Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 796 Out of Reach

After finishing speaking, Xia Feng looked at Gleason.

"General, I didn't ask you for permission in advance about storing grain. I don't know if my doing so will have any impact on the army."

Gleason didn't mean to blame.

"The army has its own supply channels. You cannot affect any military region. As long as you think it is necessary, then do what you want."

"Then what should I do next?"

Gleason's eyes dimmed.

"Next? I don't know."


I didn't expect Gleeson to say "I don't know."

This was the reason why Xia Feng came to the door specially. He just wanted to know what Gleason's plan was in this situation so that he could cooperate.

"General, are you unsure about something?"

Gleason did not answer, but stood up from his chair and walked to the window.

He asked in a deep voice while looking out the window with his back to Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, what do you think of the north now?"

Xia Feng said frankly.

“The North is in chaos right now.”

"Is it chaotic? But the chaos is limited to infected people, to be precise, infected people who live illegally. Most ordinary people holding citizen certificates are not affected at all. Many people even gloat at home and watch the illegally infected people. Expelled."

Xia Feng nodded.


"Then do you think the future south will be in the same situation as the current north?"


At this moment, Xia Feng seemed to understand something.

Seeing Xia Feng's stunned expression, Gleason continued.

"The rectification operation needs to be carried out by the army. As long as General Aumont and I are alive, we will not allow this to happen. Unless King Willanson personally gives the order, otherwise, we will not agree with this order."

"That is to say?"

"Yes, the south will never have the same situation as the north at this moment. What may happen is just the last extreme measure."

Xia Feng understood what General Grissom was saying.

If the empire is determined to extend the decision to rectify the infected to the south, there will only be two situations.

First, both infected people and ordinary people will live in peace.

Second, something will happen to everyone. No one is immune from the storm, whether they are infected or ordinary people.

Standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, Gleason said to Xia Feng comfortingly.

"That kind of situation will most likely not happen. The ruler of a country will not be so stupid unless"

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"General, unless what?"

Gleason hesitated.

"It's nothing. As long as General Aumont and I are here, that kind of thing will not happen. The current turmoil is only temporary. Soon the south and north will return to what they were before. The title of nobility will be gone once it is gone. You still have You can continue to open your chamber of commerce.”

Xia Feng didn't think the facts would be as optimistic as Gleason said.

"General, what if it happens? What can I do?"

Gleason turned around. At this moment, his eyes contained a meaning that Xia Feng didn't understand.

His eyes seemed to be looking at a spark of hope, but at the same time, he was worried that the spark would be extinguished in the storm.

After a long time, Gleason said softly.

"If it really happens, just go away, leave Victoria, and live a good life."

After the conversation ended, Xia Feng left Yehua City.

The meeting with General Gleason did not give him any answers he wanted. As the commander-in-chief of the Border Military Region, Gleason did not even help him guide the way and tell him what he should do.

If Black Feather's existence was a chess piece of Gleason's, then this chess piece has now been abandoned.

Of course, it's not because this chess piece has no value, but because Gleason seems to have developed feelings for this chess piece.

He didn't want this chess piece to be submerged in the torrent of steel after it had played its role.

However, Xia Feng developed a rebellious mentality, like a rebellious teenager who deliberately goes against the wishes of his elders.

No matter what happens, as long as Vina doesn't leave, he will not leave Victoria. Since the general doesn't want to "use" him, he will go it alone.

After returning to Hapi City, Kuroba's various businesses were in full swing.

Xia Fenghua hired infected people from surrounding cities at a high price to increase the mining volume of the light manganese mining area to the limit, eager to hollow it out.

The acquisition and processing of Origin Stones are no longer even secretive. Except for Casimir, he has also begun to blatantly put away the Origin Stones in some cities in the south.

The previously unaware individual finally took out the secretly hidden Source Stone in the face of the extremely high purchase price.

Happy City has become the liveliest medium-sized city in the south. Trucks loaded with goods are constantly driving in and out, and the entrances to each city are guarded by Black Feather's younger brothers.

In this regard, the local security bureau almost lost its law enforcement power. They all understood that anyone who dared to offend Xia Feng at this time would be seeking death.

Until nightfall, the atmosphere in Black Feather Barbecue Restaurant was tense. Xia Feng had been sitting behind the desk in the back, directing various business operations, as if he was tireless.

At some point, in the house opposite the barbecue restaurant, the curtains on the second-floor window that had been closed all year round opened a gap.

In the dark room, Xina sat quietly on a chair holding a pony toy. Next to her were two women wrapped in white gauze.

In front of the window, the thin young man looked through the gap in the curtains and cast his deep eyes towards the barbecue restaurant opposite.

"Ming Xue, it's been too long and my memory is not very good. What year is this?"

One of the gauze men replied respectfully.

"This year is 1094."

There was no change in the boy's eyes, as if he was accustomed to being indifferent to any major event.

"It's 1094, then, it's about to begin."

A few days later.

An important order issued by the Empire's Natural Disaster Prevention and Control Department completely disrupted all Xia Feng's preparations.

[The main urban area of ​​the large southern city of Notting, which has the ability to move, will move 300 kilometers to the north. Except for the main urban area, all other urban areas will be abandoned. This natural disaster order will be implemented immediately by the Southern Military Region. 】

The natural disaster directive is a unified directive with the highest priority for implementation by all countries in the world.

According to the notification from the Empire's Natural Disaster Prevention and Control Department, a natural disaster in the south was predicted in advance.

There is a possibility of natural disasters radiating to the city of Notting, so the main urban area must be moved north to minimize losses.

After knowing this order, Xia Feng was stunned.

Large cities in the world of Terra used mobile technology supported by Originium technology to avoid natural disasters. He had known about this for a long time, but he never expected that it would happen in his hometown.

Having experienced the Mandal City incident, he knew very well that if a natural disaster strikes, even a city with strong defenses will disappear in an instant.

If there is no mobile technology, then the city can only be abandoned. If there is, then mobility is inevitable.

However, the natural disaster order actually requires the main city of Notting to move 300 kilometers north, which is simply unheard of.

Without the main urban area, it will be impossible for Notting City to rebuild, and the remaining seven urban areas cannot even relocate resources.

Everything will be destroyed by natural disasters.

After that, moving to Notting, a city 300 kilometers away, will be out of reach for him.

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