude weapons.

Xia Feng saw that several people in the military and police team had their heads covered with blood and their clothes were torn. It seemed that a physical conflict had just occurred.

Fortunately, the conflict has not worsened and both sides have now restrained themselves.

Passing through the crowd, Xia Feng quickly walked to the front.

Taking out his ID, Xia Feng said loudly.

"I am the director of the Special Operations Division of the Supervision Office. Which of you is in charge here?"

When they heard about the Special Operations Division, these military policemen on alert felt like they had seen a savior. A tall military policeman immediately ran to Xia Feng.

"Master Xia Feng, I am the captain leading the team, my name is"

"I don't want to know your name, you just need to tell me what's going on here, quick."

The captain swallowed his saliva and said quickly.

"Is such that."

According to the captain's description, around early this morning, a military police stationed in an area where infected people were concentrated discovered something unusual while patrolling.

An infected person left home without authorization during the period when the curfew was not lifted. Subsequently, the military police officer came forward to arrest him, but the infected person resisted.

During the process, a conflict broke out between the two parties, and the infected person who violated the curfew died on the spot.

From the captain's statement, Xia Feng couldn't tell much of a problem. The conflict occurred because of curfew violation. This result was completely within his expectation.

However, the conflict resulted in the death of the offender, and Xia Feng's intuition told him that there might be something fishy going on.

And this "strangeness" is exactly what caused the emotional outburst of residents in the entire infected area at this time.

"Kill for life!"

"Kill us all if you can!"

Seeing that the infected people were very excited, Xia Feng could only stand in front of them through the explosion shield and comfort them.

"Don't get excited, everyone. I will handle this matter. I am the director of the Special Operations Division. My name is Xia Feng."

Nowadays, the Special Operations Department is no longer unfamiliar with the infected people in the north, and the name Xia Feng is even less unfamiliar.

After confirming Xia Feng's identity, the excited infected people calmed down a little.

"Master Xia Feng, you have to make the decision for us infected people."

"Yes, this curfew has made people panic in the first place, and now that something like this happens again, it's impossible to survive this day."

Xia Feng raised his hand to signal everyone not to make any noise.

"Everyone, calm down first. I will handle this matter. I just arrived and I haven't figured out what happened yet. Please wait quietly for a moment."

After saying that, Xia Feng turned around and looked at the captain of the Security Bureau.

"Take me to the scene of the conflict."


Soon, Xia Feng followed the military police from the Security Bureau to a street in the area where the infected were concentrated.

It is more like a dark alley than a street. The road is full of potholes and the surrounding houses and trees block the light.

Xia Feng stood at the entrance of the alley.

"right here?"

The captain nodded.

"Yes, people died here at that time."

"Where's the body?"

"The person who died was an infected person, and the body was taken away and disposed of by us as soon as possible."

"Is the person who died a man or a woman?"


Xia Feng frowned when he heard that the person who died unexpectedly in the conflict was a woman.

"Female? How old are you?"

At this time, hesitation appeared on the captain's face.

Xia Feng immediately raised his voice.

"I want to ask you, how old is the deceased?"

"99 years old."

"What did you say?"

"It's a 9-year-old girl."

This alley was very dark, Xia Feng stepped forward and walked inside step by step.

After walking about ten steps, he stopped where he was.

There were still congealed blood stains on the ground, and there was also a small red shoe.

Next to the shoes, a turtle-shaped doll was lying quietly on the ground. The plush doll was also stained with blood and had shoe marks left on it.

However, the parts that were not stained were as clean as new.

It can be seen that its owner loves it very much and has been caring for the doll carefully.

Standing in front of the turtle doll, Xia Feng lowered his head deeply. No one could see his expression, only his fingers could be seen gently trembling.

He remembered this doll, which once belonged to Turtle.

A few months ago, a mother who came from out of town brought her daughter to the barbecue restaurant and received treatment from Dr. Kane. After the treatment, Xia Feng refused to accept money.

In order to express her gratitude, the innocent little girl gave him the dirty but cherished doll in her arms.

The touched turtle gave the little girl her brand new turtle doll as a gift.

In a dark alley.

Looking at the turtle doll in front of him that was stained with blood and had been stepped on, Xia Feng's trance-like voice came out of his mouth.

"You're saying that the person who violated the curfew and clashed with the military and police was a 9-year-old girl, right?"

The military police following behind were hesitant, and the captain standing next to Xia Feng didn't know how to answer.

Xia Feng's voice continued to come.

"I'm asking you questions, answer me."


"Answer me, a 9-year-old girl died in custody for violating curfew, right?"

Unsure of Xia Feng's intentions, the captain said tentatively.

"Yes, but this little girl is an infected person, so there should be no impact."

At this moment, Xia Feng turned around angrily, and a huge roar resounded through the sky.

"I x your uncle!"

Before anyone could react, Xia Feng raised his foot and kicked the captain hard in the chest.


There was a sound of ribs breaking, and the captain was kicked dozens of meters away with blood pouring from his mouth.

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