Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 822 Explosive hair

Taking Hong Dao and others with him, Xia Feng left the prison without looking back.

All the prisoners passing by heard his roar, but no one dared to stop him.

On the way out of town, Xia Feng said to Hu Lai, who had been following him.

"Hu Lai, call all your brothers in the town and come with me."

Although Xia Feng's actions just now scared him, when he heard these words, Hu Lai immediately became energetic again.

"Brother Feng, how many people are you bringing?"

"Bring as much as you can."

"Ah? Then give me a few days. As long as you, Brother Ti Feng, I can make the brothers summon hundreds of thousands of people."

Xia Feng waved his hand.

"That's no need. Just take the people in the town away first."

"Oh, there should be more than 10,000 people, Brother Feng, where are we going?"

"I'll take you to the Southern Military District."

In the warden's office just now, Xia Feng's behavior seemed impulsive, but he also figured out one thing in the process.

Not all infected people want to resist, and conversely, not all infected people want to survive.

Infected people like Hu Lai who are unwilling to leave Victoria and have strong physical fitness and combat effectiveness may not be able to participate in the battle.

Of course, there is a matter of principle involved here.

Hu Lai and his brothers can go to the battlefield, but they cannot participate in the war as the "narrow" identity of infected people. Yes, they are indeed infected, but just like men and women, above the infected, they are the new ones. National recognized by Wang Weina.

Since they are citizens, there is nothing wrong with going to the battlefield for the country, and this is also their own wish.

After leaving Mota Town, Xia Feng sent the more than 10,000 powerful infected people led by Hu Lai to the Southern Military Region.

General Aumont did not refuse sternly. The war was now tense. Although he would not immediately send the more than 10,000 infected people to the front line, he would always keep them at the rear to prepare for emergencies.

The soldiers of the Southern Military Region, like their generals, basically treat the infected equally. The more than 10,000 infected people were not discriminated against and were quickly integrated into the military region.

Moreover, there were excited whispers among the infected.

"Brothers, I never dreamed that as infected, we would become soldiers defending the empire!"

General Aumen of the Southern Military Region was naturally aware of Xia Feng's recent actions.

To be honest, if Xia Feng hadn't been behind to control the emotions of the infected like a peacekeeping force, I'm afraid the entire south would have been in chaos before the Central Army launched a general offensive.

After arranging all the matters, General Aumen wanted to invite Xia Feng to the headquarters to discuss some matters. Naturally, he would not refuse this invitation.

However, just when Xia Feng moved to the headquarters and before he could sit down, he heard a piece of news that made him freeze in place.

A signal soldier reported that Nolan, a medium-sized city less than 30 kilometers away from the original city of Notting, was besieged by a secret advance team of the Central Army.

This advance team did not reveal any movement track before launching the attack. It seemed that they planned to use a blitzkrieg to seize the defense of Nolan City before the Southern Military District could react.

Nolan City is only a medium-sized city. The city only has military police from the local security bureau. This kind of defensive force does not even require the use of actual force. Therefore, the number of this force is also very small, with less than 3,000 people.

This piece of information was unexpected, but it was also reasonable. However, this piece of information also had another fatal piece of information attached to it.

Weina, who had been searching in various cities in the south, was now in Nolan City, with less than 200 guards by her side.

Since the Central Army occupied Yutian City, General Ormeng has forcibly restricted the cities that Weina visited for security reasons. Nolan City is located in the deep south, so there should not be much danger.

Unexpectedly, the Central Army changed from a large-scale attack to a small-scale infiltration.

After hearing the news, Xia Feng was immediately furious. Of course, General Omen was also "fried" with him.

General Aumon stared, and immediately shouted orders to the guards.

"Quick, gather the 13th, 14th, and 15th main divisions, plus the special forces brigade in the northwest of the theater, and head to Nolan City immediately!"

This news shocked Xia Feng, and all he could think about was saving Wei Na.

But just when he was about to head to Nolan City with the army, a picture flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

The picture in my mind is just a fragment, and I can't even connect it to the complete meaning. However, this inexplicable picture seems to have happened before.

The next second, Xia Feng's steps stopped, and his brain calmed down because of this "sense of déjà vu".

"Wait a moment!"

Xia Feng quickly walked to the conference table where the map of Victoria was placed.

"General Omon, your main force should not go to Nolan City!"

General Aumon said anxiously.


"You go here!"

The summer wind points to a plain northwest of Nolan City.

"Go to the Red Sand Plain. The entrance to the plain is a canyon. It is the shortest way from Yutian City to Nolan City. Your main force should go here to block reinforcements from the Central Army."

Xia Feng's brain was very calm at this moment.

Weina's whereabouts were very hidden. The Central Army probably didn't know that Weina was in Nolan City, otherwise it would not have been possible to send only 3,000 advance troops.

And once they discover Vina in the city, they will definitely ask for support from the army, because the queen of the resistance is here!

The entrance to the canyon in the Red Sand Plain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you choose to avoid it, the Central Army will need to march for at least one day longer.

As long as Weina is rescued in one day, the Central Army will give up this "beheading" and choose a long-term strategy with a higher winning rate.

Xia Feng's suggestion made General Ormen deep in thought.

The three main divisions of the Southern Military Region are all the troops that can be assembled in a short time. If they intercept the support of the Central Army, then who will go to Nolan City?

"Xia Feng, I understand what you mean. I will send two divisions to the Red Sand Plain and one division to Nolan City."


Xia Feng immediately rejected it.

"What if the two divisions can't hold on? If they can't hold on, it may turn into a decisive battle between the north and the south in advance. Now a large number of infected people have not evacuated the border. If we lose, everyone will die!"


"Believe me, send all the troops you can mobilize to the Red Sand Plain, and I will take my people to Nolan City to rescue Wei Na."

In silence, General Aumen and Xia Feng looked at each other for ten seconds.

Eventually, he gave in.

"I understand, I will give the order immediately."


"Xia Feng, let my guard team go to Nolan City with you. Although there are only more than 200 people, one more person will bring more strength."

Xia Feng did not refuse.

"That's best."

At this time, Nanfeng, who had been staying in the military area before and had just heard the news, also hurried over.

"Xia Feng, I'll go with you!"

Xia Feng nodded.


General Aumen's order was conveyed as quickly as possible.

Xia Feng quickly left the Southern Military Region Headquarters with a solemn expression.

Walking to his companions who were waiting for him outside the military area, he immediately gave instructions to Aguang.

"Aguang, drive back to Happy City now and pick up Ifrit."

Aguang was stunned.

"Pick up Ifrit, where are you going?"

"Go to Nolan City. Hongdao and I will go first. You can pick up the people and join us right away."

A Guang saw the worry in Xia Feng's expression.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, I will definitely bring you there."

"Brother, please."

Outside the military area, Xia Feng and A Guang parted ways.

Later, he borrowed a large transport vehicle from the military region.

With Red Knife, Nanfeng, ACE, Lapland, Froststar, Franka, Razer, Three Wolf Brothers, and Snow Monster Team, everyone headed to Nolan City where Vina was besieged.

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