Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 859 No choice

Xia Feng never felt that he had much influence. The infected did obey his call, but he could not be called the leader of the infected.

There is no class rule, no identity suppression. The reason why the infected will listen to him is because his goals resonate with the infected.

He was recognized by everyone, and the infected believed in him and were even willing to sacrifice their lives.

However, if his decision deviates from the path that the infected person has already firmly set in mind at the last moment, he will instantly lose his appeal.

The mentality of the infected has become numb, and they have even given up thinking.

It is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. After paying the lives of countless compatriots, the counterattack against the empire can no longer be stopped.

Even if the whole army is annihilated.

Faced with the empire's response strategy, Xia Feng needed to calm down.

To be honest, the empire actually tried its best to use the mobile city to stop the infected.

These three cities are all important hub cities in the north, and unimaginable human and financial resources have been spent on the urban areas and facilities built around them over the past few years.

As long as the main city starts to move, the surrounding facilities will be scrapped in an instant.

For him, although this is unfavorable bad news, it is also implicitly good news.

The bad news is that it is difficult for them to overcome this impenetrable wall.

The good news is that in the face of the sudden counterattack by the infected army, the empire obviously has no better choice. This is their last resort to give up everything.

Now the infected army has completely entered the north, but its formation is completely incomparable with the well-trained regular army.

From Kanan City to Fulai City, to Kitahara City and even Kalai City, sparse teams of infected people can be seen everywhere along the way. Some people have fallen behind, and they can't even get orders immediately.

Not everyone's heart is so strong. Under the impact of the war and the bloody and tragic stimulation, many people have turned into zombie "machines".

They don't know what the current situation is, or even the battle situation on the front line. They will only move step by step in the direction of Lunnimuti.

After countless siege battles, Xia Feng could no longer grasp the exact number of infected people.

We are still in contact with the main force, and the number of people who can accept offensive orders should be around 1.2 million, but the actual number of people in the rear is greater than this number.

It could be 1.5 million, or 2 million.

He only knows that even if the Central Army builds a steel position in front of Londinium with three mobile cities, the infected army will continue to fly into the fire.

Even when facing a giant meat grinder, the infected will rush forward and jam the machine with mountains of corpses.

Inside the tent.

As the staunchest ally and a life-and-death brother, Yin Hui is still making his final explanation.

Yin Hui will not forcefully change Xia Feng's subjective consciousness. All he can do is prevent his brother from making a choice that he will regret for the rest of his life.

"Xia Feng, have you thought about it?"

There was no one else in the tent at this time, and Xia Feng, who was always calm in front of outsiders, finally showed his "weak" side.

He sat on the stool dejectedly and said absentmindedly.

"Offensive is a must, I don't have a choice."

Under the silver hair, Yin Hui did not say any words of comfort.

"You should have thought of this situation from the beginning."

"I thought about it."

"Then there's nothing to hesitate about."

"I just"

Xia Feng lowered his head deeply, the light in his pupils kept flickering.

Indeed, he expected from the beginning that many people would die.

But on this day, when he was asked to issue an order to let the infected people charge with flesh and blood to the steel fortress built by the Central Army, he still

Compared with Xia Feng, Yin Hui's voice was very calm.

"This is the empire's strategy. The shortcomings of the infected were exposed from the beginning, so even if the total number of infected people in Victoria reaches 4 million, the empire will still order the killing without any scruples. It's just that this time, they didn't expect the infection They will just gather for a counterattack."

Yin Hui straightened up, his tall figure standing upright.

"Withdraw now, the infected must leave Victoria from the south, otherwise sooner or later they will be killed by the regrouped imperial army, and it won't be too late. If we don't stop, we will have to wait until the Northern Military Region regains its mobility. It’s an encirclement situation. If we attack, then..."

"I will not retreat, nor will I stand still."

Xia Feng interrupted Yin Hui's rational analysis.

He raised his head and gritted his teeth with a livid face.


When Xia Feng walked out of the tent, his whole person had returned to the "symbol of the soul" in the minds of the infected.

The army of infected people standing by could be seen as far as the eye could see. There was the smell of blood in the air, as well as the wails of the injured, and even the wails of someone who had lost a loved one.

At this moment, an energetic voice came from behind.

"Lord Xia Feng!"

Xia Feng turned around and saw a fifteen or sixteen year old boy looking at him with awe.

The boy is quite tall, but his body is skinny. One of his arms is wrapped with gauze, and he must have suffered some minor injuries.

But even though he was injured, the look he looked at Xia Feng was still full of hope.

"Lord Xia Feng, I heard from my compatriots that Londinium is a few hundred kilometers ahead. As long as we capture it, the war will be over, right?"

The gloomy sky in the north formed a sharp contrast with the boy's cheerful expression.

Xia Feng stopped talking.

Finally, his voice was very small, very soft.


After receiving Xia Feng's affirmative answer, the boy grinned.

"Great. When the war is over, I can take my sister back to the south. When Queen Vina takes charge of this country, the army will never expel us infected people again, hehe."

Then, the boy turned around happily. On the side of the tent, he held the hand of a girl about his age.

"Lord Xia Feng said that when this battle is over, the war will be over."


"Of course it's true. Lord Xia Feng won't lie. Look at my brother, he will definitely kill all those hateful Central Army troops!"


This is a military camp, but the soldiers are composed of various genders, ages, and identities.

The figures of the two brothers and sisters gradually walked away and merged with the vast number of infected people.

Xia Feng listened blankly to the distant sounds. Unknowingly, under his calm expression, his fists were clenched tightly.



"Send an order for everyone to replenish food, have a good night's rest, and launch a general attack on Londinium early tomorrow morning."


After receiving this order, Hu Lai's tired face burst into excitement.

Then, he and his brothers quickly conveyed this "inspiring" order to the millions of infected people gathered in the wilderness at this time.

All infected people firmly believe that this is the last battle of resistance. As long as Londinium is captured, the decadent empire will be overthrown.

But no one considered how much this battle would cost.

In other words, they have selectively ignored all the disadvantages. Until now, the infected people just blindly believe that as long as they move forward, they will see the light.

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