Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 846 Preemptive Strike

Central Army Provisional Headquarters.

Commander-in-Chief Witte was wearing golden armor, and his face was so solemn that he seemed to be facing a choice between life and death.

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Now he is no longer sure whether the southern coalition's move is a feint attack or a desperate general attack.

If it is a general attack, it means that the opponent does not want the rear area along the coast. It is really a desperate effort. If it does not achieve the expected results, it may never turn around.

But if it was a feint, who were they trying to contain?

In other words, what kind of existence is qualified to allow the Southern Union Army's more than 600,000 regular troops to conduct a feint attack?

The sudden change in the situation in the south was quickly reported back to the Imperial Military Headquarters, but before Chief of Military Affairs Frey's military order was issued, Witte could no longer hold his breath.

Werther's golden hair shone with the same noble color as Vina and Nanfeng, and he said loudly to the messenger.

"Pass my order to abandon the city currently occupied and move the entire army eastward. The enemy will definitely be intercepted on the Red Sand Plain!"


With a look of hesitation flashing in his eyes, Werther spoke again.

"Wait a moment."

The ordering soldier immediately stopped, turned around and saluted.


"At the same time, notify the Imperial Military Department and request to mobilize the Northern Military District to the eastern border to prepare to intercept the Southern Allied Forces."


After all, Witt did not choose the high-risk and high-yield "hunting the bottom", but chose a double interception that was as stable as an old dog.

Not only did the entire Central Army rush to the east to fight head-on, but for insurance, he also asked the Northern Military Region to take action.

As the commander-in-chief of the Central Army, is Witte's approach cowardly?


But the goddess of victory never favors reckless gamblers.

Whether it is cowardice or a gamble depends on whether the person involved can afford to lose. If there is a more perfect way to deal with it, and there is a joint tactic that does not lose a car or a soldier, then why gamble.

From Witte's perspective, although the Southern United Army is powerful, there is still a gap in combat effectiveness compared to the elite Central Army among the empire's elite.

More than half of the nearly 650,000-strong coalition forces are foreign troops. Only the 300,000 people in the Southern Military District are the only ones who truly dare to face death.

Moreover, different countries have different equipment styles, and the military training received by individuals is also different, so the cooperation in actual combat will have an impact.

Witte was confident enough to intercept this "miscellaneous army" on the Red Sand Plain, and then defend and counterattack in a conservative manner. When the Northern Military District reached the junction, they could work together to annihilate it.

Of course, doing this will abandon the southern cities that have been occupied in the south and west direction. However, if the main force of the enemy army is eliminated, the entire south is already in the bag.

Witte did not believe that apart from the southern coalition, there was nothing else that could threaten the northern part of the empire.

There were gatherings of infected people in Shendi City. Of course he knew this information. As a member of the royal family, Witte did not underestimate the power of infected people. There must be something terrifying about his extremely intelligent sister ordering their expulsion.

However, if you want to assemble infected people with varying individual qualities into an army, it is not as simple as 1 plus 1 equals 2.

Witte had prepared for the worst. He assumed that Xia Feng could gather 500,000 infected people in such a short period of time. If this was the case, the north would still be safe.

The military has mobilized reserve soldiers early. At this time, the Central Army deep in the south is the main force, but in the north, the empire has recruited nearly 400,000 Central Army reserves.

Reserve soldiers are all veterans who have retired within 3 years. They have excellent military qualities, have experienced hundreds of battles, and are extremely loyal to the empire.

Although not as flexible as active duty, as long as they pick up weapons, they are no different from the regular army.

Infected people who can release Originium skills are very powerful in small-scale conflicts, but they will never be able to compete head-on with regular armies in large-scale wars.

Witte knew very well how much food and grass would be consumed every day to assemble 500,000 people. The number of Southern Allied Forces already numbered 650,000, so the 500,000 infected people he estimated for Xia Feng was already an "overrun" prediction.

Witte firmly believes that the true number of infected people should be around 300,000, and every day, there will be infected people who choose to leave due to illness, hunger, cowardice, and other reasons.

Werther thinks so.

In this way, the Southern Allied Forces issued the final order to attack with all their forces, seize Nolan City, and enter the red sand plain.

The Central Army also issued an order to move the entire army eastward and engage in an all-out battle on the Red Sand Plain.

Large-scale battles involving more than one million people were rarely seen in the history of Terra in recent decades.

Because of the preemptive march, the Southern Allied Forces arrived at Nolan City earlier.

This medium-sized city has experienced several wars, and most of the residents in the city have fled. The remaining people are thinking, "We have fought so many times, we can't fight again, no, no, no." Bar."

It is not advisable to take chances. When they saw with their own eyes that Nolan City was broken by 650,000 troops and the entire city was submerged in the murderous steel torrent, their faces turned pale.

There was no suspense in this urban battle. Seeing the dark sea of ​​people on the horizon, they clearly felt that the earth was shaking.

The 800 soldiers left by the Central Army to garrison in Nolan City stood directly on top of the city and raised the white flag.

The southern coalition effortlessly captured the city of Nolan. After that, the supply line from the coastal area began to operate immediately.

With Nolan City as the rear front, the Southern Allied Forces will soon step into the red sand plain in front and start a race with the Central Army coming from the west.

Although General Aumont is old, his military command ability has not slackened at all. He thought that if he were the enemy's commander, he would definitely adopt a defensive posture to fight regardless of the strength gap.

When the battle situation reaches a stalemate, the battle is all about endurance, and whether the opponent's supplies are sufficient will also become a breakthrough point for both sides.

At this moment, the entire Central Army has moved eastward. At the same time, some exciting good news finally came from Yinhui.

Kanan City has been captured.

In the intelligence, Silver Gray stated that he had fully occupied Ganan City, that all resistance forces had been eliminated, that the supply warehouse in the city had been found, and that some of his people had advanced northward, intending to completely cut off the supply line from the north.

After hearing the news, General Aumont was in disbelief, and the generals Sami and Sargon were also shocked.

Even if the entire Central Army moves eastward, there will definitely be sufficient defense forces in strategic areas such as Kanan City, in order to prevent surprise attacks by small regular troops.

However, Yinhui actually captured it at such a fast speed, as if he walked directly in from the city gate, which is amazing.

General Omen didn't know what method Yinhui used to attack the city, but the war was tense now, and Yinhui was a trustworthy ally, and it was absolutely impossible for him to lie.

Before this decisive battle on the red sand plain began, one of the Central Army's legs had already been broken. This was definitely a huge advantage!

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