Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 808: Focus on one thing and lose the other

Kazdaele is not far from Victoria, and at the same time, several neighboring countries must be on guard, such as Letania, Casimir, and even Lateran and Syracuse.

Of course, it does not happen overnight for a country to want to go to war. If the whole country intervenes rashly, it is likely to end up stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

Many countries have not experienced large-scale wars in recent years, and the quality of their armies is also very limited. Therefore, the one who needs the most protection is the newly appointed monarch of Kazdaele.

Returning to the domestic territory, the current situation can be described as chaotic.

Xia Feng could only try to calmly sort out the situation amid the chaos.

General Gleason died, and the Border Military District was taken over by Medes. Medes declared that he would not interfere in the removal of infected people, and his main task was to guard the country in the turmoil.

But all fools know that Medes was sent by Frey, seemingly neutral, but in fact it is a soft policy.

As long as General Grissom's death can be slowly digested in the border military region, it will be beneficial to the empire.

Due to several previous disarmaments, the southern military region now only has 300,000 troops. In comparison, the two major military regions in the north already have an absolute advantage.

The Northern Military Region maintains a strength of 400,000 troops all year round, and the number of the Central Army is close to 600,000. It also has overwhelming advantages in terms of equipment, supplies, intelligence, etc.

In other words, this is a slow death struggle. Londinium is impregnable and the Royal Knights defend it to the death. It is impossible for General Aumont to counterattack with only 300,000 people.

The Central Army and the Northern Military Region combined nearly one million troops to carry out the order to eliminate infected people from various breaches, city by city from north to south.

If he did not want to collapse instantly, General Aumon could only retreat again and again, using the terrain and intelligence gaps to engage in guerrilla warfare and try to buy time for the infected.

Black Feather Grill.

Xia Feng, Wei Na, Nan Feng, Mesha, and several other core members were all sitting around the desk.

The death of General Grissom hit Mesa hard, and the news that her father, Medes, had taken Grissom's place was even more difficult for her to accept.

But the successive blows did not make Mesha collapse. She wiped away her tears, her eyes were red, and her expression was stubborn and she did not give up.

There was a huge map of Victoria spread on the table, Mesha analyzed it carefully.

"The empire's evacuation period is 10 days, and now it's halfway through. Most of the infected people are on the way from the north to the south. The border defense military district has blocked the border, only allowing infected people to leave, and no one is allowed to enter. But even so, 10 The deadline of days is still obviously not enough.”

Xia Feng leaned on the chair with a gloomy expression.

"This deadline is meaningless, even if it is extended for another month. It is impossible for all infected people to evacuate Victoria. For some people to leave the country, it is equivalent to letting them commit suicide."

It's winter, and most of the infected, penniless and seriously ill, will die soon after leaving the border and scurrying around like headless flies.

And other countries will definitely focus on blocking their borders. After all, no one wants to suddenly accept a large number of infected people into the country. Some countries have even banned the entry of infected people.

In this case, there will definitely be a large number of infected people who will try their best to stay, even if they die, they will die here.

If the empire is really determined to clear out the infected, it must kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

In other words, this order is not a joke. The army will really kill infected people without mercy to create a deterrent effect.

After listening to Xia Feng's words, everyone fell silent.

Mesha bit her lip, picked up the pen, circled a medium-sized city at the junction of the north and the south, and said in a deep voice.

"According to the distribution of the Central Army and the topography of the north-south border, after the northern part is cleared, the first strategic point to go south will be here, Kanan City."

Xia Feng didn't understand military affairs. In his opinion, the cities on the map had no special meaning except for their different names and locations.

"Why are you so sure it's Kanan City?"

Mesa used her pen to draw three lines starting from Canaan City.

"Janaan City is an ancient city. Hundreds of years ago, when the first king led the Aslan tribe to conquer Victoria, the route was from south to north, and his breakthrough point into the north was this Ganan City."

Through Meisha's detailed explanation, Xia Feng understood.

To put it simply, this inconspicuous Kanan City is a battleground for military strategists in the north-south pattern.

Kanan City is surrounded by mountains to the west and plains to the east. It is transparent from north to south and is very suitable as a strategic supply point. This feature is not particularly obvious when going from north to south, but if you go from north to south, this feature will be very advantageous. .

Because there is a vast plain behind Kanan City, which is the "blood vessel" that continuously supplies nutrients from the north.

As long as Kanan City is lost, the Central Army crossing the river will take Kanan City as the center and capture seven or eight surrounding cities. The radiation range is almost equivalent to a quarter of the south.

There is no doubt that General Aumon will be very passive if Kanan City is lost, but from a long-term perspective, Kanan City may have to give up.

This is a dilemma. Otherwise, you will lose sight of one thing.

This is the current situation. The analysis given by Mesa is that if Kanan City is lost, the Southern Military District can sustain it for up to 2 months while fighting and retreating.

Then, the civil unrest in Victoria will be quelled, and there will no longer be an infected person in the country.

All infected people who have not been evacuated will be killed by the army.

After initially understanding the current situation, Xia Feng fell silent.

General Aumont of the Southern Military Region did not lose his temper. After his best friend Grissom was killed, he fought against everything by himself and challenged the empire's million-strong army with 300,000 men. This belief and determination are extraordinary.

However, this is a resistance that is destined to fail. Every soldier who dies will lose one. Without the call of the imperial family, it is difficult for reserve soldiers to take the lead.

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, but now the country is in civil strife, and the Southern Military Region is a bit unknown.

From the perspective of ordinary citizens, although the comprehensive expulsion of infected people is a bit extreme, it is essentially a good thing.

General Aumont had no way out, and he had no one to rely on behind him.

Looking back at himself, Kuroba is currently very limited in what he can do.

Black Feather is just a gang-like chamber of commerce. The natural disaster in Notting City has almost shaken Black Feather's foundation. Most of its peripheral personnel are missing, and all business has come to a complete halt.

Now including the brothers from the training ground in the eastern suburbs of Happy City, there are only about 500 people in total.

If he now raises his hands and runs to General Aumont and says that these 500 of us voluntarily join the Southern Military Region and can be deployed at will, to be honest, it will have an effect, but it will not mean much.

The dozen or so people in their room can defeat 100 or 1,000 people, but they are still too small in front of a powerful empire with continuous supplies and reserves.

Enhancing the winning rate of local wars through powerful individuals will not have a qualitative impact on the war situation at all.


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