Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 861 Only madness can lead to fear of death

There are also experts among the officers of the Central Army. Xia Feng did not let Ifrit hit the city wall directly, but asked her to release the power of the Balrog very close to the city wall.

Even so, Ifrit is still not completely safe.

Although she is no longer able to "throw once" like before, the vacuum period after the power is released is still very fragile.

For this reason, Xia Feng arranged a "rescue specialist" for her, and this person was Xiao Yunye.

With the combination of Mr. Xiao and Ifrit, one old and one young, the [Manual Throwing Siege Cannon] was born.


The pillar of fire exploded very close to the city wall. The strong explosion and continuous high temperature made the city's cannon and crossbow team incapable of fighting.

Under the cover of the "nuclear bomb", the infected army launched a charge towards the city on the far right.

The three cities garrisoned by the Central Army form an irregular triangular formation. The city on the left is the largest, the city in the middle is deep, and only the city on the right is far away from the whole.

The number of the infected army is very large, but the elite troops with Source Stones do not exceed 300,000. For this reason, Xia Feng can only try to gain an advantage in the early stage of the confrontation.

The biggest advantage is to integrate forces and capture the city on the far right first with all the enemy's firepower.

"Come on!"


At this moment, everyone's eyes were red. Facing the fierce spell attack from the flanks, the infected army did not slow down at all, but rushed faster.


The spell bombarded the crowd, and some people lost their lives instantly, while others got up in the smoke, dragging their seriously injured bodies and continuing to roar and charge.

Just when the army rushed to less than 500 meters from the city on the right, the sky suddenly became darker than before.

He raised his head and saw the rain of arrows shooting from a distance, covering the already gloomy sky.

The special crossbows equipped by the Central Army have a much longer range than imagined. When fired in a parabola, they can shoot directly from the wall of the city in the middle to the open space in front of the city gate on the right.

This is the ultimate distance of the crossbow and the reason for the construction of the triangle formation.

"Swish swish swish swish!"

Screams came one after another, and there was no need to aim at all. The dense rain of arrows knocked down a large number of infected people in the front row in an instant.

If the crossbow arrow misses the vital point, it will not take away a person's life instantly, but it can make the person lose his combat effectiveness.

The infected person who was shot in the body by an arrow fell on the cold ground, his eyes full of painful reluctance. The companions passing by were unable to rescue him and could only continue to charge.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The city cannon fired another salvo, and bursts of smoke and blood mist exploded among the crowd.

Just like that, the brutal suicidal charge began on the plains.

Facing the powerful firepower of the Central Army, the casualty rate of the infected was still visible to the naked eye even from a distance.

The range covered by long-range weapons is like a bottomless abyss, devouring all life that enters the range.

Every second that passes, hundreds of pairs of hopeful eyes will dim forever, and their strong arms will be torn to pieces by various crossbow spells.

But even so, the huge black wave still did not slow down at all, and more and more infected people from behind joined the charge.

Xia Feng could see it clearly.

The infected people he passed by included men, women, the elderly, and even underage children.

This battle has been unstoppable from the beginning. At some point, even Hu Lai, who helped him deliver orders, disappeared.

From this moment on, the infected no longer need so-called instructions. If they still retain their sanity, it is impossible for intelligent creatures to face the powerful firepower like a meat grinder.

At this moment, everyone has fallen into madness and must be mad. Only in this way can they not be afraid of death.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Xia Feng took out the Shenyue Sword from his waist.

However, just before the blade cut his palm, he still held back.

If the black and white twins are brought out now, he will undoubtedly be driven away by the white power before the end of the war and be reincarnated again.

In a war of this scale, he deeply felt his own insignificance. Just like Bai once said, this world has never been short of strong people. No matter how strong a person is, he will never be able to turn things around by himself. A million-level war.

Resisting the thought of eliciting the black and white twins, Xia Feng shouted loudly.

"Hu Lai! Hu Lai!"

There was no response. From the beginning of the charge, Hu Lai had already led his brothers into the vast army.

"Wolf big!"

"Brother Feng, we are here!"

Xia Feng put the Shenyue Sword back into its scabbard and pulled out the Red Demon Sword from behind.

Now he can no longer control the behavior of the infected. All he can control are the black feathered combatants who follow him all the way.

"Bring the Source Stone and ask everyone to follow me to the flanks to contain them."


There are only a dozen combat members in Black Feather, so the concept of containment is a bit forced. To put it bluntly, it is to attract firepower.

"I am coming too."

Yin Hui drew out the long sword from his waist and chose to act together with Xia Feng.

The special forces brought from Kjerag were still in full combat effectiveness, leaving most of them to stick to the supply line at the rear. Silver Gray led nearly 2,000 people and followed Black Feather around to the flank of the city.

After breaking away from the charging infected, Xia Feng led everyone quickly to the east.

As time passed, after Ifrit's "nuclear explosion", the flames on the city wall were quickly extinguished, the bodies were quickly transported away, and the crossbow troops and magic teams came back again.

At the same time, brand new cannons also appeared on the city wall.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

There was another round of roar of artillery fire. Because the distance was shortened, the hit rate and power of these cannons were much higher than those of the cannonballs fired from another city wall.

The explosion exploded among the charging crowd, and the strong explosive force and shock wave shook the infected people near the explosion point.

Immediately afterwards, the sky-blocking crossbow arrows and the spells shining with all kinds of brilliance once again descended on the charging infected.

In war, life is the most fragile thing, so fragile that it can be shattered to pieces.

In the smoke, the infected, bathed in blood, screamed and stepped over the corpses of their compatriots, continuing to surge towards the city wall they regarded as their last enemy.

So far, the sacrifices of the infected can be said to be meaningless, and until now, none of them has successfully approached the city wall.

Every explosion shocked Xia Feng's heart. Every second, hundreds of infected people died under the rain of arrows.

The Yeti team drew out the long-range weapons they carried and started shooting at the city wall that was firing wildly at the infected. Razer held a pistol and emptied one magazine after another.

But in the face of their weak firepower, the commanders on the city wall chose to turn a blind eye and still focused on the dense army with higher hit efficiency.

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