Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 821 “Conversation”


The door to the warden's office was slammed shut.

With a click, Hong Dao locked the door directly according to Xia Feng's request.

The more than 20 prisoners outside the door did not stop him. Some of them had heard of the name Xia Feng, but most of them had not.

In his eyes, he never worried about Lao Dalihao's personal safety.

Of course, Lihao's personal strength does have this capital.

After everyone left, the closed office became quiet.

Lihao looked at Xia Feng, who was silent in front of him, without any sense of nervousness.

"Hey, Brother Feng, what do you mean? I don't understand."

Xia Feng's eyes were gloomy, as if he was suppressing some emotion.

"I heard that you can punch through the prison wall with one punch. Are you afraid?"

Lihao burst into laughter.

"Brother Feng, what you said is really interesting. We are all infected and we are on the same front. What do I have to be afraid of?"

Lihao moved his buttocks away from the desk, casually grabbed the finished Origin Stone, and walked to Xia Feng's side.

"Brother Feng, are you planning to discuss with me which city is better to attack? In my opinion, we can directly capture Gayaer City. There are many foreign businessmen and wealthy people there. Putting a knife to your neck, we will definitely be able to exploit the city." There will be a lot of oil and water, hehe, don't worry, you will definitely get the big share."

After saying this, Lihao changed the topic.

"Hey, okay, okay, Brother Feng, you are a person who does big things. You will definitely look down on this kind of petty profit. Then let's discuss how to gather the infected. If you haven't thought about it, then listen to me first. Yes, I’m good at this.”

Xia Feng's eyes were extremely cold.

"Are you teaching me how to do something?"

Li Hao completely ignored Xia Feng's expression and continued to speak nonchalantly.

"Haha, of course it's better for everyone to do their part in this kind of thing. You are good at calling, and your name will attract the infected. Then I will be responsible for leading the brothers to charge into battle. Don't worry, no one will dare not listen to me."

Lihao's strong body like a mountain walked around behind Xia Feng and put his head close to Xia Feng's ear.

"Brother Feng, what do you think of my idea?"

Speaking of this, Xia Feng suddenly changed the topic inexplicably.

He stretched out his hand in front of Li Hao.

"Your Origin Stone is of good quality, can you lend it to me?"


Lihao looked completely unprepared and put the Origin Stone directly into Xia Feng's hands.

"Brother Feng, I know you are very capable, but sometimes, you need something else besides fists."

"Well, you have a point."

Lihao shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, it seems like you already have your own idea, so just treat what I just said as nothing. Next, I want to hear, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Although he has been locked up in prison, Lihao is not a simple muscle idiot.

He knew that Xia Feng was the boss of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, and also knew why he had such high prestige among the infected.

But in his opinion, Xia Feng's series of actions had a purpose, and this purpose was to use the power of the infected to overthrow Wang Zheng.

Lihao never wanted to be an emperor, and he didn't think Xia Feng could be an emperor. In his opinion, Xia Feng was still too young.

He just wants to use this chaos to satisfy his desires.

However, unfortunately, he thought he knew Xia Feng very well.

But in fact, he had no idea who the thin man he wanted to "talk" to at this moment was.

5 minutes later.

Lihao finally knew what Xia Feng wanted to "talk" to him.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A black vortex raged around the office, and all items were torn into pieces by the black power.

The strong sense of oppression made Lihao unable to lift his head. However, what was more unbearable than this pressure was the excruciating pain.

Li Hao was face down. His huge body was pinned to the ground by Xia Feng. One of his thick arms was twisted into an "S" shape by Xia Feng. His bones were exposed and his skin was torn.

The finished Origin Stone had been crushed into pieces by Xia Feng. At this moment, his left eye was burning with flames, and his whole face was so angry that he was almost crazy.

He pressed hard against Li Hao, who was several times stronger than him, and his loud roar could almost shatter his eardrums.

"The boss of Mota Prison, right? Brother Hao, right? Are you fucking teaching me how to do things? Ah?"

A huge roar echoed throughout the building.

"I want to join the gang, and my Black Feather Chamber of Commerce controls the underground forces in the entire south. If I want to be a noble, everyone has to make way for me. If I want to be an official, the chief executive of the empire has to come and beg me. If I don't want to do it, Oh, you dare to throw that bullshit noble medal on the princess’s face, what qualifications do you have to teach me how to do things?”

Xia Feng's crazy roar shocked Li Hao with every word.

"I have also been in prison. As long as I want to leave, I can take away anyone I want to save. I will kill the general of Ursus when I say. I will blow up Rhine Life in Colombia if I say. I dare to dance on the blade." , I dare to talk and laugh in hell, as long as I want!"

Letting go of Li Hao's arm, Xia Feng grabbed his hair and lifted his head.

"Do you really think of me as your savior? Are you f*cking threatening me?"

Lihao's mouth full of teeth had just been broken by Xia Feng, and blood mixed with saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Grasping Li Hao's hair like a dead dog, no one dared to question what Xia Feng said.

"No one in this world can threaten me. Even if it's just to save one person, I don't mind killing all the creatures in sight, as long as I, Xia Feng, want to."

"But if I don't want to, no one can take advantage of me. Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? You are too young to play this game with me!"

Holding Li Hao's hair, Xia Feng lifted him up.

The black flame in his left eye burned blazingly. He stared at Li Hao, his palm stretched out to his waist, and he put the drawn Shenyue Sword into Li Hao's uninjured hand.

"Brother Hao, right? The boss of Mota Prison, right? Come on, I'll give you a chance. I'll give you the knife now. If you're cruel enough, kill me with one knife. I'll kill you, uncle, come on!"

Because of the severe pain, Lihao's entire face was twisted in pain.

Even with the knife, even if Xia Feng was close to him, he didn't have the courage.

Taking the knife back, Xia Feng hugged Lihao's neck and slammed his knee into his stomach.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and then Lihao's huge body collapsed to the ground, twitching like a shrimp.

Seeing Lihao's miserable state, Xia Feng put the Shenyue Sword back into its sheath.

"Today I will spare your life, keep an eye on your people, and stay in Mota Town for me. If you dare to go out even half a step without my order, next time I will not twist your arm, but Brain.”

After that, Xia Feng walked towards the door of the office without looking back.

Just as Xia Feng put his hand on the door handle, Li Hao's trembling voice came from behind.

Even though the pain was unbearable, even though he was shocked by Xia Feng's momentum, Lihao still had no intention of giving in.

Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth all over his body, but the corners of Lihao's mouth were rising.

"Brother Fengfeng, I listen to you. I. I will wait for you in Mota Town. Now I am convinced that you. You will come to me one day and lead us infected people to counterattack, haha, hahahahaha !”

Li Hao's distorted laughter echoed behind him, and Xia Feng did not look back.


Kicking the office door to pieces, Xia Feng left with Hong Dao and others.

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