Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 795: Drunk on memories

As time went by, the storage of food and medicine went very smoothly, and the two southern military regions completely turned a blind eye to the unusual behavior of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

During this period, Xia Feng took the initiative to contact General Gleason many times and wanted to hear his opinion.

Now recalling what the general had said, it was not difficult for Xia Feng to see that Gleason had already had a premonition of today's scene.

Perhaps the general had a premonition from the moment King Willanson fell ill.

Gleason had a premonition that infected people would become a "breakthrough" for fission, but he was not sure in what way. Therefore, Gleason warned him not to deliberately provoke conflicts between ordinary people and infected people.

Gleason's premonition was right, but fortunately the current situation has not fallen into despair, and the south is still the same south.

Sitting in the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng called General Gleason's private line over and over again, but the officer who answered the call kept saying that the general was busy, either commanding border defenses or inspecting and acting, and even often traveling outside the country.

Xia Feng made phone calls in the morning, afternoon and evening, but still couldn't "catch" Gleason. In desperation, he could only go to Yehua City, a strategic garrison city in the Border Defense Military Region, in person.

2 days later.

When Xia Feng rushed to the military compound in Yehua City, he finally "caught" General Gleason in the evening.

General Gleeson's office.

Windows damaged by previous attacks have been repaired, and the number of guards on duty 24 hours a day has been increased.

Sitting across from him, Gleason's eyes were still extremely sharp, but upon closer inspection, his pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes. It could be seen that he had been very tired recently.

"Xia Feng, I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently and asked you to come all the way."

Xia Feng sat across from him quietly.

"General, you're welcome."

There were only two of them in the office at this time. Gleason straightened up and leaned on the back of his chair, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I was indeed polite. You kid, but you have never been polite to me."

Xia Feng recalled every bit of his acquaintance with Gleason, and the image of this small but energetic little old man kept changing in his heart.

When Xia Feng first learned that he was the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Defense Military Region, Xia Feng's only thought was to use him.

But as more and more incidents occurred, this use gradually turned into trust, and in the end, it even turned into a kind of reliance without realizing it.

Until the last Royal Court incident, various high-ranking officials and forces were deliberately targeting him, but General Gleason was like a big umbrella that shielded him from the wind and rain when he was most helpless.

In chaos, everyone will choose to protect themselves. This is human nature, just like Maren Legg, because his younger brother is threatened, he will choose to betray his friends without hesitation.

But General Grissom did not. Black Feather's existence may be very important in his heart, but this importance has not been reflected until now.

There was a moment when Xia Feng felt in a daze that General Grissom really seemed to regard him as a descendant, a relative, or even a successor.

Just like a father will do his best to protect his children when faced with danger.

In the office, the two of them met each other and seemed to be a little emotional.

Xia Feng is not a subordinate, and Gleason is not a boss. They are just friends who live in different environments but are closely intertwined with each other.

"Xia Feng, I haven't drank for a long time. Can you have a drink with me?"

"It's what I asked for."

Gleason took out an opened bottle of wine from under his desk. It was not Victoria's red wine, but a light yellow spirit.

Reluctantly finding two cups of different sizes, Gleason filled the cups.

"Sorry, my conditions are a bit crude. I have never had a drink with friends in the office."

Xia Feng took off his scarf and put it aside casually.

"For me, being able to drink with the general, even in the wilderness, is better than the palace."

Gleason smiled.

"Heh, you kid, you are really mean to me. Come on, let's go."


After a glass of wine, a dry and strong feeling rises from the stomach.

Xia Feng didn't know how to drink, but at this moment, he seemed to understand the bitterness contained in the wine.

Under the influence of the atmosphere, they temporarily put aside the crisis of the situation and actually chatted about daily life.

Putting down the wine glass, Gleason's face looked a little changed. For some reason, he seemed a little different tonight than usual.

Gleason sighed.

"Xia Feng, you may not know, but I have never had children my whole life. Now that I am at this age, oh, sometimes I really can't help but feel a little lonely."

"General, are you never married?"

"We were married, but it was a long, long time ago. Oh, things have changed and people have changed."

Xia Feng knew that this topic should not be discussed in depth, so he changed the topic.

"I think that in life, sometimes the so-called blood relationship may not be the only tie. Let go of your obsession. In fact, there are many people around you who are worthy of cherishing."

"Well, you're right."

General Grissom filled each other's wine glasses again and said melancholy.

"I have someone I cherish. In fact, I have always regarded Mesa as my daughter. Ever since she left Londinium and came to the south, I have never let her leave my sight. Ha, even though she has her own biological father. .”

Xia Feng didn't expect that Gleason valued Mesha so much.

He remembered that Mesa once said that her father had been asking her to return to the Imperial Military Headquarters, but General Grissom insisted on not letting her leave, and even forcibly placed her in Black Feather as a supervisor.

Now it seems that Gleason's willingness to hand over Mesha, whom he regards as his daughter, to a gang organization is a sign of great trust.

After three drinks, General Gleason talked a lot.

But no matter what he said, it had nothing to do with the current situation. It was like an old man chattering endlessly about the past events with his descendants.

After a long time, the wine bottle had reached the bottom, and Xia Feng asked tentatively.

"General, are you drunk?"

People will not admit that they drink too much when they drink too much, but sometimes, everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk. Being drunk and being "drunk" are two different things.

Gleason took his hand off the empty glass and smiled to himself.

"Maybe, I seem to be really drunk."

Seeing Xia Feng's worried look, Gleason waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I'm drunk with memories and sober with the future."

Gleason knew that Xia Feng came to see him specifically not to listen to his nagging.

"Okay, let's stop talking about gossip, now it's time to talk about business."


Later, Xia Feng described what he had experienced in the Yuan Council, including a series of actions in which he voluntarily gave up his aristocratic status and trampled on Frey's face.

After returning to the south, he told the truth about the large-scale collection of grain, including some of his guesses and worries.

Gleason listened quietly to Xia Feng's words throughout the whole process, his expression unchanged.

It's like these things were within his expectations.

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