After receiving the news that Ganan City had been captured by Silver Ash, the Southern Allied Forces did not hesitate. General Aumon directly ordered the entire army to enter the red sand plain and charge towards the northern army.

However, the Central Army coming from the west was equally decisive.

Prince Witte, the commander-in-chief of the Central Army, directly abandoned the city of Canaan, and the entire army moved eastward at high speed, striving to intercept the southern coalition forces on the Red Sand Plain.

In the past, the Central Army that broke into the south was the sharp sword of the empire. They chased and killed the infected people in the territory.

Now, the Southern Military District has united allies from many countries to exchange offensive and defensive positions with the Central Army.

Red sand plain.

This is a vast land located in the south-east direction.

Some people say that a powerful natural disaster occurred in this area hundreds of years ago, so that even now, there is still no grass growing.

Some people also say that the sand grains in the Red Sand Plain have traces of being melted by high temperatures. This is not caused by natural disasters at all, but is a remnant of some unknown weapon of mass destruction swept through in ancient times.

Of course, these are just things that ordinary people talk about after dinner, and no one knows what actually happened here.

Whether it was hundreds of years ago or tens of thousands of years ago, anything without any evidence is a fallacy that has nowhere to be found.

What is about to be performed on this plain at this moment is the real history.

It was late winter in 1094 in the Terran calendar.

The famous battle known as the Battle of the Red Sands took place on the Red Sand Plains in southern Victoria.

A few years later, a historian wrote this in a book.

[The Battle of the Red Sands is a rare large-scale war in the history of Terra. Some people say that history is written by the victors. There are no real winners in the war. As long as the war begins, what is lost will never come back. But I personally feel that some things are worthy of sacrifice. This has nothing to do with justice or gain or loss. Perhaps no one could understand this sentence at the time, but please look at our home now. Do you understand? 】

Red sand plain.

When the sky turned white and the morning breeze blew across the cheeks of every soldier, everyone smelled the smell of death in the air.

General Aumon walked out of the headquarters and climbed onto the roof of a military truck.

In sight, at the end of the plain was a dark sea of ​​people. The Central Army's main force of more than 500,000 people intercepted them before they reached the junction of the north and the south.

The two armies looked at each other from the air. There were more than one million troops in total, and they were in the dead silence before the storm, and the air seemed to be trembling uneasily.

The military flags of both sides fluttered in the wind in their positions.

The Southern Military District's divisions are well-known. They are still fighting for the royal blood of the Aslan tribe, so the majestic lion is still on the military flag.

However, unlike the red and blue background of the Central Army, the flag of the Southern Military Region has a black background.

The wind in the wilderness blew up bursts of red sand. Every soldier clenched his weapon and held his breath.

At this moment, the king in their hearts was with them, and no one showed any signs of retreating. In a war of this scale, even if the first round of charge would break into pieces, they would still remain firm.

General Omon's hair has turned gray, but his burly figure can still tell that he was a fierce general in his youth.


Standing on the roof of the truck, he pulled out the saber he carried with him, and his powerful voice resounded through the sky.

"Soldiers, what is standing in front of us is the Central Army, which is known as the strongest division in the empire. Oh, whether it is the weakest or the strongest, it is meaningless in my opinion, because they are destroying our country. They will destroy the entire south They were the ones who turned the battlefield into a battlefield, and they were the ones who mercilessly expelled the infected. The farmers would be grateful for the cattle they reclaimed, but the empire repaid them with vengeance, regardless of human ethics and morality, and had no bottom line in human nature. In this regard, our king stood up. , after she survived the pursuit of the empire, she did not choose to escape, but bravely launched a resistance. Soldiers, for the sake of the loving king in our hearts, let us become the king’s sword. A man should not be afraid of life and death. The decadent empire, They will be overthrown by us!"


General Aumont's pre-war mobilization was full of emotion, and his old face looked back at death.

Infected by his emotions, hundreds of thousands of soldiers raised their weapons high, and the sound of war roars resounded across the red sand plains.

Waving his saber, General Aumont pointed directly at the enemy formation.

"Soldiers, sacrifice your lives for Queen Vina, and sacrifice your souls for Victoria's rebirth. Our blood will surely wash away the marks of decay, and our descendants will surely live in a brand new country!"

A ray of sunlight peeked out from the horizon, reflecting the dazzling color on General Aumont's saber.

Like a symbol, all the soldiers in the army seemed to feel the sacred atmosphere at this moment. For them, the meaning of this war has already exceeded life and death.

Everyone's eyes were burning with fighting intent, and a chilling atmosphere filled the entire army.

General Aumon shouted loudly as he faced the rising sun.

"Long live Queen Vina, may the Victoria Empire live forever!"

The morning sun bathed in the faces of every soldier, and everyone roared with all their strength.

"Long live Queen Vina, may the Victoria Empire live forever!"

The red sand plain that had been silent for several years was instantly broken by the noise. At the same time, roars of high fighting spirit came from the camp of the Central Army in the distance.

Their slogan was also to fight for the Victorian Empire.

When they are different, one party is loyal to the past and the other party believes in the future.

For the generals who commanded them, this kind of massive battle involving millions of people was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The soldiers obeyed military orders and were willing to believe that their deaths were meaningful even if they knew they were going to die.

As commanders, they did not want to let down any soldier who trusted them. In the temporary command headquarters, both sides were under tremendous pressure and were constantly adjusting their tactics.

On the plain, the four reorganized divisions of the Southern Military Region, as the main force of the charge, had rushed out facing death without hesitation.

The precious magic team and crossbow team were riding in vehicles, trying to get as close as possible to the shooting range under heavy cover. At the same time, the powerful insertion points on the flanks were also in contention between the two sides.

The confrontation on the frontal battlefield is already visible to the naked eye. The two armies are charging and the distance is gradually shortening.

At 500 meters, smoke and dust rising from the enemy positions could already be seen.

200 meters away, the deafening roar makes your eardrums tremble.

50 meters away, the cold light of the blade and the scarlet color of the gun tip came into view. What was also clearly visible was the face that was also looking forward to death.


On the plain, two torrents of steel collided instantly, and 70% of the soldiers in the front row lost their lives immediately.

When the resolute figure in front of you falls, the people behind you will immediately rise up.

A chaotic and brutal fight to the death began.

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