Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 809: Never Give Up

When a teacher comes out of nowhere, he is not only invincible, but also a way to endanger himself.

Xia Feng doesn't understand military affairs, but he understands a truth.

If it's a gang grabbing territory, all it takes is a stronger fist than the opponent, but if it's a country-based resistance, in addition to its own strength, it also needs to win people's hearts.

Victoria is a big country with a total population of more than 40 million. From the dignitaries to the common people, no one wants to fight as long as life goes by.

The empire's decision-making is justified. As long as it does not threaten their own interests, no one will take the initiative to stand up against the so-called inhumanity of people.

However, the reason why the implementation of the national policy is justified is because the rule of the Aslan tribe is deeply rooted in Victoria, and the royal family is the symbol of the highest authority.

Since resisting rule is heresy, then the gap between the enemy and ourselves can only be brought to a level in name.

Xia Feng turned his head and looked at Wei Na who had not said a word from beginning to end.

"Vina, have you thought about it?"

Wei Na knew what Xia Feng wanted to express. She raised her head and said firmly.

"This is my hometown, and it is my responsibility to protect it. For this, I am willing to bear any risks and costs."

Xia Feng nodded.

"I'll bear the risks and costs, as long as you don't regret it."

"I won't regret it."


Xia Feng turned to look at Nan Feng, who was sitting next to him and his golden hair was so angry that he was angry.

"Brother, what about you?"

Nanfeng said through gritted teeth.

"If I have anything to think about, I'll do whatever you want me to do. I won't even hesitate for a moment."

It was obvious that Nanfeng still didn't understand the situation.

Xia Feng sighed.

"Brother, now that things have come to an end, let's make some things clear. Are you a gangster who has become so stupid that you have forgotten who you are?"

Nanfeng's expression hesitated for a moment, and after a moment, he said nonchalantly.

"I have never regarded myself as any special being, and I have no mentality of bearing humiliation. It doesn't matter who I am. I have never wanted to be a king, but now that people are bullying me right under my nose, I can't bear it anymore, Xia Feng, I am whoever you say I am, and I will do whatever you say!"

Xia Feng understood Nanfeng's character best. Even though he had royal blood flowing in his body and inherited the power of the late king, his brother did not have lofty ideals.

Of course, the absence of ideals does not mean the absence of temper.

Moreover, the blood flowing in the body is genuine.

A few days later.

The first battle of civil strife broke out at the junction of the north and the south. Just as Mesa predicted, the battlefield was Kanan City, a battleground for military strategists.

The Southern Military Region stationed two divisions in Ganan City, and then deployed two divisions from the hinterland, with a total of 70,000 troops to fight the Central Army's advance team moving south.

After 6 hours of fierce fighting, it ended in a disastrous defeat.

The advance team of the Central Army consisted of six fully-equipped divisions, accompanied by a magic legion that was highly effective in large-scale battles, totaling 150,000 people.

During the battle, the four divisions of the Southern Military Region suffered heavy losses. After retreating to Ganan City, the city gates were severely damaged, and they had no choice but to withdraw completely.

In this battle, the deputy commander of the Southern Military Region died, and more than 14,000 loyal soldiers slept forever in the wilderness of the northern suburbs of Canan City. It is said that the snow for several kilometers was dyed red.

When the city gate was breached, all the residents of Ganan City hid in their homes and did not dare to show their faces. There was no one in the entire city except for the iron hooves of the army.

The Central Army will never take action against civilians, but the infected people hiding in the city are not immune.

Without the protection of the Southern Military Region, 6,000 infected people in the infected concentration area of ​​​​Janan City were killed according to law.

This battle was the first battle of the Victorian Dark Ages and will be remembered as the Battle of Canaan.

Some people say that the Central Army at the time should not have killed the infected in Canaan City because the empire's 10-day evacuation deadline had not yet expired. It was precisely because of this move that the newly appointed Queen Vaelin lost her support.

However, some people say that there is nothing wrong with the Central Army's approach. Since they will kill sooner or later, people's hearts cannot be saved.

Because of this bloody battle, the infected people who had been taking chances before were awakened. From north to south, a larger wave of evacuation began again.

However, the 10-day deadline is getting closer and closer, and it is difficult for infected people without efficient transportation to evacuate the north within the deadline. Even if they leave the north, the collapse of the south is already foreseen.

At this point, the chain reaction caused by the Battle of Ganan completely broke out.

Dozens of cities, large and small, in the south have experienced outbreaks of infected people one after another.

A large number of dying infected people dragged themselves away from home, choosing to leave Victoria for their last hope.

However, in order to have the capital to survive after evacuating, they need a lot of survival materials. Terra coins, food, clothing, medicine, cars, and even anything valuable will help them survive after leaving the country.

Driven by their survival instinct, the infected began to plunder materials from the cities where they were located.

Some young and mildly ill infected people took advantage of the situation and directed their anger at the nobles and wealthy people in the city.

The security bureau in each city has limited manpower and can usually deal with thefts and robberies. Now, facing large-scale riots, they can only ask for military support.

However, in the southern region, the only one that could ask for help was the Southern Military Region. However, the Southern Military Region had completely declared its separation from the Imperial Military and did not recognize Queen Verin. To put it bluntly, it was a rebellion.

In this case, the mayors of southern cities cracked open when faced with the increasingly chaotic cities.

The mayors and nobles of the southern cities were divided, but General Aumont in the Southern Military Region felt even more uncomfortable.

Although the Battle of Canaan cannot be said to have seriously damaged the vitality of the Southern Military Region, the situation is very unoptimistic, and the most direct impact is that the morale of the soldiers has plummeted.

General Aumon does not protect the infected. In his eyes, the infected are the same as ordinary people.

People are not born with high or low status, nor should they be distinguished by ore disease that cannot be controlled by human power. As a soldier, he will protect all the people he identifies with in his heart.

Now the Central Army is pressing down from the north. At the same time, the wave of evacuations of infected people is also impacting cities in the south. In the blink of an eye, the south has turned into a place of chaos.

At this moment, if the Southern Military District sends troops to deal with the riots in various cities, then the empire will definitely take advantage of the dispersed forces to move southward and break up the entire Southern Military District, which will never be reunited.

Frey is not a fool, he has been waiting for this moment.

The clouds in the south were getting thicker, and General Aumont was in a dilemma.

In order to give the soldiers the confidence to continue fighting, and to fulfill his obligations on behalf of his dead friend, this old general must tenaciously withstand the tremendous pressure that could crush him at any time.

Just when General Aumont was exhausted and had no choice but to desperately plan to fight to the death.

A ray of sunshine shines through the dark clouds overhead.

The Southern Military District is the general headquarters located in the deep south.

In the room, Xia Feng solemnly bowed deeply to Omen, whom he met for the first time.

"General, I am Xia Feng."

Looking at Xia Feng's figure, General Aumen's old face looked clear.

"It turns out it's you, Xia Feng. Gleason has mentioned you to me many times. It's a pity."


General Aumon waved his hand and sighed heavily.

"Hey, the country is about to perish, and I have no way to save it. Maybe I am overestimating my capabilities."

At this moment, a persistent voice came from outside the door.

"The country's destruction is due to self-destruction, but the hometown will not disappear. Also, the people's hearts will not disappear. On top of the collapsed empire, the new king will reawaken Victoria."

Wei Na walked in from the door step by step with firm steps.

"General Aumont, in order to protect our hometown, we must win this battle."

Looking at Wei Na's golden hair and familiar face, Ormen suddenly stood up from his chair and stared at her blankly.

"You you are"

Vina's confident and determined voice echoed in the room.

"I am a descendant of Aslan's royal bloodline and the daughter of King Willanson. My name is Vina. Now, for the people I want to protect, I want to become the new king of Victoria."

Stretching out her palm, Wei Na looked at General Ormen in front of her.

"General, would you like to help me rebuild this decadent empire?"

Under Xia Feng's gaze, General Aumen burst into tears. Looking at the face in front of him that was 90% similar to Wei Lin's, he no longer needed to confirm anything.

Aumon did not take the palm that Vina extended to him.

The next second, the old general, who was under tremendous pressure, knelt on one knee, made a fist with his left arm, and pressed it tightly against his chest and heart.

The old and loud voice resounded throughout the world.

"Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military Region of the Empire, Aumen, comes to see Your Majesty Vina. I hereby swear on my soul that I will be loyal to you forever and will sacrifice my life for you, even if I die!"

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