Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 823 Thank you

Noland City.

A few hours earlier, Weiner had delivered a rallying cry in a downtown park.

In addition to tens of thousands of residents, thousands of infected people in Nolan City were also present.

Regardless of their identity, what Vina said moved everyone present.

Victoria needs to accept infected people, or in other words, infected people are part of Victoria.

Natural disasters are ruthless, and no one wants to be infected with ore disease. Just imagine, when your friends, family, or even yourself unfortunately become infected, what kind of mentality will you have to seek shelter?

Vina's words made the infected people in the city burst into tears. They felt from the bottom of their hearts that the heir of the royal bloodline who called for resistance truly treated the infected people equally and as citizens.

"Long live Queen Veena!"

I don't know who shouted the first sentence, and then the roar of mountains and tsunamis broke out in the crowd.

"Long live Queen Vina! Long live Queen Vina! Long live Queen Vina!"

Infected by the emotion, ordinary residents other than the infected also joined the shouting queue one after another.

Residents are not fools. Although the empire's decision to eliminate infected people is beneficial to them, the execution process seriously threatens their life safety.

Residents in the south have had a sense of inferiority since ancient times. Compared with the economically developed north, the lives of residents in the south have always been very poor.

Now looking at the chaos in the south, they really feel that it doesn't matter whether the infected people are eliminated or not, and that the more important thing is to stop this turmoil as soon as possible.

However, the empire cannot be stopped, so if the rain is to pass, we can only hope that Queen Veena can successfully resist.

Seeing that more and more people in the audience are willing to support her, Wei Na is sincerely happy.

But at this moment, the Central Army suddenly approaching from the north outside Nolan City completely disrupted everything.

The Central Army came with bad intentions. Their mission was undoubtedly to completely control the city and kill the infected people in the city. If they knew that Wei Na was also in the city, they would kill her at all costs.

Facing a well-trained, well-equipped, murderous army, the unarmed infected had no capital to resist, but this time, they did not choose to escape.

"Protect Queen Vina!"

With the first call, everyone, women and children, looked angry and picked up any item that could be used as a weapon.

Using wooden sticks, shovels, poles, spatulas, and even stones on the roadside, the infected spontaneously rushed to the city gate and blocked the road into the city with their bodies.

The more oppressed people are, the more this happens. After they have experienced the ugliest side of human nature, as long as someone is kind to them, these miserable people will pay back a hundred times.

Facing the surging army, they are willing to protect the queen in their hearts to the death.

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Wei Na did not panic at all. If some words are just words, then this person is not worthy of becoming a king.

Throwing away the microphone and grabbing the hammer, the face that was 90% similar to Wei Lin's was filled with murderous intent that Wei Lin would never appear.

Afterwards, Mesha and Indra tried their best to drag away Vina who insisted on guarding the city gate with the infected.

The top floor of the tallest government building in downtown Nolan.

Vina was tightly guarded in the innermost room by Mesha, Kate, Indra, and dozens of military guards.

They knew that General Aumen would know about Nolan City's surprise attack by the Central Army soon. All they had to do was hold on until support arrived before the city fell completely.

However, the military and police of the local security bureau cannot be called a defensive force at all. They are just outsiders and have no intention of fighting with the army.

According to common sense, Nolan City will definitely be invaded without any effort, and then this unit of the Central Army will conduct a blanket search of the city.

However, several hours passed, but no Central Army soldiers actually entered the city.

A large number of infected people gathered at the two northwest city gates of Nolan City.

They, who are usually discriminated against, are now using their actions to fulfill the slogan they just shouted together with ordinary residents.

Thousands of infected people used crude weapons to fight against the regular troops of the Central Army, and used their sick bodies to block the sharp swords and guns.

Faced with the crossbows and the long-range bombardment of the magic team, a large number of people fell in a pool of blood, and then more people stepped forward.

"Hold on!"

"Don't let them threaten Queen Vina!"

"Compatriots, it doesn't matter if we die. As long as Queen Vina is still alive, we infected people still have hope. She let us know that we are citizens of Victoria!"

Facing the waves of army charges, large numbers of infected people fell, but their high will did not waver.

The cries of clinging on became louder and louder, and everyone's face was filled with determination to die.

This secret advance team of the Central Army only has 3,000 people, which is almost the same number as the infected people in the city.

However, the equipment is vastly different.

The infected people in Nolan City are not as powerful as the infected people in Mota Town, and most of them are women and the elderly.

Even if there are individuals in the crowd who can use Source Stone skills, they do not have Source Stones. If they forcefully use their bodies to activate Source Stone skills, not only will the effect be very poor, but their already weak bodies may die of organ failure on the spot.

Until yesterday, they had never thought about resisting the empire's deportation to the death. Most people believed that as long as they could survive in a humble way, that would be better than anything else.

They didn't understand until they just heard Vina's speech downtown.

If it were just to survive, many people would not have to die.

General Gleason of the Border Military Region, tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the Battle of Canaan, including the rebels who are uniting at the moment to fight against the empire.

If they just wanted to survive, these people could escape from Victoria, or obey the orders of the empire, including Queen Vina who told them this personally.

However, they didn't.

Justice lies in the hearts of the people. When the ruler of a country deviates from the track in the hearts of the people, everyone should correct it instead of escaping.

Only in this way can the country continue, the world can continue, and the civilization of the Terra world can continue.

The humble infected people have never developed any loyalty to the royal family, because they know that the royal family does not regard them as "human beings" from the bottom of their hearts.

But now, a man with pure royal blood flowing through his body appears, and for the survival of the "infected", he launches a revolution that shakes the empire.

When others are in danger for you, what reason do you have to abandon them and run for your life?

A middle-aged man was guarding the city gate with a wooden stick. His body was covered in scars, but as soon as he stepped back and took a breath, he gritted his teeth and pushed forward again.

The people who went to the front line with him were determined, but they just looked at death as if they were home, mixed with a trace of regret.

"Hey, I didn't expect us to die here, but it was worth it. The only thing I'm not willing to accept is that before I died, I didn't say thank you to Lord Xia Feng who has been taking care of us infected people."

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