Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 801 The alternation of day and night

After losing their preemptive advantage, these black-clad killers still had the upper hand in numbers, but the balance of victory was gradually tilting.

Assassination is different from war. War has many purposes, and sometimes it is not even the purpose of killing the opponent. A commander needs many things, such as attitude, position, threat, and conquest.

But assassination always has only one purpose, which is to make the target die.

Once the killer loses the opportunity when facing a powerful individual, the overt assassination by the enemy will become a fair battle, and the chance of success will be greatly reduced.

In this case, top killers often choose to retreat and look for another opportunity later.

But for some reason, none of these killers who had lost the opportunity to retreat at this time.

It was as if they had received a death order, and as if there was some kind of time limit. They had to kill Xia Feng tonight, even if the entire army was annihilated.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Frost Star's terrifying Origin Stone skills have turned into a meat grinder. Even if a killer rushes through the heavy ice spikes and gets in front of her, he will be pierced through the chest by the ice sword condensed with his bare hands.

On the other side, Frost Star shared most of the enemies, and the red sword also changed from passive to active. The flame sword cut off the necks of several enemies one after another. It can be said that the more they fight, the more brave they become.

As for Xia Feng at this moment, he has completely lost his mind.

Due to excessive blood loss, his senses became more and more numb, and even the pain became blurred.

The surging black power drove his limbs. As long as his eyes were locked on a man in black, the Shenyue Sword was sure to reach him. Every blow contained soaring anger.

To be honest, he had been assassinated many times. He had been "visited" in Longmen, Sammy, and even the previous barbecue restaurant.

But no matter how much trouble he made, it never really threatened his principles.

He has always believed that Black Feather BBQ Restaurant is the safest place in the world. Many powerful members live here permanently, and it is impossible for any enemy to threaten their lives in the BBQ restaurant.

But now, his most confident "fortress" has been broken, and the reason for the break is the intervention of a natural disaster.

When he tried his best to go to Notting City to rescue those trapped, someone was taking advantage of this natural disaster that plunged Notting City into despair to kill him.

The fierce battle on the street continued. After an unknown amount of time, a slender figure descended from the sky. Following his movements, overwhelming sword light covered the man in black below.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Hong Dao was stunned on the spot while holding the long knife. All the men in black beside him had been killed.

"Master Xiao? You are here!"

After landing and standing still, Xiao Yunye nodded slightly.

"Sorry, Xiao is late."

After Xiao Yunye arrived with a sword, more and more figures appeared at the end of the street.

The Three Wolf Brothers, the Snow Monster Team, Lagouzi, Franka, and Razer all came over from the other side of the street with weapons raised.

Seeing the reinforcements arriving, these killers in black finally gave up, but even so, they still did not retreat.

The numerical advantage also disappeared. Faced with the arrival of many core members of Black Feather, the assassination had turned into a one-sided massacre.

10 minutes later.

The streets were filled with rivers of blood, mutilated corpses lay on the ground, and the pungent smell of blood filled the air.

Xia Feng's face was also covered in blood. Because of the explosion and the battle just now, his body was covered with wounds of all sizes, and his clothes had been soaked with blood.

This was an assassination that was obviously carefully planned, with accurate intelligence, clever methods, and a powerful killer. To be honest, anyone else would probably be dead.

Standing in the middle of the street, Xia Feng's chest heaved violently.

Aguang ran to him and held his arm.

"Brother Feng, your injury."

Xia Feng waved his hand.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

The more painful the wound on his body became, the more grateful he was that he was the first person to return to the barbecue restaurant and turn on the light.

The reason why Xiao Yunye and others rushed back to the barbecue restaurant late at night was because of Xiaogu.

Ten minutes ago, the frightened little Gu suddenly fell on Xiao Yunye's shoulder outside the city, holding Master Xiao's clothes in his mouth and flapping his wings, and the direction in which he pulled hard was the barbecue restaurant.

This sudden assassination was over, and Xia Feng had regained his composure.

Looking at the corpses all over the street, Xia Feng asked Langda and the others.

"Check to see if there are any alive."


A few minutes later, Langda ran up to Xia Feng.

"Brother Feng, they are all dead. I saw someone move just now, but when I ran over, he was out of breath. It seemed that he had taken poison."

"Take poison?"

Xia Feng wiped the blood from his face, covered the wound and walked to the street, then pulled off the black hood of a corpse.

Several more people were confirmed one after another. Not surprisingly, these people all have the racial characteristics of the ghost clan. Moreover, the few masters who persisted to the end had cherry blossom patterns engraved on their sabers, which were exactly the same as the samurai who was at Longmen that day. .

"Damn, it's Dongguo again."

At this point, it was obvious who wanted to kill him.

He had no grievances with the Dongguo people. Looking at the whole of Victoria, there was only one person who sent Dongguo assassins over and over again to kill him.

That is the Imperial Military Affairs Chief, Frey.

Dongguo is a very closed country, and it is thousands of miles away from Victoria.

Xia Feng didn't know why Frey was able to dispatch the assassins from Dongguo. After thinking about it, he definitely wasn't a killer bought with money.

Using the supreme power of the Chief of Military Affairs, Frey must have secretly promised something to an ancient family in the Eastern Kingdom, so that the other party would send well-trained tribesmen who are good at assassination to help him perform tasks that the army cannot do.

Standing at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant and looking at the messy hall, Xia Feng felt extremely irritable.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the continuous incidents almost made him breathless. He had never been so passive since Victoria.

Of course, the enemy he faced this time was also unprecedentedly complex. They were not gangs, organizations, or mercenaries.

This time he faced an empire that was still powerful even though it was corrupt.

The killer's body was cleaned up overnight. After dawn, Red Knife confirmed that the wind direction did not affect the direction of the Origin Stone material. Happy City, the closest city to Notting City, declared it safe.

Xia Feng barely closed his eyes the whole night. After Dr. Kane came back, he bandaged his wound urgently.


Just as Xia Feng was anxiously planning to deal with the infected residents who had been evacuated from Notting City, a man he hadn't seen for a long time returned to the barbecue restaurant. It was Ansel, who was studying at the Royal Academy, and Aguang's sister came back with him. .

"Brother Xia Feng, I'm back."

Xia Feng was a little surprised to see Ansel suddenly come back.

"Why are you back?"

Ansel put down the backpack on his shoulders and looked a little pale looking at the messy barbecue restaurant hall.

"I couldn't get through to you on the phone, so I came back by myself. Brother Xia Feng, what happened here?"

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

Later, Xia Feng learned from Ansel that three days ago, the Royal Academy suddenly announced that classes would be suspended indefinitely. All subjects, without exception, must leave the academy.

The suspension of classes at the Royal Academy had almost nothing to do with him, as he was no longer a student there.

But for some reason, after hearing the news, Xia Feng suddenly had a bad feeling.

As the highest-level university in Victoria, it suddenly suspended classes indefinitely without any reason. This is almost a disguised message.

Something big is going to happen in this country!

"Didi-di-di, di-di-di!"

When Xia Feng was confused by all kinds of messages, his cell phone, which had no signal since yesterday, rang, but it wasn't the sound of a phone call, but a text message.

Subconsciously I took out my phone and saw that this message was from yesterday afternoon.

However, when Xia Feng saw the sender of the message and the content of the message, his eyes widened instantly.

This message was sent by Wei Na and contained only one sentence.

[Xia Feng, if someone wants to kill you, don’t stay in the barbecue restaurant. 】

At this moment, Xia Feng felt that his fingers holding the phone were trembling.

Wei Na is not a high-ranking member of the empire. If you ask why Wei Na knew that someone was coming to the barbecue restaurant to kill him, there is only one possibility.

Yesterday, Vina encountered a similar danger to him, but Vina stayed in Londinium!


Xia Feng stared and murmured Wei Na's name.

He didn't know the circumstances under which Wei Na sent this text message, and he couldn't be sure what happened in Londinium.

At this moment, a staggering figure rushed into the lobby of the barbecue restaurant from outside the door.

Mesha, wearing a military uniform, stumbled in and threw herself in front of Xia Feng.

From the first time he saw Meisha, Xia Feng had never seen her show such an expression.

Her eyes were full of surprise, as if she couldn't accept the reality, but she had to stay rational. It was obviously not a sad expression, but she couldn't help but tears falling from her eyes drop by drop.

She panicked and grabbed Xia Feng's arm.

"Summer breeze, summer breeze, summer breeze."

Xia Feng still held the phone with the text message page in his hand. Seeing Meisha's appearance at this moment, an unknown premonition arose in his heart.

"Mesa, what's wrong?"

Tears couldn't stop falling from her eyes, but Mesa's expression still looked like she couldn't believe it.

"General. General him."

"What happened to General Gleason?"

Holding Xia Feng's arm tightly, Mesha's erratic voice came out of her mouth.

"I just received news that the general was assassinated in Yehua City last night."

Hearing these words, Xia Feng's heart felt like a bolt from the blue. A numbness spread from his toes throughout his body, and his palms softened.


The phone fell to the ground.

Year 1094 of the Terran calendar.

Starting with a natural disaster in the south, a brief and dark era officially kicked off in Victoria.

At the same time that Xia Feng received the news about the assassination of General Gleason, the commander-in-chief of the Border Defense Military Region, an even more shocking news spread across the country as quickly as possible.

[The fourth king of the Victoria Empire, Willanson, died of illness late at night. The first heir, Prince Witte, announced that he would give up the throne. The first princess of the empire, Verin, became the new queen of the Victoria Empire. 】

Just 10 minutes after Verin stood in the palace hall of Londinium, took off the silver crown, put on the gold crown symbolizing the highest power of the royal family, and officially became Victoria's new queen.

Another disruptive piece of news spread throughout the country at the same time as the change of throne.

[Queen Verin of the Empire, the Imperial Council, the Chief Executive of the Empire, and the Chief of Military Affairs of the Empire jointly passed the latest decision to deal with the problem of infected people. From now on, the Victoria Empire officially announced that it will not accept any infected people to live in the north and south borders. The decision will take effect from now on. Within 10 days, all infected people in the country must evacuate unconditionally. Violators will be shot without mercy. 】

At this point, the silent storm finally came, the prairie fire finally ignited, and the prophecy of the distant mountains finally came true.

The Victorian Dark Ages began.

The sixth volume [Prairie Fire] has finally come to an end, with a total of 328 chapters in this volume. Tomorrow is the seventh volume of this book.

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