Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 848 Black Tide

As the first wave of battles began, the war between the Southern Allied Forces and the Central Army began in full swing on the plains.

Just like a chess game, teams with different functions join the battlefield from different directions and at different times.

The entire plain is a tragic scene. Life is the most fragile thing in war.

The small support team was covered by the rain of swords and fell to the ground in large pieces like ears of wheat.

The heavy support army was attacked by the magic team, and the vehicle was destroyed and people died.

At the same time, special forces infiltrated into the rear and easily killed the crossbowmen and magicians.

The fire of the explosion, the blood from the torn body, all kinds of roars and screams were intertwined to form a picture called war.

Starting from early morning, the chaotic war continued until the morning, until the sun rose to the center of the sky, and the plains were already covered with mountains of bones.

Sami and Sargon's supporting armies would avoid the battles with the highest casualty rates, but as time went by, they had already fully committed to the battlefield.

They saw the will of the Southern Military Region in their eyes, and the natural bloody instinct of soldiers was aroused by the heroic sacrifices of friendly forces.

To them, this is other people's country, but one day in the future, if such a tragic war occurs in their own country, then their current assistance will be a bargaining chip for their future victory.

Facing the coalition forces of other countries joining the battle from the left and right flanks, the Central Army, known as the strongest division in the empire, did not panic at all and immediately mobilized troops from the rear to intercept them.

Several hours passed, and the casualties could no longer be counted.

General Aumont only knew that whenever he mentioned some temporary tactical maneuvers to the messengers, he would always hear the news that more than half of the designated division had been killed or wounded.

The Southern Military District is full of soldiers who have followed him for many years, just like his children. Every minute, a large number of soldiers who share his beliefs and are extremely loyal will fall in a pool of blood.

As a commander, General Aumen can only hide his personal feelings and forcibly transform into an iron-blooded command machine.

However, although every military order was timely and correct, his old cheeks were already filled with tears unknowingly.

Wei Na in the command center clenched her fists and raised her eyebrows.

"We can't just put the soldiers in danger, I want to fight with them!"

After that, Vina picked up the hammer and prepared to join the battlefield.

As the soul symbol of the resistance, Vina, known as the queen, joins the chaotic battle. This is not allowed to happen. Let alone accidental death, even being injured will have a serious impact.

"Vina, stay here and let me go!"

Nanfeng carried the Lightning Cutter, and the noise of the battlefield had already made his blood boil.

General Aumont had no objection. The presence of royal blood on the front lines of the battlefield would definitely boost the morale of his side. This was war, the situation was changing rapidly, and there was no time for hesitation.

"Your Highness Nanfeng, be careful."

Under Nanfeng's golden broken hair, there was a look of passion on his face. For him who inherited the [power] of the late king, the word fear had never been in his life.

The addition of the south wind will make the soldiers more motivated to fight, but it still cannot change the situation.

This is not a tug-of-war to test each other. Behind the central army is the border between the north and the south, and behind it is the heart of Victoria, Londinium. Faced with the determination of the Southern Allied Forces, even if they use up every last soldier, they will definitely It was impossible to give in.

The same is true for the Southern Allied Forces. This is almost a desperate last battle. If this battle is lost, the south will never be able to recapture it until support from another military district in the north arrives.

The number of casualties between the two armies continued to increase over time, and bodies in pools of blood littered the mountains and plains.

The commanders on both sides knew that this war would last for a long, long time, so long that it seemed like a city wall could be piled up with deaths.

City of Santee.

The curtains in the room were tightly closed, and Xia Feng sat alone on a chair, his fingers gently brushing the blade of the Shenyue Sword.

A trace of blood appeared between the fingers, and the blood instantly gushed out and slid down the palm.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!"

Blood fell drop by drop, but Xia Feng's expression did not change at all.

This kind of wound will heal itself in a very short time due to the white power. Even if it is a serious injury, he can miraculously "resurrection".

However, not everyone is like him.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"come in."

The door was pushed open, and Hu Lai stood in front of Xia Feng fully armed, wearing a combat uniform customized by Thor Industries.

"Brother Feng."

There was obviously no order, but Hu Lai had been wearing the equipment since it arrived, and would not change it even when sleeping. He never urged Xia Feng, but expressed his expectations with actions.

Seeing the twinkling light in Hu Lai's eyes, Xia Feng seemed to have had a premonition of something.

"Is there any news from the front?"


Hu Lai took a deep breath and reported seriously.

"Early this morning, the southern coalition forces officially engaged the Central Army in the Red Sand Plain. This is not a test, but a real all-out war."

"Do you have detailed information on the number of participants?"

"Yes, the Southern Military District led by General Aumon has all entered the battlefield. The Sami and Sargon coalition forces also joined from the flanks in the morning. Only two divisions of guards were left in the command headquarters. Almost all personnel participated in the battle without reservation. "

"Where is the Central Army?"

Hu Lai looked at the investigators' report in his hand.

"Information says that the Central Army has invested at least 20 divisions, and almost all of them have participated in the war."

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes and thought quickly.

He had studied in the war theory class at the Royal Academy. In this kind of million-level war, once more than 70% of the troops are invested, the possibility of temporary retreat is lost.

When the battle situation is tense, whoever withdraws first will have to pay a heavy price.

Seeing Xia Feng's thoughtful look, Hu Lai called excitedly.

"Brother Feng, are we..."

The room was silent for a full ten seconds.

Xia Feng clenched his fists and inserted the Shenyue Sword back into the sheath on his waist. The wound he had just made had stopped bleeding on its own.

Standing up, he walked to the window, raised his hand and opened the heavy curtains.


The dazzling sunlight instantly shines into the room.

This is the tallest building in Shendi City. Looking down, you can see an endless sea of ​​people.

When Xia Feng, wearing a black coat and red scarf, appeared on the city wall surrounded by all the fighting members of Black Feather, below, the infected people who had gathered in Shendi City for many days seemed to wake up from their slumber.

Everyone's eyes emerged from the gloom with light, like sunshine in the sky. Their painful wait was finally over.

Standing on the city wall, Xia Feng was not excited or excited. He stared at the infected below expressionlessly.

For our home?

For justice for the infected?

For Queen Victoria? To overthrow this decadent empire?

Sorry, he cannot say such high-sounding words, nor can he use such impassioned and righteous words to incite everyone's emotions.

Human nature is selfish. Whether it is death or sacrifice, people act for what they are obsessed with.

Some things do not require words or so-called mobilization, because he can see that every face looking at him at this moment is very clear about what is persistent in his heart.

Standing on the city wall, Xia Feng's hollow voice spread to the vast sea of ​​people.

"Now, I, Xia Feng, will take you to death. Are you willing?"

At this moment, after hearing these words, every infected person, regardless of age or sex, showed sincere relief on their face.

Take them to death? This sentence may be too explicit and too pessimistic, but this is what they want to hear.

The next second, a tsunami-like sound erupted throughout the entire city of San Di.


At dusk, the battle on the Red Sand Plain had been going on for a whole day.

Central Army Provisional Headquarters.

Witt, whose eyes were bloodshot due to anxiety, was still formulating real-time tactics. At this moment, a panting scout broke in.

"General Witte!"

Werther did not look back, his eyes were still staring at the thumbnail of the red sand plain, and he asked aloud.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

"The enemy has a new force starting to move north!"

Werther looked up.

"What new troops are there? Aren't the Southern Military District and the two foreign coalition forces all here!"

The scout who came to report swallowed his saliva.

"They are troops coming north from the southern coast and along the western mountains. They should be the infected."

"Infected person?"

Werther did not panic, he had expected this situation.

"Didn't I ask the military to move the Northern Military Region to the junction? We can't get away now. Let the Northern Military Region move to the west and intercept the infected at the junction. Those guys have no fighting power and will disperse as soon as they are beaten. 200,000 people are enough.”


"Why are you still standing there?"

The scout's face was covered with sweat and his face was pale.

"General, 200,000 people may not be enough."


In the southern region of Victoria, on the west side of the mountains, this is the route that Silver Ash's troops have taken before.

But at this moment, the footprints left by Yin Hui and the others have been wiped away by the vast sea of ​​people.

Among the mountains, the endless crowd of people looked like a long black dragon. In the entire recorded history of the world of Terra, there has never been an army march of this scale recorded.

The dark crowd seemed like black clouds looming over the surrounding area, and the picture composed of human heads was like a raging black tide.

As this super army moves, the intense fluctuations of Origin Stone within a few kilometers are like a moving natural disaster.

No one in the empire could imagine what kind of power would burst out when the infected were truly united by someone.

The equipment that Black Steel and Thor Industries rushed to produce was far from enough to satisfy this black wave. Even without weapons and equipment, no one retreated.

Among the western mountains, the total number of people in this moving "black dragon" has exceeded the total number of Victoria's four major military regions at their peak.

No one can really count the exact number.

It is only a rough estimate that there are more than 2 million infected people moving under that black winged flag.

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