Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 791 It’s time to go home

Imperial Inspector General, Commander-in-Chief of the Central Army, Chief of Imperial Military Affairs, Princess Verin who represents the royal bloodline.

It's like an arranged script. Everyone has been assigned roles by the director. There are no points of conflict and the direction of the plot has been unified.

And he was the only "outsider" in this scene who didn't know the script.

After walking out of the administrative building, Xia Feng raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. The cold wind blew on his face and made his heart feel cold.

He voluntarily gave up his status as a noble. As an infected person, he could no longer stay in Londinium. However, this was what he had planned for a long time. If he continued to stay in Londinium, there was nothing he could do.

What a bullshit aristocrat, what a bastard Inspectorate, everyone is pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

Abandoning all the identities of others giving alms, it was time for him to go home.

After leaving the administrative building, Xia Feng returned to Weina's villa for the last time in the afternoon.

Opening the door, Vina hadn't arrived home yet and was probably dealing with the Glasgow Gang's business.

In the living room, there was a red scarf lying on the sofa where he had slept for countless nights. Xia Feng put the scarf around his neck. After thinking about it, he recalled that Wei Na helped him choose the last time they went shopping together. I also took my clothes.

After sitting in the living room for a long time, until it got dark outside, Xia Feng finally took out his mobile phone.

After a while, the phone was connected and Vina's voice came.


"Hey, Vina, I have to leave."

"Where to go."

"Go back south."


This time Xia Feng did not ask for Weina to leave with him, because he knew that Weina would not leave.

"Vina, you must take care of yourself in Londinium, and call me anytime if you need anything."

After a long silence, Wei Na's melancholy response came from the phone.


As the lights begin to turn on, the night in Londinium is still lively and noisy.

A Guang drove Xia Feng slowly out of the city in his car.

Through the car windows, pedestrians on the street are still immersed in the wonderful nightlife. Most of them, ordinary people, have no idea what will happen to this country.

Of course, Xia Feng doesn't know what the future will bring, but he firmly believes that as long as pain exists in the hearts of some people, no one can keep laughing.

After confirming that he was going to return to the south, Aguang seemed very happy, he said while driving.

"Brother Feng, I've had enough of this miserable place. It's more comfortable in the south. No one can care about us, and we don't need to look at anyone's face. We are the strongest local snakes, hehe."

Xia Feng forced out a smile.

"hope so."

"Hey, Brother Feng, why do you look so melancholy? It's finally time to go home. Be happy. The world has always been like this. Life goes on. Nothing is impossible."

"Well, you're right, nothing is impossible."

A Guang chuckled.

"By the way, Brother Feng, I haven't been back for so long, why don't we bring some gifts to everyone at the barbecue restaurant?"

Sitting in the back seat of the vehicle, in addition to clothes, Xia Feng also placed a turtle doll next to him.

The blood stains and shoe prints on the doll have been cleaned away, but the owner who once regarded it as a treasure is no longer in this world.

Its owner has never experienced the beauty of this world or tasted sweet food since he was born.

It was a "humble" little life, so "humble" that even if she disappeared from the world, Xia Feng could not recall the name she had ever spoken.

Perhaps the happiest moment in her life was when she got this turtle doll from Turtle.

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Feng gently closed his eyes and raised his head.

"Nothing, keep driving your car."


Ten minutes later, the vehicle left the main city. As long as they passed through the south gate, they would leave Londinium completely.

There were very few vehicles leaving the city at this time. At this moment, a man appeared in front of the city gate, blocking them who were the only ones preparing to leave the city at this time.

Aguang braked and stopped the vehicle.

"Brother Feng, there is someone."

Through the windshield, Xia Feng recognized who this person was at a glance. The person blocking their way at this time was none other than Victoria's Imperial Sword and the commander of the Royal Knights Legion, Tyrege.

After getting closer, Aguang also recognized Telege because he had seen him in a sword competition.

"Brother Feng, this."

"It's okay, don't panic."

Xia Feng didn't know why Te Leige wanted to stop him, but he obviously wasn't looking for trouble. If he wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have waited until now.

"Park the car here and wait for me to come back."

After that, Xia Feng opened the car door and walked out.

At this time, Xia Feng had already taken off the uniform of the Supervisory Office. He was wearing a red scarf and walked up to Tai Lege in the cold wind.

"Legion Commander, it's so late. Are you out for a walk? Or do you want to regain some respect for your brother?"

Terege didn't say much to him.

Then Xia Feng noticed that even if he was not in a "public place", Tyrege was still wearing the golden armor of the Royal Knights at this time, which meant that his current actions were not private matters.

"Xia Feng, someone wants to see you."


Xia Feng sighed lightly.

"I am neither a noble nor a director now, I am just a humble infected person as you call me. No matter who I am, I am afraid there is no need for this. I just want to go home now."

Teleg turned his head slightly and glanced at the city wall behind him.

"It won't take you long."

"But I don't want to waste time, even 1 second."

"It's Princess Weilin. She wants to see you. She said it. This is not an order, just an ordinary invitation."

Hearing the name Wei Lin, Xia Feng's eyes flashed.

After a moment, he responded.

"All right."

Terege did not take him to the palace, nor to any quiet and luxurious royal restaurant.

Guided Xia Feng, Terege actually brought him to the top of the city wall dozens of meters high at the south gate.


On the high city wall, the wind was very strong at night, and the wind was even mixed with fine snowflakes.

Within sight, two rows of statue-like elite guards of the Royal Knights lined up, standing on the city wall silently guarding someone on the edge.

At this time, a temporary "safe haven" similar to a marching tent was set up on the edge of the city wall.

In the open tent, Verin was wearing a snow-white coat. On the simple wooden table in front of her was a wine bottle.

Picking up the pure gold wine glass, she drank the wine in one gulp in the night wind.

Putting down the wine glass, Wei Lin glanced faintly in Xia Feng's direction.

"You came."


At this moment, Wei Lin's eyes seemed to show a hint of imperceptible relief. She picked up the wine flask and filled the cup again, and said softly.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation. Drinking alone is really lonely."

Standing in front of Wei Lin at close range, it was not difficult for Xia Feng to see.

Wei Lin is not good at drinking. At this time, her cheeks were a little flushed and her voice was a little sloppy.

Moreover, due to her relatively poor physical condition, her fingertips still trembled slightly due to the cold, even if she had a shelter from the wind.

Looking at this face that was 90% similar to Wei Na, Xia Feng whispered.

"Victoria's winters are so cold that your body won't be able to handle it."

Wei Lin exhaled a breath of white mist and said softly.

"This winter is indeed colder than previous winters, and it is also longer. But no matter how cold it is, winter will pass sooner or later."

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