Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 862 The ladder built by death


Near the city head, a shocking pillar of fire rose from the ground again.

The newly adjusted central army on the city wall was overturned by the flame shock wave again in the same way.

This was not the first time that this kind of pillar of fire had appeared. Apparently Ifrit had recovered her strength and had another "nuclear explosion" in a very short period of time.

Perhaps due to insufficient rest time, the power this time is slightly lower than the first time.

At the same time, with this first experience, the Central Army's response also became proficient.

The city walls swept by flames suffered heavy casualties, but as soon as the heat wave subsided, another wave of crossbow magic teams rushed up, and the long-range suppression of the infected was restored.

Although Ifrit's ability helped delay the infected for a period of time, the neighboring city would not stop attacking for any reason, and the heavy damage suffered by the infected did not slow down significantly.

At the same time, the long-range troops coming up from the city on the right quickly adjusted their weapons, and a new round of firepower instantly covered the army of infected people approaching the city.


Roars and screams came one after another. The closer to the city wall, the greater the casualties of the infected. A large number of figures fell one by one like ears of wheat. The bloody and tragic scene was unbearable to watch.

Xia Feng and the others' containment had no effect.

Seeing that the long-range troops on the city wall ignored them, Xia Feng turned his attention to Frost Star.

"Frost Star, can you do something? Please."

Shuangxing had already seen the helplessness in Xia Feng's pupils. The infected had believed in him all the way, but now they were helpless in the face of tragic casualties. This feeling must be very heartbreaking.

"I'll try!"

After saying that, Shuangxing held a crystal source stone tightly and closed his eyes.

The next second, dark blue light bloomed under the feet. Because the brewing Origin Stone skill consumed too much, the Origin Stone held by Frost Star instantly lost its original luster.

When Shuangxing opened his eyes, the soldiers on the city wall shuddered subconsciously.

At this moment, they could no longer ignore the small group on the flank. The blue light lit up in the battlefield, like a shining North Star.


Following Frost Star's spell, a huge icicle instantly condensed in the air.

The diameter of the icicle is at least more than 10 meters, with one end sticking straight into the ground, and the ice body constantly generated at the other end hitting the city wall a hundred meters away at a super high speed.

Deep blue light continued to bloom on Frost Star's body, and even her pupils were shining with blue light. She regarded ice spells as "anti-city treasures", which had exceeded all the intensity she had cast so far.

Like an ice spear thrown by a giant, in an instant, the icicle spanned most of the battlefield and crashed straight into the distant city wall.


After the flames swept through, the city wall ushered in another horrific scene.

With the violent impact, the rocks broke apart and ice fragments flew. The huge power caused the entire mobile city to shake violently.

Where the icicle hit directly, the crossbowmen and magicians were instantly knocked into a pulp, and the ice crystals that exploded were extremely sharp, shooting nearby soldiers to the ground.

In an instant, the entire city was in chaos.

Frost Star did not inherit any ancient power. This abnormal Origin Stone technique was completely activated by the physical body in conjunction with the Origin Stone.

After performing this beyond-the-limit attack move, her face turned pale to the point of losing all color, her body tilted, and she was already a little unsteady on her feet.

Snow Monster No. 1 next to her immediately supported her.

"Sister Frost Star!"


Shuangxing's lips were pale. It seemed that she would not be able to activate the Origin Stone skills again in a short period of time.

However, the Central Army on the city wall did not know Frost Star, nor did they understand the Origin Stone technique. This shocking Ice Origin Stone technique successfully played a "containing" role.

In order to prevent similar icicles from hitting the city head again, part of the firepower of the city wall was transferred to the flank where Xia Feng's team was located.

Soon, the bombardment of crossbow arrows and spells hit them head on.

Compared with the crowded and chaotic army of infected people, their team is obviously more flexible. If it is just a containment, it can be done with ease.

This kind of crossbow arrows and ultra-long-range spells pose no threat at all in their eyes, including Yin Hui's special forces, who can also perfectly deal with long-range attacks on the city wall.

However, Xia Feng gradually discovered that this kind of containment was just a drop in the bucket.

Some time has passed since the attack began. As long as the city cannot be completely invaded, the sacrifice of the infected is meaningless.

Looking at the tragic scene on the plain, Xia Feng no longer knew the exact number of casualties. There might be 50,000, 100,000, or even more.

The infected people attacking the city at this moment are said to be an army of millions, but if millions of corpses are really used to pile up the stairs leading to the "tower".

What did the person who finally climbed to the top do it for?

This is the last line of defense for the empire. As long as the empire does not collapse, the Central Army will defend the front to the death and will never surrender.

The same is true for the infected.

In the end, everyone will die, and the infected will continue to swarm in, gradually using up most of the troops until the city is broken.

The Central Army will hold on until all weapons are exhausted and the city gate is broken open. Finally, they will fight the infected with their bodies.

Until this moment, Xia Feng finally had doubts about what he had always believed in.

Could it be that this is the revolution Tallulah wants to start?

In this world, the Source Stone was born because of natural disasters, the Infected were born because of the Source Stone, and countless disputes and hatreds were born because of the Infected.

Unknowingly, he seemed to have overlooked something important.

A person named Huo Yu Xia Feng was immersed in his own game. He should have a God's perspective, but the world in his eyes became narrower and narrower, and he gradually lost his rational judgment.

Why Verin wanted to expel the infected, he still doesn't know until now.

Was this rebellion wrong from the beginning?

So far, he has nowhere to find the answer.

Looking at the tragic scenes unfolding in front of him, Xia Feng felt that the sound in his ears had disappeared.

In a daze, an inexplicable idea flashed through my mind.

If time could go over again, would he change his choice?

And after the change, what kind of ending will there be?

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A dull loud noise came from the rear of the plain, and soon, the ground underfoot trembled slightly.

It felt like a huge creature was slowly approaching the plains. The dull loud noise woke Xia Feng out of his trance. When he saw his companions all around him staring and looking behind him, Finally realized something.

Then, he turned around blankly.

At the end of the horizon, a huge steel fortress was galloping through the wilderness with smoke and dust rising into the sky.

There is no doubt that this is a mobile city!

According to previous investigations, Xia Feng was very sure that there were no cities with mobile capabilities near Londinium, and these three in front of them were all.

So, what's hurtling towards them now?

After a while, as the outline of the moving city gradually became clear, a name that was ready to be spoken appeared in Xia Feng's mind.

Everyone in Black Feather obviously recognized this city.

"Brother Feng, this is not."

"This is."

"Yes, it is indeed"

At this moment, this huge mobile city speeding towards Londinium from the south is the city of Notting that moved north to avoid the natural disaster two months ago.

At this moment, all the troops that the empire can mobilize have been concentrated here, and there is no so-called support at all.

Then, there is only one possibility for the forces "driving" Notting City at this moment.

The billowing smoke and dust rising on the distant horizon broke into sight, and the huge roar made everyone on the main battlefield look sideways. Even the Central Army on the city wall stopped shooting because of this incident.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the approaching "Notting City".

The figure he had vowed to take back his hometown gradually emerged in his mind.


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