Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 833 Heartbreaking

A few days ago.

When Xia Feng and A Guang separated from Shengdi City and headed to Mota Town, A Guang also drove back to Hapi City.

After a long drive, Aguang headed north from the coastal area. Just when he had seen the outline of Hapi City and was about to enter the city, he discovered a strange team.

Because it was getting dark, Aguang only saw a group of about ten people sneaking along the outskirts of Hapi City.

This group of people were assassins from the East Kingdom. Because they were unsure of Xia Feng's location, they planned to repeat their same tactics as they did when they attacked the barbecue restaurant last time, taking advantage of the chaotic situation in the south to take advantage of the situation.

What exactly happened after the encounter between Aguang and this group of people is unknown.

When Master Xiao and others at the barbecue restaurant learned from the infected that an attack had occurred outside the city, Aguang had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Even though his vital signs had disappeared, Aguang still held his mobile phone tightly in his hand. However, due to the natural disaster in Notting City, the mobile phone had no signal.

According to the infected people who witnessed it outside the city, they saw a car driving at full speed in the night and rushing towards the city gate. It seemed that it was running to hit people.

Later, a group of men dressed in black pulled A Guang out of the car and attacked him mercilessly.

Combined with the side information, Aguang should have discovered that a suspected assassin was preparing to enter the city. He wanted to call Master Xiao, but there was no signal on his mobile phone.

Because he didn't know the specific number of assassins and whether anyone had already entered the city and approached the barbecue restaurant, in desperation, Aguang could only use his car to ram directly to create momentum and attract everyone's attention while attracting the assassin's target.

A Guang is very familiar with the methods of those Dongguo assassins. Although Master Xiao is very strong, there are many companions in the barbecue restaurant who have no fighting ability at this time. In addition to Nancy, Hemo and others, his sister is also there.

After getting the news from the infected person, Mr. Xiao immediately asked the neighbors on Baigui Street to be more vigilant, and then rushed out of the city alone with the Qingyun Sword.

Unfortunately, when Mr. Xiao arrived, A Guang had been stabbed several times and stopped breathing forever.

There were no signs of struggle at the scene. Although Aguang was very big, he still had no power to fight back against the professional Dongguo assassins.


In the room, several girls in Guigui kept sobbing softly.

When Xia Feng heard what happened from Mr. Xiao, his vision went dark and he almost fell down.

Wei Na next to her immediately supported Xia Feng. The moment she touched her, Wei Na could clearly feel Xia Feng's body trembling.

The next second, her hand was forcefully thrown away by Xia Feng.

Xia Feng's pupils turned red due to congestion. He raised his head and roared with a ferocious expression.


"I'm here, Brother Feng."

"Call someone!"

Hu Lai was stunned and asked, somewhat at a loss.

"Who are you calling?"

Xia Feng's voice was a little distorted due to rage. He stood in the middle of the room and shouted with red eyes.

"Infected! Call me all the infected in southern Victoria. Just say that it was me, Xia Feng, who said that I am going to demolish Londinium, I am going to kill all the Central Army, and I am going to kill everyone alive." Thunder’s skin!”

Before Xia Feng finished speaking, Ifrit, who had also just heard the news, became furious.

Although she couldn't tell it at ordinary times, Ifrit actually had a deep relationship with Aguang. Now that she heard the news, the veins on her forehead bulged.

"I'll go with you! I want to burn those guys who killed A Guang to death. I want to burn every hair of those people till they are gone. I want"

Helmer next to him grabbed Ifrit, hugged her tightly and covered her mouth.

After hearing what Xia Feng said just now, Wei Na remained calm despite the sadness of losing her companion.

She grabbed Xia Feng again.

"Xia Feng, calm down, I understand your feelings, but you can't do this now!"

"You understand nothing!"

Xia Feng seemed to have completely lost his mind. He roared at Wei Na with red eyes.

"I even died to save these infected people, my best brother, why can't they do something for me! The life of the infected is life, isn't my brother's life not life!"

Wei Na held Xia Feng's arm tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid. This is Frey's plan. He just wants to anger you and make you irrationally incite the infected to destroy themselves!"

"There are still more than 3 million infected people in Victoria. I want to see who will perish!"

Facing Xia Feng's extreme emotions, Wei Na did not give in.

"The more than 3 million infected people are not soldiers. They all have families, even women and children. Do you want these infected people to die together with the Central Army? So what if we win in the end? Everyone is dead. Our resistance What’s the point?”

Xia Feng shook Wei Na away again.

"It's pointless, it's pointless, I just want to kill them, Hu Lai, go gather people!"

If it were Xia Feng's usual instructions, everyone would respond immediately regardless of whether they were right or wrong.

But this time, no one in the room, including Hong Dao and others, spoke, because they knew very well what Xia Feng's decision now meant.

This is a decision that Xia Feng will definitely regret.

Hu Lai was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma. Based on his personal feelings, he certainly agreed to assemble Victoria's infected people to counterattack.

But as he became more and more aware of the current situation, he realized that he couldn't be impulsive in this matter.

"Brother Feng."

Xia Feng shouted excitedly.

"Can't you hear me! I asked you to gather all the infected people. Just say it's my order. All the infected people in the country must be gathered in Shengdi City!"


Wei Na slapped Xia Feng on the face.

She bit her lip, tears already hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"Xia Feng, this is war, we must be mentally prepared to lose our companions. If...if you lose control like this every time, then as the leader of Black Feather, you are not qualified, and you will kill those who follow you. "

With burning pain on his face, Xia Feng stared blankly at Wei Na's sad and heartbroken expression, and lowered his clenched fists.

"Sorry, I was impulsive."

"Summer breeze."

"Hu Lai, come back."

Xia Feng cast his gaze at everyone in the room, his voice surprisingly calm at this moment.

"Let's all disperse and go have a rest."

After saying that, Xia Feng stepped out and walked out the door.

At this time, Hong Dao, who sensed something was wrong, blocked Xia Feng in a flash.

"Where are you going?"

"I have something to do when I go out."

"Xia Feng, what are you going to do?"

Xia Feng lowered his head, his face covered with gloom.

"Red Knife, get out of the way."

"You have to tell me what you're going to do."

Raising his head, Xia Feng's red left eye flashed with black flames.


He raised his foot, crossed the red knife and kicked the door of the room into pieces. The emotions that seemed to have calmed down just now could not be suppressed after all.

Xia Feng’s voice shook the heavens and the earth.

"I don't need anyone's help. I'm enough. I'm going to Londinium to kill Frey. Get out of the way!"

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