Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 794 Be Prepared

In the barbecue shop, as the food transaction orders were signed one after another, Nancy finally couldn't sit still.

"Boss, why do we buy so much food? We just can't finish it until we die."

Xia Feng sat behind his desk like an old man, just grinning.

"If we can't finish eating, we can invite others to eat."

"Who are you treating me to? Do you want to raise a private army?"

"What kind of army? I don't want to be a warlord."

Seeing Xia Feng's "blind buying" look, Nan Xi puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"If you don't support the army, your food will rot in the warehouse."

Xia Feng crossed his legs.

"Harm, who cares, be prepared. If it doesn't come in handy in the end, I'll give it all to infected people who can't afford to eat. I'm just being willful. Come on, help me add some hot water to my tea cup."

"Pour it yourself."

"Pour it yourself, pour it yourself."

The hoarding of a large amount of food requires scientific preservation technology. In order to prevent the accident of food storage failure, Xia Feng sent a professional, the great engineer Meier.

According to Mel's initial idea, she planned to design a set of the world's most advanced fully automatic temperature-controlled granary, and could also introduce semi-finished product processing technology to extend the shelf life of various types of food to an abnormal period.

Of course, this proposal was ruthlessly rejected by Xia Feng for the simple reason that he didn't have that much time.

As the next best thing, Meyer designed a modification plan that could improve large warehouses to storage conditions comparable to those of national grain depots.

Regarding the choice of venue, Xia Feng first thought of the training ground in the eastern suburbs of Happy City.

Near the training ground in the eastern suburbs is the old light manganese ore processing plant. Because of the large scale of the new processing plant, the old plant has been completely shut down.

There are many large warehouses in the factory area, which can be transformed into granaries by Mel.

However, just when the first batch of purchased grain had arrived in Hapi City, Xia Feng changed his mind temporarily.

Sitting at the boss's table at the back of the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng looked at a map of Victoria carefully.

If you look at the entire country, there is no doubt that Happy City belongs to the southern region. But if you only look at the southern range, Happy City is located in the north.

To put it simply, Hapi City is too close to the north.

Of course, this has no impact at present. Happy City is very close to Notting City, and Notting City is the largest trading city in the south and the nominal headquarters of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, there is a garrison branch of the Southern Military Region outside the city of Notting. Although he is not familiar with General Aumont, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region, and has never even met him, from the adoption to the implementation of the previous Yuan Council's decision, No matter how stupid he is, he can still see that the Southern Military Region belongs to half of his own people.

Hapi City is the foundation of Black Feather, so there is no need to worry about it. However, looking at this map of Victoria, Xia Feng still has not made a decision.

While Xia Feng was staring at the map bitterly, Ergou's voice came from the side.

At some point, Ergou put his elbows on the table and looked at the map in the same posture as Xia Feng.

"Lao Xia, what's so interesting about this crappy map?"

Xia Feng hooked Ergou's shoulders, pointed at the map and asked.

"Er Gouzi, if you were asked to play hide-and-seek with the king, and the area was the whole of Victoria, where would you choose to hide?"

"Huh, it turns out it's hide and seek. I'm good at this."

After thinking for a while, Ergou pretended to be profound and stretched out a finger, pointing impartially at Londinium in the north.

"I must be hiding here."

"Why? This is the other party's home."

"Humph, don't you understand this? As the saying goes, the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. When the old king finished counting, he turned the whole country upside down, and finally found that I was hiding under his nose. You Do you think he is angry?"

Xia Feng shook his head.

"No, let's redefine the rules. We can't hide in the upper half of the area, we can only hide in the south. You can choose another place."

"That's it, let me think about it."

After looking at the map for a long time, Ergou finally made his decision.

"Then hide here."

Xia Feng saw that the place Ergou was pointing to was Shengdi City.

"Why here?"

Ergou straightened up, tilted his head and said.

"Because I have never been to Shengdi City. I heard that Shengdi City is a coastal city. You can go to the beach to swim and pile sand in the summer. Hey, my mother actually promised me that if I can enter the pre-grade school in the final exam, 249, she took me to San Di City to play, but unfortunately I never succeeded."

"May I ask, how many people are there in your grade?"

Ergou touched the back of his head and walked directly to the door.

"Hey, it's boring. I went home to do my homework. Bye."

Later, Xia Feng learned that Ergou's grade had a total of 250 students, and he was the 250th.

The chat with Ergou was just nonsense, but this naughty kid's views coincided with Xia Feng's.

It's not because San Di can play with sand on the beach, but because it is located in the southernmost part of the entire south and is the farthest coastal city from the north.

At the same time, he is also his good brother, the boss of the Haimen Gang, and the territory of Lin Hai.

Once the location is decided, the execution is swift and resolute.

When Xia Feng called, Lin Hai immediately put down what he was doing and began to help him prepare a place to store supplies.

A few days later.

Countless large trucks carrying various types of food arrived in Shendi City one after another, including coarse grains, fine grains, compressed biscuits, various types of air-dried meats, antiseptic cans, etc.

Shendi City is one of the few first-class large cities in the south and has all kinds of industrial building materials. Under Mel's personal command, dozens of super-large food storage warehouses were quickly completed.

With this preparation, Xia Feng finally felt at ease. Of course, he hoped that his worries were unnecessary.

It would be the best outcome if the last batch of food reserves did not come in handy as he imagined.

In the next few days, the food collection plan continued, and all kinds of food that had been paid for were sent to Shengdi City one after another.

At the same time, Xia Feng contacted another of his allies, Yi Nanxue of the Sammy Snow Emperor Group.

When the call was connected, Xia Feng got straight to the point.

"Brother, I want to buy medicine."


"I want to buy medicine, a lot of it."

Later, Xia Feng told Yi Nanxue the list of needed medicines. This list was not written by Dr. Hemo and Kane, but by Gavel.

Because Gavel, who had been a field doctor, knew very well what the top priority drugs were in the war, as well as the formulas of other alternatives.

As Sami's strongest "local vigilante", the well-informed Yi Nanxue must already know the current situation in Victoria.

Yi Nanxue is not a fool. He knows very well that in this very unfavorable situation, if Xia Feng is smart enough, he can leave Victoria with Black Feather's power.

But Xia Feng didn't. Of course, if Yi Nanxue were Xia Feng, he wouldn't leave. Of course, he also understood the reason why Xia Feng didn't leave.

Without any communication barriers, Xia Feng purchased a large number of medicines from Xuedi Group on "credit".

The "city gates of the Border Defense Military Region are wide open" and this batch of medicines will be delivered to him in a few days.

On the phone, Yi Nanxue's voice was very deep.

"Xia Feng, if anything happens, please notify me as soon as possible."


"I was serious."

"Know it."

Taking a deep breath, Yi Nanxue solemnly "threatened".

"Xia Feng, remember, if anything happens to Wei Na, I will kill you myself."

The new six-star operator, the White Bear of Ursus is coming, it seems to be a sniper attack.

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