Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 832 Untouchable

A large part of the reason why these powerful infected people in Mota Town gathered here was because of Lihao's call.

There is bound to be resistance in oppression. Lihao has resisted before, and the result was that he was imprisoned. The same fate as him included more than 20,000 infected people who were also inmates.

But now, the Victoria Empire's oppression of the infected has escalated, from oppression to extermination. As an inherently "rebellious" extremist, Lihao is bound to attract like-minded people.

The infected people in Mota Town are different from ordinary infected people. They originally advocated violence and now they are red-eyed. If you want these guys to evacuate, you must have the attitude of Lihao, the spiritual leader.

After questioning, Xia Feng finally met Li Hao on the top floor of a four-story building deep in the town.

"Bata, bah!"

Blood dripped down his fingers.

Lihao's huge body was leaning against the corner, with one arm wrapped in a bandage. Of course, this twisted arm was a gift from Xia Feng.

In addition to his severely broken arm, Lihao's body was also covered in scars at this time. In the winter, his clothes were soaked with blood mixed with sweat.

It can be seen that he has reached the limit of being able to hold on with the infected people in the town until now.

Lihao leaned against the wall and gasped for air, his chest heaving violently. When he saw Xia Feng and others walking up, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Soon, he recovered from his shock.

Because of the pain, Lihao's expression was a little distorted, but his voice remained calm.

"Hey, Brother Feng, you finally came to see me again."


"It's a pity it's too late, all of us will die here."

Xia Feng held the Red Demon Sword and stood calmly in front of Li Hao. Outside the window, there were noisy shouts of killing coming from far away.

"Do you want to die?"

Leaning against the wall, Lihao grinned indifferently.

"If you die well, why not? The best time has passed. Now Victoria has no hope. Anyway, she will be killed by the Central Army no matter where she escapes. So it is better to die here with the brothers."

Xia Feng knelt down and stared directly into Li Hao's eyes.

"Even if you and the infected in this town die here, nothing will change."

"So what, can running away like a mouse change things?"

"As long as you live, you have a chance."

Lihao wanted to say something else, but looking at Xia Feng's eyes, his words were suppressed.

Xia Feng stared closely into Lihao's eyes.

"Actually, you don't want to give in. You don't want to die here, not just you, but every infected person in the town doesn't want to die."

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Lihao's stubborn attitude finally collapsed.

He sighed heavily.

He did not continue to stubbornly deny Xia Feng's words, but said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to die. Now Mota Town has been surrounded by the Central Army. There are at least 30,000 infected people in the town. It is impossible for them all to get out."

Xia Feng's voice contained firm confidence.

"You can go out."

"Oh, let me leave my compatriots who have sworn to live and die with me and escape alone. I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"No, it's not just you."

Xia Feng took out his cell phone, and the call stayed on General Ormeng's communication number.

"As long as you make the infected people in the town give up the idea of ​​dying together and choose to evacuate together, I can guarantee that most people can survive. As long as they are alive, there is hope."

The sounds of war outside the window fill the air, and people are dying every second. In this remote town, the death of every life is meaningless.

Because until they lost their lives, they did not see the hope that Xia Feng said.

As long as you die, there is nothing, but as long as you live, you have infinite possibilities.

There was silence for a long time.

Lihao's voice came.

"Brother Feng, from now on, my life is given by you."

Under Lihao's call, the signal to retreat spread by word of mouth. Soon, most of the infected began to shrink their front line and gradually gathered at the west gate of the town.

40 minutes later.

Five reorganized divisions from the Southern Military Region rushed to the outskirts of Mota Town and faced the Central Army guarding the town from a distance.

The Central Army did not expect that the Southern Military Region would mobilize so many troops for a small town. This is contrary to common sense.

From an overall perspective, it is impossible for the Southern Military Region to launch a decisive battle with the Central Army on the plains at this time. However, if all military operations can be measured according to common sense, the army will not need generals.

Just like in a LOL game, if the opponent's damage is too high, you need to use defensive equipment in order to achieve weak development. But if your own disadvantage is not large enough to support weak development, then you cannot use defensive equipment, and It is a pure output device.

You're going to lose anyway, so you can focus your energy and kill the opponent's most popular C position instantly. This may create a comeback point with a probability of less than 1%.

For safety reasons, the Central Army guarding Mota Town immediately requested reinforcements and maintained a conservative defensive posture.

In a confrontation between the two armies, any flaw would be fatal.

At this moment, the five divisions of the Southern Military Region moved. It was not a wild charge, but a 200-meter push forward like a walk.

This move immediately made the generals of the Central Army hold their breath, and they were so nervous that they did not even dare to blink. They were afraid that the Southern Military District would launch a death charge against them in the next second.

At the same time, with a burst of ice spells blooming, the high wall on the west side of the town was directly blasted to pieces.


The infected people in the town poured out of the town like a flood, rushing towards the mountains to the west.

Due to the pressure from the five divisions of the Southern Military Region, the Central Army did not dare to act rashly. Before support arrived, they could only watch the infected people in the town escape.

Afterwards, the so-called decisive battle did not break out. After receiving the signal from Xia Feng to safely evacuate, General Aumen immediately ordered the troops of the five divisions to withdraw to the military district defense line.

Lihao and his tens of thousands of infected brothers were saved. They originally wanted to fight to the death with the Central Army but were given hope of survival by Xia Feng.

At this point, Lihao also abandoned his "grand plan".

The Southern Military Region used actions to prove its attitude towards the infected. Lihao chose to believe in Wei Na and the queen's determination to resist.

The rescue operation is over.

Xia Feng temporarily settled Li Hao and his surviving infected brothers in the Southern Military Region. Together with the brothers from Hu Lai, the lost troops in the Southern Military Region were somewhat replenished.

A few days later.

Xia Feng, who was physically and mentally exhausted, finally returned to Shengdi City.

The high-intensity fighting, brainstorming, and running around had already put Xia Feng's spirit on the verge of collapse.

Apart from taking a nap in the car, he barely slept. Due to the extreme lack of sleep, his consciousness was already in a trance.

Like a zombie, he pushed open the door and walked into the room given to him by Lin Hai. He unexpectedly saw many familiar faces.

Nancy, Guigui, Mr. Xiao, Hemo and others.

Xia Feng looked happy when he saw everyone he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You are all here!"

However, no one responded to his words.

Everyone in the room lowered their heads and remained silent. Turtle clenched his fists tightly, trying his best to hide his red eye circles.

Sensing the abnormality in the atmosphere, Xia Feng immediately had an ominous premonition.

"What's wrong?"


Xia Feng stared and immediately raised his voice.

"What's wrong with you? Why aren't you talking? Ah Guang, tell me, Ah Guang, where are the Ah Guang people?"

After scanning the room, everyone at the barbecue restaurant was there, but A Guang, who was always the first to respond to him, disappeared.

At this moment, the vague sense of déjà vu resurfaced in my mind.

Xia Feng stood there blankly, feeling that his fingers could not stop trembling.

"Where's Aguang?"

After a long time, Mr. Xiao walked to Xia Feng with a heavy face and replied in a low voice word for word.

"Something happened to Aguang."

Xia Feng grabbed Mr. Xiao's shoulders and asked loudly and excitedly.

"Something happened? What happened? Injured? Crippled? Come on, tell me, what happened to Aguang?"

The room fell into dead silence, everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

Looking at Xia Feng's expression, a trace of unbearability flashed in Master Xiao's eyes, and finally, he spoke out.

"Aguang is dead."

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