Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 792 She on the city wall

On the city wall, even though there were dozens of elites of the Royal Knights standing beside him, including the Imperial Sword Telege, Xia Feng showed no signs of taking precautions.

Because he couldn't feel any killing intent from Wei Lin at this moment.

Some are just a kind of loneliness that no one can understand, and a confusion that doesn't want outsiders to see through.

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't say anything else, Wei Lin stood up from the wooden table holding a wine glass.

"You know what, I love this place."

"City wall?"


After walking out of the shelter, Wei Lin gently placed her hand on the stone bricks covered with traces of time.

“In this day and age, with the technology to move cities and the military to operate efficiently, the purpose of city walls has been diluted and could have been dismantled long ago.”

Indeed, this was what Xia Feng was confused about when he first came to Londinium.

Of all the large cities in Victoria, there are basically none. Only Londinium retains city walls that are inconsistent with the style of an international metropolis.

Xia Feng said calmly while stepping on the city wall dozens of meters high.

"Then why not tear it down."

"I said it because I like it here."

Verin gently stroked the cold stone bricks.

"Do you know who built this city wall? Yes, he is the ancestor of my royal family and the first king who conquered this land."

Wei Lin's voice was hollow and magnetic, drifting out with the night wind.

"Victoria is a land that our Aslan tribe plundered from others. It was a piece of history that was erased. Today's children only know how to sing about the strength, wisdom, and leadership spirit of their ancestors, but very few people know that today's Victoria It was built on the sacrifices of so many people.”

Raising her head, Weilin drank the wine in the glass dry again. She wiped her mouth with her snow-white sleeves freely, which was something she would never do as she was usually noble and elegant.

"This city wall was built by my ancestors after they took complete control of this land. Its purpose of existence is not only to resist foreign enemies, but also to remind the descendants of the royal bloodline to protect this country no matter what happens. The city wall Buried under it are the corpses of countless soldiers, both compatriots and enemies. Listen carefully, this city wall can speak, and it wants to tell the rulers of the past generations what price they will have to pay if their country is breached."

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the snowflakes floating in the air are getting denser.

Xia Feng listened quietly to Wei Lin's story about the city wall, and already roughly understood what Wei Lin wanted to express.

When the spirit of a country cannot be unified, no matter who is right or wrong, the ruler's choice will be incomprehensible to some people. This is inevitable.

However, Xia Feng still didn't understand why Wei Lin made such a choice.

Looking at Wei Lin's profile quietly, Xia Feng asked the doubts in his heart.

"Verin, why."

At this moment, Wei Lin's eyes staring at the night sky became more and more confused, but in the confusion, there was also a trace of tired determination.

"Yeah, why."

Wei Lin did not tell Xia Feng the so-called "truth".

Not because it is a secret, but because there is no point in explaining something that the other party cannot understand.

Or perhaps, with Wei Lin's wisdom, she has not completely deduced the inevitable outcome, but as a member of the royal family, she must make a choice, even if it is wrong in the end.

Wei Lin had no intention of explaining, and Xia Feng would not ask further questions. At this moment, he no longer even cared about the "truth".

There was only one thing he needed to confirm with Verin.

"Verin, do you want to protect this country?"


"And also protect your people?"

"The people are the foundation of the country. Without the people, the country will cease to exist."

Under the night sky and on top of the city wall, Xia Feng asked the last question.

"Do the people in your heart include the infected?"

Suddenly, a strong wind blew over the city wall, and the coat draped on Verin's shoulders was blown up by the strong wind, and her golden hair flew in all directions.

Because of the sound of the wind, Xia Feng only saw Wei Lin's lips move slightly, but did not hear her answer.

However, Xia Feng was very sure, and Wei Lin's answer was not affirmative.

Some things don't need to be pointed out deliberately. Wei Lin is a smart person, and so is Xia Feng in her eyes.

The difference in stance has destined that their future paths will diverge.

But at least for now, they can still chat face to face, of course, only now, at this moment, only at this point in time, on this city wall under the night sky.

Stretching out his hand, Xia Feng caught Wei Lin's coat that was blown away by the wind.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of elite Royal Knights, Xia Feng walked slowly to Weilin and put the coat on her shoulders again.


"You're welcome."

"Are you going back south?"


"You will come back."


A strange look flashed in Wei Lin's eyes. She closed her eyes gently and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Is it because of her, my sister?"

Xia Feng's answer was without any disguise.


This was the first time Verin took the initiative to mention her sister Weena.

"That child is a little different from me. She is stupider than me. Don't get me wrong. What I say is stupid is not a derogatory term."

At the edge of the city wall, Xia Feng and Wei Lin were side by side.

"You know her well, your sister."

Verin shook her head slightly.

"I have never spoken to her since she was born, but understanding someone requires more than just verbal communication."

"Is it because you inherited the wisdom of the late king?"

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Wei Lin's eyes dimmed.

"Xia Feng, you know her, but you don't know me. Wisdom is a double-edged sword, and the same goes for so-called inheritance. I will never be blindly confident. On the contrary, the smarter I am, the more hesitant I will be sometimes."



"Then do you have any hesitation now?"


After tightening the coat around her shoulders, Weilin sniffed, then pretended to breathe a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was because of the cold, but the circles under her eyes were a little red.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Xia Feng, do you want to have a drink together? Just think of it as a farewell drink with you."

"My pleasure."

Xia Feng once hated Wei Lin because she turned a blind eye to the plight of the infected. He even had an extreme urge to kill Wei Lin.

But at this moment, when he looked at Wei Lin's thin body and her ears that were red from the cold, he couldn't feel any hatred at all.

Is Verin really greedy for supreme power?

Does she really want to hold the imperial power firmly in her hands and eliminate some hidden dangers that threaten her rule to ensure her status?

he does not know.

Perhaps, this first princess, who inherited the [wisdom] of the previous king, is also looking at the world from an unimaginable height.

Just like him standing outside this world.

In the cold wind, after drinking the bitter wine, Xia Feng left silently.

Without goodbye or farewell, under the watch of Wei Lin and under the surveillance of the Royal Knights, Xia Feng walked down the city wall built by the late King Victoria.

It wasn't until a long time later, when Xia Feng left Victoria and sat under a cherry blossom tree recalling the past, that he realized it.

At that time, he recalled every bit of the conversation with Wei Lin that night, and he finally understood why Wei Lin's eyes were red at that time.

At the same time, he also understood why Verin allowed him to return to the south after the conflict of positions was determined.

Until a few years later.

Even after the dust settled and everything was over, Xia Feng still couldn't be sure whether Wei Lin's choice at that time was wrong.

He could no longer seek answers face to face.

Because the meeting he had with Wei Lin on the city wall that day turned out to be the last meeting in his life.

From then on, until the end of Victoria's Dark Ages, he never saw Vereen again.

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