Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 860 Destruction is also rebirth

Under Xia Feng's order, an army of one million infected began to move in the direction of Londinium.

In comparison, the deployment speed of the Central Army is obviously faster.

Three cross-covering mobile cities have already arrived at specific locations, blocking the path of the infected army like three door gods, guarding Londinium not far behind.

There are three mobile fortresses, each with a garrison force of up to 200,000. The most sophisticated equipment is continuously supplied. There are even high-end weapons and city protection cannons on the city walls that Xia Feng has only seen in Longmen.

Compared with the "cannon" in his original world, the power of this kind of cannon was completely different in terms of range and destructive power.

But when facing the army of infected people who are attacking the city with their flesh and blood, this is a meat grinder.

In addition, the crossbow team, magic team and other long-range attack units are gathered on the city wall, and the consumables are so abundant that it seems that they will never run out.

In order to protect the "heart" of a powerful empire, no matter how strong the defensive force is, looking at the entire world of Terra, no one will use flesh and blood to forcefully attack.

Once an army commander loses his mind, it is a harbinger of destruction.

But now, even if Xia Feng, the commander, remained calm, his "soldiers" would not stop, so he could only bite the bullet and attack.

When Penguin Logistics sent back the information on the enemy's equipment preparation, even Angel Angel, who had always been optimistic, showed an unbearable expression.

"Xia Feng, please think about it again."

Xia Feng didn't explain anything.

Enabled Angels and the others would not understand, and even now, there were some things that even he himself did not quite understand.

The infected people seemed to have seen the longed-for country in their pupils. There was hope and excitement in their eyes. Gradually, this look of hope was covered with a kind of crazy obsession.

As of now, no one can shake this obsession.

"Aneng, your mission is over. Go back and help me say thank you to the emperor."

"Summer breeze."

"Don't worry, this is the path I chose, and I will not disappoint everyone's expectations."

"But those people"

A black halo that reflected the aura of the Archangel appeared next to her. Mostema patted the Archangel on the shoulder and did not let her continue.

"Our work is over, let's go."

Angel Angel looked at Texas, who was leaning next to the helicopter and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.


Texas held a Pocky in his mouth and gently closed his eyes.

"This is just one of our countless jobs, carrying death, witnessing death, getting paid, but other than that it has nothing to do with us."

After that, Texas took Pocky whole into his mouth and opened the helicopter door.

"We are going back to Longmen, Xia Feng, I wish you good luck."

Holding the capable angel's shoulders, Mostima also walked towards the helicopter. Finally, she took a deep look at Xia Feng.

"Take care of yourself."

The final battle is too dangerous, and according to Xia Feng's request, Black Steel International's armed forces will not participate.

After all, in a head-on confrontation of this scale, a mercenary team with only a few hundred people is of little significance.

To be honest, he was very pleased that his allies could help him get to this point, but everyone has their own life, and there is no need to accompany him to death.

A few days later, the army of infected people finally arrived less than 5 kilometers away from Londinium.

At the end of the horizon, three cities standing like mountains on the plain have appeared in view.

The sky was gloomy and scary, as if a heavy rain was brewing. At some point, the wind stopped.

Looking forward side by side with Yin Hui, Xia Feng spoke softly.

"It's enough to help me get here."

Silver Gray's expression was calm.

"It's not over yet."

"That's enough, Yinhui, go back to Xierag. Yaxin and Chuxue are still waiting for you to go back."

Yin Hui took off his heavy black coat, revealing the white shirt underneath and the silver sword at his waist.

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to capture Kjerag."


"In my silver eyes, it's the same."

Yin Hui's last words are worth a thousand words.

The corner of Xia Feng's mouth raised slightly, and this smile was mixed with a hint of sadness.


As if by God's will, today happens to be the last day of the cycle of the black and white twins.

Once the black and white twins on the 30th day are triggered, they need to continue to consume the source stone. After the source stone is used up, it will corrode the body. Until death, the white power will reset everything.

Unless forced, Xia Feng cannot easily draw out the black power.

The vast army of infected people has no end in sight.

Ahead was Londinium, but what stood between the infected army and Londinium were a total of 700,000 Central Army troops and three cities that could be called steel fortresses.

With Xia Feng's shouts resounding throughout the world, the infected's final general attack began.

"Compatriots, the destruction of the empire is our rebirth. This is the final battle. For the infected people's right to survive, to give the meaning of death to the sacrificed compatriots, and to witness the future of this world with your own eyes, kill!"

The sound of mountains and tsunamis swept across the plains, and a black tide composed of people charged forward.

At this moment, all the anger and hatred accumulated in the heart of the infected person was completely and unreservedly vented.

The veins on his forehead popped out, his pupils turned blood red, and the broken bodies covered with Originium crystals burst out with life-burning power.

Facing the black wave coming from far to near, the Central Army on the city wall breathed rapidly.

In their entire lives and even in the history of the entire world of Terra, they may never see such a shocking sight again.


Following the command from the commander on the city wall, the precious city cannon fired shells at the team rushing in from the distance.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

A volley of fire exploded across the plain.

Because the distance was too far and the impact point of the shells was not very accurate, this round of shelling did not cause excessive casualties to the infected people at the front.

At this moment, a small red light spot lit up in the dark sky.

In an instant, the light point landed at the gate of the city on the right in a parabolic trajectory.

The next second, the Central Army on the city wall lost consciousness.


A huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, and the strong shock wave accompanied by the heat wave overturned the cannon on one side of the city wall, and the figures of thousands of soldiers were submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The gloomy dawn instantly turned fiery red, as if the opening fireworks were lit for the tragic battlefield.

"All troops move to the right, concentrate firepower to capture the rightmost city wall!"

Under the cover of [Ballam], the charging army of infected people rushed towards the damaged right city wall under the bombardment of arrows and spells.

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