Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 802 Night falls

Year 1094 of the Terran calendar.

On this day, Victoria, which had been ruled by the Aslan tribe for hundreds of years, announced to the world the death of King Willanson and the succession of Princess Willin.

At the same time, the Victorian Parliament also announced the latest national policy.

Starting from this day, Victoria has canceled the status of legally infected people and will no longer admit any infected people. All existing infected people in the country will be deported.

If someone still doesn’t understand the true meaning of this national policy, then a simple statement can make it clear.

From this day forward, Victoria will become the second "Usas".

In 1094, what happened in this year is destined to be recorded in the history of Victoria, and it will be remembered by future generations, along with one name after another.

However, in another distant world, players who call themselves "Doctors" do not know these names.

Because the world of Terra they saw through the screen was not real.

The "doctors" cannot see the bloody battlefields, cannot smell the smoke-filled air, nor can they hear the cries of the weak and the war cries of despair.

Is this just a game, maybe.

But for the middle school boy from another world, this is no longer a game.

The road under his feet is his life.

A natural disaster destroyed most of the city of Notting, but at the same time, it blocked the spread of important information.

When Xia Feng learned a series of explosive information, his mind went blank. He even felt that this was a dream, just like what had appeared in his mind before.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again, but I didn't wake up from the dream.

Yes, he will never wake up, because this is not a dream.

General Grissom was assassinated, King Willanson died of illness, and Verin inherited the throne. From this moment on, Victoria will expel all infected people in the country.

The absent-minded expression only lasted for a very short time on Xia Feng's face.

The tears in his eyes were forcibly held back the second before they fell.

The next second, all unfavorable information was forcibly ignored by his brain. At this moment, he had to control himself and stay calm!

There is no doubt that he was not Frey's only assassination target. At the same time he was attacked last night, General Grissom also faced the same experience.

Unfortunately, General Gleason did not escape the assassination attempt.

There are many masters in the border defense military region, but Frey's Dong Guo assassins are equally skilled. During the assassination, the military compound in Yehua City was more easily taken advantage of.

Those assassins don't consider retreat, and it's really difficult to prevent an assassination with the same fate.

Moreover, in Frey's heart, General Grissom's priority was obviously higher than that of a stupid young man like him who had lost his noble title and identity and seemed to only speak harsh words.

Of course, the assassins sent were one level higher in strength and skills than the people who came to the barbecue restaurant to assassinate them.

Now that General Grissom is dead, he is still alive. It is obvious that this time is no longer a Tai Chi fight to test each other, but a life-and-death fight to kill with one blow.



Regardless of his injuries, Xia Feng almost used all his strength to stand in the middle of the barbecue restaurant hall and roared.

"Prepare the car! All Black Feather combatants, follow me to Londinium. We must rescue Vina!"


At this moment, Xia Feng understood why Verin, who asked him to have a drink with him on the city wall on the night he left Londinium, showed that expression.

Because she knew that Frey was going to kill Vina, and she had to choose to acquiesce.

"Get in, everyone get in!"

To everyone in Black Feather, the Glasgow Gang is their ally, and Vina is like family.

In this case, no one hesitated.

Not caring about arranging the infected people who had taken refuge in the natural disaster or understanding the current situation in the north and south, Xia Feng gathered the people as quickly as possible and headed towards Londinium without caring about anything.

A whole seven cars were filled with heavily armed combatants. The cars rushed out of Hapi City and headed straight north.

As Black Feather's rescuers left Happy City, varying degrees of unrest occurred across the country in Victoria.

Of course, Xia Feng didn't know how the situation would turn out, and now he didn't have the energy to think about it. He couldn't save everyone. As a human being, everyone should be responsible for what they cherish.

Now the empire's decision could not be clearer. From now on, no infected person will be allowed to appear in any corner of Victoria. As soon as the deadline for leaving the country on their own comes, the army will kill them without mercy.

Under this non-negotiable national policy, discrimination, oppression, wages, living environment, everything loses meaning.

As an infected person, as long as he does not leave Victoria within the time limit, he will face the ruthless iron hoofs and cold sabers of the army.

The sun rose in the east and set in the west, and Kuroyu's motorcade headed north.

No matter day or night, large numbers of infected people fleeing from the north can be seen everywhere.

Some seemed to be families in groups of three or five, while others were groups of dozens or hundreds of people, but no matter the number of people, every face was full of fear.

The only way to leave the country in the north is by plane or boat, which is almost impossible for infected people to take. Therefore, the most ideal route is to first move from the north to the south.

Sitting in the first car, Xia Feng automatically ignored the groups of infected people fleeing for their lives. In his eyes, there was only the north.

The convoy crossed the North-South Bridge. From the moment it entered the northern region, the appearance of troops became more frequent. From cavalry teams of dozens of people to marching troops of thousands of people, the various military regions in the north were also mobilized and assembled according to the orders of the military headquarters.

Fortunately, roads and cities were not blocked, and their vehicles were not blocked.

Of course, the so-called unobstructed access is limited to the northern periphery. As for the core of the country, the entire city must have been under martial law by the Royal Knights.

Now we are just implementing national policies and there is no war. To put it bluntly, we just close the door and solve household chores in our own yard.

There is no concentrated area of ​​infected people in Londinium, so there is no need to expel them. The Royal Knights will only strictly guard against suspicious people entering and leaving the city gates.

However, although their cars were all private cars, they did not at least drive into the city with great arrogance.

On the desolate road, watching the outline of Londinium City in the distance gradually becoming clearer, Xia Feng gave an order.

"Stop the car, everyone get out of the car and walk!"

These people are all "hangers". Such a huge city is far from the level of an iron wall for them. If they just enter the city, it is not difficult.

After everyone got off the car, Xia Feng looked at the time on his bracelet.

"Start the operation now. Our purpose is to search and rescue Weina and the brothers from the Glasgow Gang. In three hours, no matter what the result is, everyone will leave the city and gather here."


Xia Feng nodded and began to quickly assign tasks.

"Red Knife, Lagouzi, Franka, and Razer, the four of you go to the Glasgow Gang's headquarters in the main city. Frost Star, you lead the three wolf brothers and the Snow Monster team along the west city area to search the east side of the city. "

Finally, Xia Feng looked at Xiao Yunye.

"Master Xiao, come with me."

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