Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 806: Killing the Donkey

Once upon a time, Victoria in Xia Feng's eyes was a paradise.

Hapi City in the south, which has the privilege of infected people, is even more suitable for living than Colombia, a technological powerhouse. The existence of gangs poses no threat to him, and has even become a stepping stone for Kuroba's rise.

Back in Rhineland, Yuanshan predicted that great things would happen in Victoria.

At that time, he did not know what this so-called major event was. He thought it was a natural disaster, a man-made disaster, or even a terrorist attack like Chernobog.

However, he never imagined that what Yuanshan predicted would far exceed his expectations.

If the Chernobog incident in 1096 was a full-scale outbreak of conflicts among Ursus-infected people, then Victoria today is a prequel to the extreme rule of Ursus.

Unlike the ethnically homogeneous Ursus, Ursus still stands strong despite extreme rule.

But the chain reaction caused by Victoria's "prequel" may push this country into an abyss.

This night, the snowflakes never stopped, and from north to south, it seemed that even the sky felt sad for what was happening in this country.

Kuroba's convoy went all the way south, following the wave of infected people fleeing, and left the north.

In fact, this was their last chance. Just three days after they rescued Vina and returned to the south, the entire north was placed under full martial law by the Central Army.

A large number of troops were mobilized to the junction of the north and the south, and the strong smell of gunpowder spread on the wind throughout the country.

Even now, Xia Feng still can't figure out why Wei Lin made such a stupid choice.

Of course, this may not be her choice alone, but as the ruler who inherits the throne, she still has the ability to veto.

Crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, unloading mills and killing donkeys are dirty tricks commonly used by capitalists.

Over the years, the vast labor force provided by the infected helped Victoria become an industrial powerhouse.

Today, the rapid rise of Originium Technology has repeatedly reduced the value of traditional labor, and now it has become dispensable.

Yes, the presence of infected people will increase security risks, such as crime, riots, and even large-scale infection incidents caused by improper disposal of corpses. From the current development perspective of the empire, it is imperative to expel infected people.

Survival of the fittest, by pushing a small group of people to hell, allows a larger group to go to heaven. As a ruler, although he is cold-blooded, he is courageous.

However, there are many ways to expel infected people, including previous rectification, increasing taxes, forcing infected people to leave on their own, etc., which are all long-term effective methods.

Just like in a class, if the class teacher wants male students not to have long hair, they can achieve unity through a variety of methods, such as emphasizing rules, putting verbal pressure on students with long hair, arranging health work, treating them differently, etc.

However, if the head teacher doesn't say anything, just after finishing the rules today, and then takes a pusher the next day and pushes all the boys' heads into marinated eggs, then conflicts will inevitably arise.

Even if the conflict does not break out immediately due to various reasons, the seeds of the conflict will still be planted in people's hearts.

Because of years of wanton oppression, the empire's top officials regarded the infected as lambs without teeth and claws, and wanted to expel and slaughter them at will.

Indeed, a single wolf can chase hundreds of sheep across the mountains. Judging from Victoria's national strength, there seems to be no risk in expelling the infected.

However, the reason why the flock does not resist is because there is no leader who is enough to establish a subversive concept for the flock.

If this leader makes all the sheep firmly believe that sheep do not need to eat grass, but are born to eat meat, wolves are the food of the sheep.

Turn resistance into an established concept, and a horrific conflict will be born.

Black Feather's motorcade headed south in the wilderness. It was quiet inside the car, and no one spoke.

Xia Feng's eyes drifted to Weina's face from time to time, wanting to confirm if she was still crying. To his relief, Weina's tears were so precious that they were rare to see in life.

A few days later, the team returned to Hapi City. His black and white twin also passed through the 12th cycle and existed in his body for a full year.

Eastern suburbs of Happy City.

Just when Black Feather's team car was about to enter the city, Xia Feng suddenly saw a large and dense group of people standing in the wilderness on the outskirts. It was roughly estimated that the number was at least over 10,000.

"Aguang, what's going on over there!"

"I don't know why there are so many people."

A few days passed, and the natural disaster in Notting City had settled. He couldn't figure out why there were so many people standing in the freezing and snowy wilderness.

Suddenly, Xia Feng's expression was startled, as if he remembered something.

"Aguang, drive the car over."


In the eastern suburbs, a large number of people sat on the ground. Some people used limited tools to set up simple tents to protect themselves from the wind, and some families leaned against each other to keep warm.

At a glance, it looks like a miserable refugee camp in a movie.

Pushing open the car door, Xia Feng walked towards the crowd anxiously. In the process, he even saw many straw mats wrapped in human shapes arranged on the periphery, which should be dead bodies.

Standing in front of the crowd, Xia Feng shouted loudly.

"What's going on here!"

Hearing his voice, the empty-eyed people in the wind and snow raised their heads.

When they saw Xia Feng's face clearly, their eyes glowed with hope.

"Lord Xia Feng, you are finally here!"

"Great, we've finally arrived, Master Xia Feng really didn't lie to us!"

At this time, Xia Feng saw a few familiar faces in the crowd. These people seemed to be the infected people he had brought out from Notting City before.

A young man who looked quite young walked up to Xia Feng and said excitedly.

"Master Xia Feng, don't worry. We have always followed the arrangements. After we came out of Notting City, we gathered in the eastern suburbs of Happy City. No one ran around."

As he spoke, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"We did not enter the city or go to other cities. Even if some people did not survive the cold, we did not run around."

At this time, a group of soldiers in military uniforms came to Xia Feng from the outside of the crowd.

"President Xia, you are finally back. I don't know what kind of evil these infected people have been. They refuse to eat hard or soft. They just won't leave here. They don't even let us deal with the dead bodies. They say they have to wait for you one by one." Come, look at this."

Looking at the sallow and thin faces that were shaken by the cold wind, Xia Feng pursed his lips and clenched his fists unconsciously.

Because the incident happened suddenly, he went to the north before even mentioning the placement of the infected people brought out from Notting City. Almost four or five days had passed since then.

Unexpectedly, he just said a casual sentence and asked these infected people to wait for him outside the city, and these people fulfilled it so firmly.

Even if he was hungry and cold, he did not seek a way to survive on his own. This is a huge amount of trust.

Xia Feng exhaled in the cold wind and said to the officer next to him who was responsible for guarding the infected.

"Brother, leave these people to me. Please dispose of the dead bodies."

In the past, no matter what happened, the military would not be able to allow individuals to place infected people, but now, the so-called regulations have lost their meaning.

These soldiers are from the Southern Military Region. Following a natural disaster, the world is in chaos. As soldiers, they know very well what will happen.

"President Xia, I'll leave it to you. We have to rush back to the military headquarters after we deal with it."

"give it to me."

After explaining the troops, Xia Feng turned around, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly to the infected in front of him in a loud voice.

"Brothers and sisters, you have been waiting for a long time. Now listen to my command. Everyone enters the city from the east city entrance and goes to the Gilt neighborhood. I, Xia Feng, said that I will bring you out of the natural disaster one by one. Now, I I will let all of you survive!"

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