Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 831 The fight between trapped beasts

In the game, the blood volume of each operator is accurately calculated, and no character will die due to reasons other than the game's presets.

Even if someone is given death, players can see him again through various methods.

But in the real world, death is unpredictable. Whether they are civilians, infected people, soldiers, gangsters, or humble beggars, everyone is the protagonist of their own world.

Similarly, the world will not treat someone differently because of this. In the face of death, everyone is equal.

Just like the tens of thousands of residents who died in natural disasters, just like the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the Battle of Canaan, if they were still alive, they might establish a deep bond with anyone in the future.

But an unpredictable death will bring everything to an abrupt end.

Until the last person in the world who remembers him dies, after that, he will be as if he never existed.

The tense situation did not allow Xia Feng to think too much, and the strange sense of déjà vu in his mind was forcibly ignored.

He parted ways with Aguang, picked up the Shenyue Sword, put the Red Demon Sword on his back, and hurried towards Mota Town.

Aguang was not here, so the driver became Hu Lai. In the car, there were many Black Feather combatants including Hong Dao La Gouzi Shuangxing.

Although Lihao and his brothers had extreme ideas, Xia Feng still couldn't sit idly by and watch as tens of thousands of infected people with powerful fighting capabilities were annihilated by the Central Army whose strength was several times greater.

On the way, Xia Feng maintained close communication with the Southern Military Region and quickly learned about the situation in Mota Town.

This conflict happened yesterday afternoon, and almost a day and a night have passed until now.

Mota Town is just a small town, not even a medium-sized city. Although they knew there was a prison in the town, the Central Army did not have any concerns because of the chaotic situation in the south.

A large-scale prison breakout occurred in the prison. This situation was expected by the Central Army, but what they did not expect was that in addition to infected prisoners, the town also gathered a large number of infected people evacuated from the north.

Moreover, these infected people are not only powerful, but also organized.

At first, the Central Army that besieged Mota Town consisted of two integrated divisions, with a total of about 40,000 troops. However, from the afternoon to the evening, the 40,000 of them did not even penetrate the outskirts of the town, and even suffered heavy casualties.

During the process, they discovered that the town was almost entirely filled with infected people, and no civilians were found outside. From this, they concluded that Mota Town had become a stronghold for the infected.

After understanding this situation, the Central Army immediately mobilized the two closest divisions to come for reinforcements.

Organized large-scale infections are very dangerous, and they must take down Mota Town to eliminate this hidden danger.

After roughly knowing the situation in Mota Town, Xia Feng immediately asked General Aumen to mobilize troops and be ready to respond at any time on the periphery.

In fact, this was General Omen's original intention, but he was not sure about the position of the infected in the city, and was afraid that the crazy infected would kill everyone they saw, in which case the meaning of the siege would be lost.

After arranging everything, Xia Feng urged Hu Lai who was driving.

"Drive faster, too much time has passed, I don't know if that guy Lihao can withstand it."

Hu Lai stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and held the steering wheel tightly.

"I got it, everyone, sit still!"

The people in their car were all "bad guys", so even if there was a traffic accident, it would be nothing. Hu Lai completely let go of his worries and drove the off-road vehicle into an F1 racing car.

On the evening of the next day, they rushed from Shengdi City to the outskirts of Mota Town.

Night falls.

While still in the car, Xia Feng saw flames rising into the sky in the direction of Mota Town. He could clearly hear various explosion-like sounds in his ears, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Moreover, the air is mixed with Origin Stone energy fluctuations, which is obviously the remnant of the skill of activating the Origin Stone.

The car stopped on the hillside outside the town, Xia Feng's voice was urgent.

"get off!"

Everyone looked serious and pushed out the door with their own weapons.

Through observation, at least more than 40,000 troops were gathered outside Mota Town at this time. Judging from the fire and explosions in the town, the Central Army had successfully entered.

The streets of Mota Town are narrow and the terrain is complex. It is not suitable for the army to rush in all at once. It would easily become the target of large-scale Originium Skill attacks.

Therefore, the army adopted the "shepherding" tactic, guarding one exit, sending small groups of troops to enter one by one, and using wheel tactics to force the infected in the town to leave the town.

As long as the infected lose their terrain advantage, the troops outside the city can launch a charge in the wilderness.

On the hillside, Xia Feng listened to the constant loud noises coming from the town, and could already imagine the tragic street fighting between the infected and the army in his mind.

After estimating the time for support from the Southern Military Region, Xia Feng drew out the Red Demon Sword from behind.

"Fight in with me!"


On the hillside, a small team headed by Xia Feng took advantage of the cover of night and rushed like a whirlwind towards the side door in the west direction of Mozhen Tower.

In addition to the large-scale troops assembled at the northern entrance of the town, the Central Army has placed guards at all entrances and exits of the town in order to detect infected people as soon as they evacuate from the town.

However, these sentries did not expect that in addition to infected people coming out of the town, there would also be people who wanted to enter from the outside.

In the silent charge, Xia Feng had already drawn out the black and white twins. When these sentinels felt the rapid pressure, the Red Demon Sword had chopped them into pieces in the next second.

"Puff, puff puff puff puff puff!"

No one could stop the Black Feather Team. Xia Feng and others rushed past the sentinel team, leaving corpses on the ground and rushed into the town.

"Enemy attack! Ximen!"

When the surviving sentries launched flares, their figures had disappeared into the night.

Rushing into the town, the streets were filled with war.

The corpses of infected people and soldiers fell on the roadside, and the traces left by various Origin Stone techniques could be seen everywhere, including smoke, the smell of blood, and Origin Stone fluctuations.

The smell mixed in the air represents the cruel war.

Turning a corner, an iron pillar thicker than a tree trunk suddenly fell down.


With quick eyes and quick hands, Hu Lai pushed away Lang Da who was almost hit.

Before the wave subsided, a burst of blue lightning suddenly shot out of the window of a house on the street.

The Razer at the back of the team instantly stood in front of everyone, using his shield to resist this attack that was obviously an Originium skill.

Soon, a large number of infected people with red eyes emerged from the street and attacked Xia Feng and others.

"Brothers, kill!"


Xia Feng clenched his fists, and the black power in his body increased to the extreme. As the black flames surged in his left eye, a sense of oppression that seemed to rise from the earth instantly hit everyone on the street.

All the infected people's movements paused, as if they were forcibly interrupted from casting a spell.

Xia Feng held the Red Demon Sword and stood in the middle of the street and shouted loudly.

"I'm Xia Feng! Where is Lihao!"

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