Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 805 A harder road than heading into the abyss

Snow, snow was floating in the night sky, and small snowflakes fell scatteredly, accompanied by a cold wind.

At this moment, Xia Feng vaguely detected a strange aura from the falling snowflakes.

The dead silence is adjusted to zero, it seems familiar.

Snowflakes were flying and falling, and just before he was about to start a deadly fight with Hela, a disobedient cry came from under the tree.


A white creature that looked like a cat or a dog, neither a mouse nor a fox jumped down, got on all fours and stretched out.

At the same time, a pale little hand gently rested on Xiao Yunye's sword that was resting on the hilt of Qiyao's sword.

"That's it for tonight."

Under the fox mask is a long gown with strange patterns printed on it. This person is none other than Bai of the King's Staff.

The voice of these words was very soft, but it seemed to have a strange magic power. Not only Xia Feng, but also Hela subconsciously stopped at the moment before taking action.

This was the second time Xia Feng met Bai. Recalling the conversation at the Royal Academy that day, it seemed that many illusory things had now become reality.

The Staff of the King is not an imperial organization, nor does it belong to the military. Its position is still vague until now. Although it has appeared on many occasions, it has never actually taken action.

And Xina once warned him that he only had to be careful about one person in Victoria, and that was Bai.

Bai appeared quietly under the tree, and Qiyao immediately lowered his head slightly.


"Stand back, Qiyao, this senior Xiao is not an enemy, and you don't have the capital to draw a sword in front of him."


Qi Yao took back the long knife, took two steps back and stood silently beside Bai.

Xiao Yunye did not say a word, but also gently took the Qingyun Sword back to his side.

Since Qiyao is here, Bai's appearance is not unexpected.

There was no kindness in Xia Feng's voice. Although he didn't know the exact position of the King's Staff, he was sure that Bai was definitely not here to help him fuck Hela.

"Ha, it seems that I, Xia Feng, do have a lot of face. All the cats and dogs hidden in this empire are here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not swearing, this is just an inappropriate metaphor."

Except for Tianhuo, the members of the King's Staff all wore fox masks. Hearing Xia Feng's unabashed sarcasm, Bai's voice came from under the mask.

"I won't misunderstand, but you did."

"I didn't misunderstand. No matter what you King's Staff wants to do, can you line up? Of course, I just suggest that you can go together if you want."

Taking steps forward, he walked slowly and unarmed towards Xia Feng.

"The King's Staff does not belong to the army, nor does it interfere with national affairs. We have our own judgment."

"Oh? I remembered, you just listen to Wei Lin, right?"

"I said, we have our own judgment."

Bai's voice was deeper than before. Xia Feng did not sarcastically again, but glanced at the seriously injured Terege next to him.

"Do you have your own judgment? Very good. This is much better than the legion commander who is not even qualified to distinguish between right and wrong and can only be ignorant and loyal."

After saying that, Xia Feng looked at Bai again.

"Okay, now I want to hear what your King's Staff's judgment is? Or, are you going to watch the show now, or are you going to kill me with the guys over there?"

Bai had no intention of arguing with Xia Feng. He walked very close to him without any precautions and whispered in a low voice.

"You should go now."

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Go? Where? Hell?"

"leave here."

"What's the meaning?"

"Leaving Londinium, this is your last chance. If you come back, no one can save you."

Xia Feng's chest rose and fell, and the Shenyue Sword he held behind his back gradually tightened.

"I don't need any chance. Don't you really think that I will die here easily?"

Bai's voice continued.

"Only by living can you create your own opportunities."

"I don't need you to teach me how to live."

"You have no idea what you're dealing with."

"It doesn't matter."

Bai's body was half a minute closer again, and his voice was lowered to the level that only the two of them could hear.

"It is easy to jump into the abyss, but it is difficult to save others from the abyss. If you are really so confident, just choose the most difficult road and show me. The black and white twins are very strong, but this world has never lacked strength. Sir, this is my last advice, and it is also the last thing I can do. Put away your knife, and I will protect you from leaving Londinium, because it is snowing in the night sky."

The snowflakes falling in the night sky are getting bigger and bigger, and occasionally one falls on the tip of my nose, which is cool.

Bai's last words were not loud, but his tone contained a kind of melancholy persistence.

Bai said it was snowing, and it was only now that Xia Feng turned his attention to the falling snowflakes.

Slowly raising his head, Xia Feng glanced at a building diagonally behind Hela, and soon he looked away.

"Is this what Wei Lin means?"

"She didn't say it, but I know, listen to me and leave Londinium. The person you are looking for is outside the city."

The silence lasted for 5 seconds.


Xia Feng pursed his lips and reluctantly put the Shenyue Sword back into the sheath on his waist.

After receiving Xia Feng's answer, Bai, who was standing next to him, stood up straight, and then extended his palm to the night sky.

In an instant, a force so huge that it seemed to solidify the air bloomed in the palm of his hand. At the same time, the snowflakes falling downwards in the night sky stood firmly still in mid-air.

Xia Feng clearly saw that the snowflake frozen in front of him was black.

Bai held up his palms.

"Let's go."


Xia Feng glanced at the building diagonally behind again, and then said hello to Xiao Yunye.

"Master Xiao, let's go."

Just like Bai said, for some reason, with the King's Staff present, neither Telege nor Hela continued to stop him.

Quickly leaving the villa area, Xia Feng and Xiao Yunye left Londinium in the dark.

To be honest, he was not afraid of Hela, nor did he pay attention to hundreds of royal knights. However, the black snowflakes that had just fallen were sending him a dangerous signal.

Under Bai's reminder just now, he raised his head and glanced at the building behind Hela.

In the night, there was a thin girl on the top of the building. He could not mistake it. That person was the strongest divine envoy of the [Deep Canon], Kuroyukihime, who had easily suppressed him on the 28th day of his life as a black and white twin.

At the same time, next to Heixue, on top of that building, there were at least more than a hundred mysterious people wearing black robes squatting.

The moment he raised his head and met the eyes of those people, the aura that was as cold as falling into the deep sea enveloped him deeply.

What would have happened if he hadn't left is still unknown, but whether he survived or not, it was undoubtedly a foolish choice.

Huo Yu Xia Feng has never been afraid of death, but this is not what he wants.

Just like a lake invaded by alien species, what he wants is not to fight the strongest of the invasive species. If he wants to fight, he will drain the water in the lake and turn the entire lake upside down like a pancake.

After leaving the city, Xia Feng received a call from Franka. In the phone call, she said that Vina had been found and that everyone was now meeting at the meeting point outside the city.

10 minutes later.

When Xia Feng arrived at the meeting point, he only saw a dozen Glasgow gang brothers, including Kate and Indra.

Everyone had injuries on their bodies. One can imagine how thrilling the escape from Londinium was and what a heavy price they paid.

Next to the car, Wei Na stood there suddenly, her coat was gone, and she was only wearing a thin piece of clothing.

In the wilderness under the highway, infected people fleeing from other cities to the south can be seen everywhere, and shouts of urging and panic are heard constantly.

"Hurry up, keep up, don't fall behind!"

"I can't walk anymore, where else can we go?"

"This country has turned into hell, at least we have to leave the north first, quickly!"

Fleeing infected people kept passing by.

Vina's figure was swaying a little. She stood there blankly, staring in the direction of Londinium City with empty eyes.


Hearing Xia Feng's voice, Wei Na suddenly turned her head. When she saw Xia Feng's face clearly, tears fell silently from her eyes.

"Summer breeze."

Wei Na seemed to be trying her best to hold back crying, but tears still fell from her eyes one drop at a time.

The tears contained unwillingness, guilt, powerlessness, and deep despair, as if she was witnessing her hometown gradually collapsing in front of her eyes, and there was nothing she could do.

The cold wind was bleak, and in the wilderness, Weina's tears were desolate that no one could understand.

This was the second time Xia Feng saw Wei Na crying. The last time was in Mandel City.

The difference was that he had no regrets about his choice last time because he chose to give the only inhibitor to Vina.

And this time, he also had to make a choice without regrets.

Taking steps forward, Xia Feng walked step by step in front of Weina, blocking the outline of Londinium City with her body.

Is there a more difficult road than going to the abyss? He doesn't know how to walk this road.

But, he wanted to try.

There was no sadness or loss. At this moment, he knew very well what kind of expression he should use to face Wei Na.

Under the night sky, a bright smile bloomed on Xia Feng's face.

This smile contains hope, dependence, and confidence as firm as an oath.

Slowly raising his hand, Xia Feng gently wiped away the tears on Wei Na's face and said with a smile.

"Vina, we are not going anywhere. The world is a big place, but my favorite place is Victoria, because this is your hometown."

These words drifted into the distance with the night wind, and seemed to blow across every land in Victoria.

Hearing Xia Feng's words, tears burst from her eyes. Wei Na couldn't bear it anymore, and the sadness in her heart completely burst out.

"Xia Feng. Wuwuwu!"

The tears in her heart seemed to have been silent for a long time. Wei Na threw herself into Xia Feng's arms, and her heart-wrenching cry echoed through the night sky.

"Ah! Ooooh! Ooooooh."

Xia Feng hugged Wei Na tightly.

There was a smile on his face that was completely opposite to Vina's, but his eyes were firmly focused on Londinium behind him.

"Don't be afraid. As long as I'm here, the world will become what I want to see."

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