Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 790 I am just an infected person

For some reason, Xia Feng, who was investigating the crime scene, suddenly changed his temper and waved his fist at the military police who accompanied him.

"Lord Xia Feng, what a shame!"

"Stop fighting, we're on our own!"

"What's going on? Hold him down!"

At first, these military policemen were beaten dumbfounded, but gradually, they discovered that Xia Feng had no intention of showing mercy, and began to defend and counterattack.

Xia Feng did not draw out the Black and White Twins, nor did he draw out the Shenyue Sword. Instead, as if venting his anger, he punched the military police one after another, even denting the explosion-proof shields.

Until finally, the infected residents heard the shouts and rushed over.

Although Xia Fengfeng seemed to be relieved when he beat the military police, it was not difficult for them to see that if the beating continued, someone would be killed.

In desperation, the infected worked together to "control" the crazy Xia Feng.

According to statistics after the incident, the captain at the beginning had 13 ribs broken by Xia Feng's kick, and the remaining 20 or so military police officers suffered varying degrees of injuries, and the most serious ones may even become a vegetative state.

Seeing Xia Fengfeng beating up the military police, the excited infected residents were temporarily relieved.

As for how to deal with it in the end, Xia Feng has no way of knowing.

Because of this inexplicable "attack on the police" incident, Xia Feng was sent to the Royal Court.

The court's ruling was that in view of Xia Feng's previous merits and the military police's negligence in law enforcement, the Supervisory Office would not pursue his criminal liability and would only pay compensation for medical expenses.

In addition, because of his misconduct, the Office of Supervision decided to remove him from the position of director of the Special Operations Division and demote him to an ordinary operations officer.

Upon hearing this result, Xia Feng in the courtroom pulled off his black coat and threw it to the ground.

"Go to the Supervisory Office of Damn, I quit."

Because of being dismissed, Xia Feng lost his office in the Supervision Building.

In the office, secretary Xiaolan pursed her lips.

"Director, I...I'll help you pack your things."


Xia Feng didn't take anything away, and of course, there was nothing important.

In the end, he only took away the golden sword given to him by Princess Verin.

From this moment on, he is no longer an official of the Oversight Office, but his noble status will not be deprived of it. He no longer has power, but he is still a noble.

In other words, he can also participate in the Yuan Assembly and have the right to vote.

Three days later.

The Imperial Yuan Council convened a special meeting, and as required, all members of the Yuan Council must attend.

On the day of the meeting, Xia Feng arrived at the conference hall early.

After entering, he didn't say hello to anyone and sat silently in the last row.

This special meeting was indeed very special. Xia Feng kept staring at the door with an indifferent expression. Under his gaze, big shots appeared one after another.

The Inspector General, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Treasury Officer, and the top leaders of various functional departments of the empire appeared one after another.

At this time, neat footsteps sounded at the door.

A group of heavily armed officers and soldiers lined up in two rows at the door. These soldiers were wearing regular equipment and had standard sabers around their waists. This scene must have had military dignitaries present.

After a while, the big shot appeared.

Military Chief Frey walked in from the door with a serious expression. Beside him, a young man with blond hair stood side by side.

This man has a very strong build and is wearing golden light armor. Judging from his racial characteristics, he should be of the Aslan tribe.

Later, Xia Feng learned that this man was the current commander-in-chief of the Central Army and the eldest prince of King Willanson, Witte.

Just after everyone took their seats, heavy and neat footsteps sounded outside the door again.

Different from the soldiers just now, the soldiers who entered from outside the door did not line up in front of the door. Instead, they entered the center of the hall directly and surrounded the entire conference hall.

Golden swords and golden armor, iron-blooded killing, this is the elite guard of the Royal Knights.

"Princess Weilin has arrived!"

Under the personal protection of Tyreg, the commander of the Royal Knights, Verin walked in wearing a white dress and a silver crown.

Wei Lin was not the only member of the royal family present, but her brother Werther represented the Central Army, and she represented the royal family.

After Wei Lin walked in, all the members of the council stood up neatly and said in unison with respect.

"Hello, Your Highness Princess!"

Xia Feng sat quietly in his seat, without getting up or saying hello.

Looking at Wei Lin, whom he had always wanted to see but could not see before, Xia Feng suddenly became less excited, because some things no longer mattered to him.

But before the meeting started, Xia Feng suddenly discovered that Yaerlin, the chief executive, was not here for some reason.

Obviously, there are important decisions to be made at this special meeting.

Although the power of the Yuan Council is great in theory, in practice, it is still necessary to seek the opinions of the royal family.

With Speaker Lefl's announcement, this meeting officially began.

Just like a necessary process, the top leaders of each functional department of the empire first briefly reported the current situation, and Xia Feng was too lazy to listen to it.

Midway through the meeting, a sensitive issue finally came up.

According to a report from the Imperial Civil Affairs Bureau, since the cleanup operation of illegally infected people began, the number of infected people has not decreased significantly. On the contrary, a very large proportion of infected people choose to pay fines and continue to live.

At the same time, Financial Controller Millen also said that since the launch of this operation, the operational expenses of the Supervision Office and the Military Department have seriously exceeded the standards, and judging from the results, this expenditure is not proportional to the returns.

From this, senior officials from various ministries came to a conclusion.

Most infected people are richer than they think, and those who really have no money will try their best to hang on.

At this point in the meeting, Speaker Lefl stood up and said.

“In order to deal with this situation, our collegial officers jointly discussed a plan, which is also the decision that needs to be determined at this meeting.”

After clearing his throat, Levell continued seriously in front of Verin.

"The existence of illegally infected people has seriously affected the social order of our country, and the investigation work has also consumed police and military resources extremely. For this reason, we have decided to levy a personal tax on all legally living infected people in the country, regardless of whether they are adults or not. Each person is required to pay a tax of 5,000 tera per year.”

There was a commotion in the conference hall after the proposal was explained.

But soon, the hesitant expressions of the nobles disappeared and were replaced by expressions of secret joy. It was obvious that this decision was a positive one for most of them.

When it comes to collecting taxes across the country, the actual manipulators in each locality are indispensable.

After hearing this issue, Xia Feng was not angry. It was as if all his concerns were alleviated and he smiled easily.

He was laughing at his previous efforts to save something, and even more so at his naive thoughts.

No one raised any objections to this decision.

Then in the silence, Xia Feng stood up from his seat, facing everyone's gaze, he said calmly.

"Sir Mirren, I would like to ask how many legally infected people are in Victoria now."

Milun, who was questioned by Xia Feng, pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses.

"According to previous statistics from the Civil Affairs Department, there were 3.7 million people legally infected. Now, the number should be close to 4 million."

"So, if each person pays 5,000 yuan per year, how much is the total tax?"

Mirren replied in a deep voice.

"20 billion."

Xia Feng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said self-deprecatingly.

"Hey, do you think the infected people in the country can spend 20 billion?"

A collegiate officer replied with a cold snort.

"Most of the infected people had jobs before, so why not?"

Xia Feng nodded.

"Okay, let me ask another question. If the infected people can really spend 20 billion, why do they still live like others in Victoria?"

Another collegiate officer scoffed at the question.

"That goes without saying, because only in Victoria can these infected people survive."

Xia Feng didn't want to make a point or argue. He left his seat and walked step by step to the center of the conference hall, looking straight at Wei Lin who was sitting in the middle.

"Your Highness, what do you think of this proposal?"

There was no emotion on Verin's face as she said softly.

"I think it can be implemented."

For some reason, no one stopped Xia Feng from clearly disrupting the order of the meeting.

After hearing Verin's answer, Speaker Leful said immediately.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess also expressed her admiration. Let's start voting now."

"Wait a moment."

Xia Feng raised his hand high.

"There is no need to invest. Everyone's time is precious, so why waste it? Since the empire's finances are so short of money, there is no need to waste manpower on collecting it."

Leful frowned and stared at Xia Feng.

"what do you mean?"

"I'll give you this money."

Xia Feng casually walked to a table next to him, picked up the pen on the table, and casually wrote a line of numbers on a piece of paper.


He also signed his name at the end.

Later, he photographed this "blank check" in front of the financial controller Mirren.

"This is one year's tax for infected people. Sorry, I didn't bring any money today. You can send someone to pick it up at my house after the meeting. I'm talking about my home in the south."

At this time, Frey, who was the chief of military affairs, finally spoke. He looked at Xia Feng like a clown.

"Xia Feng, are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm serious."


Frey suddenly raised his voice, and at the same time, the guards brought by the military reached out to their sabers.

Frey narrowed his eyes.

"Xia Feng, this is the Imperial Yuan Council. Princess Weilin is also present. You are a noble. Are you despising the imperial power?"

Regardless of Frey's question, Xia Feng calmly raised his head and looked at Wei Lin.

"Your Highness Princess, do you think I am despising the imperial power?"

Faced with Xia Feng's direct gaze, Wei Lin did not answer. Her eyes were deep, without anger or disappointment, making it impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Seeing that Xia Feng regarded him as nothing, Frei continued to fan the flames.

"Xia Feng, I think you are lawless. People like you are not worthy of joining the Yuan Council!"

Wei Lin's silence made Xia Feng understand something. He put his hand into his pocket and took out a small badge.


In front of everyone in the conference hall, he slammed his exclusive noble medal to the ground.


In a flash of cold light, a golden short knife came out of his hand and nailed the noble medal to the spot. This golden knife was exactly what Weilin had given him.

There was dead silence in the conference hall.

After completing this set of movements smoothly, Xia Feng took a deep breath, stared at Wei Lin and said.

"The nobles you bestowed upon me are now returned to you. From today on, I, Xia Feng, am just an infected person."

After saying that, Xia Feng turned and walked towards the door.

At this time, Frey suddenly moved to stop Xia Feng, and he threatened in a low voice.

"Xia Feng, leaving this conference hall means you have given up your status as a noble. From now on, you will never come back."

Xia Feng brought his face closer and spoke at a volume that only the two of them could hear.

"Frey, isn't this what you expected? You wish that I would disappear or die in any inconspicuous place, but unfortunately, I will not die or disappear. I can assure you that I will still be here. Come back, but not as a noble, but as Xia Feng."

Hearing Xia Feng's words, Frey suddenly widened his eyes angrily.

"How dare you? Believe it or not, I won't let you go anywhere today!"

Following his voice, the guards neatly drew their sabers.

Xia Feng sneered and looked around.

"Oh, I can go wherever I want. There is no place in this world that I, Xia Feng, can't leave."

"You can try."

"Okay, just give it a try, I hope you won't regret it."

After saying that, Xia Feng opened his mouth, exposed his teeth, and extended his palm to his mouth.

Just at the tense moment, an ethereal voice broke the anxious atmosphere.

Under the silver crown, Wei Lin's voice contained unshakable majesty in its calmness.

"Let him go."

Xia Feng turned around and took one last look at Wei Lin, who had given him noble status.

Then, under the gaze of everyone in the conference hall, he turned and left.

The recent plot may be a bit depressing, but it is necessary to constitute the entire incident and is also an important foreshadowing. This is what the world really looks like, and it is precisely because of this that change is needed.

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