Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 845 Soul Symbol

The Southern Military District is no longer fighting alone. From this moment on, the decisive battle between the coalition forces led by General Aumont and the central empire officially begins.

As the soul symbol of the rebel army and members of the royal family with pure blood, Wei Na and Nanfeng will set off with the coalition army.

If Wei Na and Nan Feng were not there, General Ormen would be a real rebel, and now, everything is so justified.

Before departure, Wei Na found Xia Feng with a complicated mood.

On the rooftop, the two stood side by side.

"Xia Feng, it's enough now. As long as we take back the south first, we will at least win the first step. After that, we can slowly think of a solution, so I don't want you to do anything that goes against your heart."

Xia Feng's eyes were always looking towards the north.

"I didn't go against my heart."


"Vina, you don't have to be burdened. I'm not only here for you, but also for myself."

Taking a deep breath, Xia Feng said softly.

"Vina, have you noticed that the weather has started to get warmer recently?"

Vina pursed her lips.

"Yes, winter is almost over. But."

"No buts."

Xia Feng turned his head and showed a relaxed smile to Wei Na.

"Vina, protect yourself, we'll see you in Londinium."

Xia Feng knew that General Aumen did not want to hastily counterattack to the north. As the commander-in-chief of the army, he just wanted to retake the south first and stabilize the current situation.

As for Vina, of course she wants to completely overthrow Victoria's royal government and create a new empire that tolerates the infected, but she knows how many sacrifices this means to achieve in order to achieve it.

Therefore, Vina did not dare to order General Aumon to do anything, nor did she dare to put forward her "willful" opinions. For her, it was acceptable to first aim at retaking the south.

If it were Xia Feng in the past, he might not have much objection. After all, it would be more meaningful to reduce more sacrifices.

But now, he is no longer the same person as before.

If someone snatches something from you, do you take it back from them?

No, there is no such logic here, because what was taken away from him can never be compensated by the other party.

He will open up the most difficult routes, and he will make the decisions that Wei Na dare not make, even if many people will die because of it, it doesn't matter.

Now he no longer hesitates because he knows what is right.

Wei Na and Nanfeng set off northward with General Aumen's Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.

There are some things that everyone must face. The back of each of the 650,000 soldiers may be the last.

Along with the Sami army, Yi Nanxue, who was obviously just a businessman, and his people actually wanted to go to the battlefield together. Of course, Xia Feng knew the reason, because Yi Nanxue wanted to protect Wei Na.

It just so happened that in addition to Kate and Indra, with Yi Nanxue around, at least Vina also had a certain degree of personal safety. After all, Frey's Dongguo assassins were very tricky.

After setting off, the southern coalition marched more than 200 kilometers north, and then the entire army stopped marching, waiting for information from Silver Gray.

On the other side of the south, Silver Gray's troops have been setting out for some time.

The 8,000-man troops were divided into eight teams of 1,000 men each. Although the winter in Victoria was almost over, the terrain to the west was mostly mountains and the snow was still very thick.

This force secretly cultivated by Silver Gray exists to capture Kjerag. The snow on the Kalan Holy Mountain never melts all year round, and most of Kjerag is covered with snow almost all year round. Therefore, it is not so much a special force as it is a special force. It is a specialized force specially designed for fighting in the snow.

These soldiers are all native Kjerag people. Like Silver Gray, their hair is mostly gray-white.

At the same time, their equipment also maintains efficient concealment.

With their white coats, snow boots, silver scabbards, and agility, the entire army was almost "invisible" as they marched in the snow.

After 8,000 people were split up, the concealment continued to increase.

Now the Central Army's formation is in a shrinking defense, and the radiation range of the scouts has also been reduced. As long as they are not hit very close by the scouts, nothing can be discovered at all.

Because they are very adapted to the snow-covered mountains, this team walked at a very fast marching speed in the complex terrain. The professionals under Yin Hui's command opened the way and miraculously avoided the sight of the Central Army.

Coupled with the recent frequent movements of the southern coalition, most of the Central Army's attention was also attracted. Until Yinhui inserted himself along the western mountainous area near the junction of the north and the south, he was not even aware of it.

After leaving the snow-covered terrain, Yin Hui gave the order directly, and everyone decisively abandoned the heavy equipment to withstand the wind and cold and chose to travel light.

They no longer need to sneak in covertly. They are less than 10 kilometers away from Kanan City. As long as it gets dark, they will launch a surprise attack.

Yin Hui arrived at the designated place within the designated time as agreed.

To be honest, General Omen didn't understand Yinhui. He didn't even think that Yinhui and his 8,000 men could successfully approach Ganan City.

General Aumen has prepared for the worst. If Yinhui's troops are surrounded and annihilated due to exposure, he will bite the bullet and directly confront the Central Army with two complete supply lines.

However, Yin Hui created a miracle. Regardless of whether he could capture Kanan City in the end, the enemy hinterland where Yin Hui and his troops reached could play a very important role in this battle.

After the exchange of information, General Aumont gave decisive orders at the march headquarters.

"Pass my order, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th Mobile Divisions, advance at full speed from the Northeast 95th direction, targeting Nolan City. The entire army must reach the Red Sand Plain before dawn tomorrow!"

The ordering soldiers will execute the order immediately after receiving it.


As long as Nolan City is recaptured, several cities that are geographically parallel to it will be in the bag, such as Nolier City, Happy City, and the large city with sufficient supplies, Gayel City.

With Nolan City as the center, the army will launch a high-speed charge after entering the red sand plain. The central army must mobilize urgently as quickly as possible. If it is a step slower, the north is theoretically in danger of being counterattacked.

The Central Army did not expect that the Southern Allied Forces would be so decisive. Most of the garrison in Nolan City had been mobilized to the west. Facing the general offensive of the Southern Allied Forces, the city had almost no room to resist.

In the eyes of the Central Army, the Southern Allied Forces had gone crazy.

If the Central Army is not provocative at this time and directly uses a bottom-draining tactic to sweep the empty southern coast, then the rear of the southern coalition will be cut off.

At that time, the empire will mobilize the Northern Military District, which has not participated in the war from beginning to end, to the border between the north and the south. The southern coalition will face enemies from both sides.

If the top commander of the Imperial Military Department was Xia Feng, then he would definitely do this. The more moments like this, the more he likes to gamble.

But it is a pity that the top commander of the military is Frey. He is so thoughtful that he does not have the courage to try.

If this hard-to-get approach fails, the northern cities will suffer damage. If the northern nobles are dissatisfied, the empire's military support may be greatly affected.

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