Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 866 The Strongest Envoy

Following Hela's signal, the mysterious [Deep Code] God Envoy finally took action.

Although Xia Feng was fighting against the Royal Knights under the city wall, his attention was actually always on the city wall.

Even though today is the 30th day of the black and white twins, he will not be blindly confident.

In other words, since he inherited this ancient power, he has never been so cautious as he is now.

In mid-air, the god envoy Tugor hit Xia Feng like a falling meteorite.

The pressure from the deep sea rushed down, instantly dispersing the black tornado.

Turgor's figure appeared in an instant, his thick dark blue arms clenched a huge fist, and struck Xia Feng's face from top to bottom.

At the critical moment, Xia Feng quickly adjusted his stance, and the Red Demon Sword in his right hand was quickly placed across his head.


The next second, Turgor's giant fist struck firmly on the body of the Red Demon Sword.

The ground cracked, and Xia Feng's legs sank directly into the soil due to the huge force.

On the surface, Xia Feng resisted Turgor's punch from the sky in the fierce battle with the Royal Knights. However, he was thinking about more than just "resisting".

Xia Feng held the Red Demon Sword in his right hand above his head, and his left fist was already hidden under his body, condensing violent black power.

With the support of the black and white twins on the 30th day, the single-point explosive power of this punch is even comparable to Ifrit's "nuclear explosion".

Tu Geer didn't expect that Xia Feng would "feint" in a confrontation of this level. Before he could adjust his body in mid-air, the punch that seemed small but was actually powerful enough to blast through steel was already directed towards his face. Door.

At this moment, Xia Feng has no reservations. Being able to reduce the enemy's numbers immediately is the best tactic for him.

"Die to me!"

The black flames in his left eye burned fiercely, and the black power was fully charged. This punch hit Tugor hard.

At this moment, a swift cold light shot from the city wall like lightning.

This was a sharp sword with its string taken off. Feeling the special energy fluctuations mixed with the arrow, Xia Feng had to forcefully hold back the fist he had thrown out.

The sharp arrow was too fast and it was too late to dodge. The Red Demon Sword in his right hand quickly retracted and blocked the chest where the arrow pointed directly.


If it weren't for the abnormal agility of his body supported by the black power, this arrow would have been unstoppable at all costs.

At the same time, at the moment when the arrow was sent flying by the red demon Chi Beng, Xia Feng seemed to sense the special power attached to it.

Because of this pause, Tugor had already adjusted his body shape for landing. Without hesitation, his burly body immediately pressed towards Xia Feng.

Obviously, Turgor is not a conventional "muscular man". This appearance just means that he is better at close combat, and the power contained in his body is already a hundred times greater than that of ordinary people.

The huge man was very flexible, and his iron fist was fierce, hitting Xia Feng's upper body wildly.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

These punches landed firmly on Xia Feng's thin body, and blood spurted out from the burst wounds on the skin's surface.

However, to outsiders, he seemed to have suffered severe injuries, but in fact, these wounds were not caused by Turgor, but "self-inflicted injuries" caused by the violent black power in his body.

After throwing a few punches, Tugel didn't expect Xia Feng's ability to resist being so strong. However, when he raised his fist again, his thick wrist was clasped like lightning.

Xia Feng roared wildly, grabbed Turgor's wrist, and then hit his chest with a headbutt.

At this moment, Turgor felt as if he had hit a speeding train.


The muscles in his chest instantly dented, and the sound of his ribs cracking was extremely clear.


Turgor spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was knocked away by the huge force.

Xia Feng held the Red Demon Sword in one hand and opened the palm of the other hand. The Source Stones scattered in the distance were still continuously gathering energy into his body to support the battle.


Tu Geer's huge body flew more than ten meters and fell to the ground. After Xia Feng absorbed the energy of the Origin Stone, his figure flashed, and the red demon sword struck Tu Geer head-on.

However, this sword could not be cut smoothly after all.

The same cold arrow as before struck from the city wall again. Xia Feng did not dare to use his body to catch the arrow, so he had no choice but to turn sideways to avoid the arrow edge.

The next second, a strange curved sword had swept towards his neck.


The long sword was blocked by Xia Feng, and Hela's cold face appeared in front of him.

This is a face that Xia Feng hates deeply, not only because of the Victoria incident, but also the whereabouts of the ghost shark, which are inseparable from the camp to which Hela belongs.


With full black power, Xia Feng turned around and used all his strength to decisively swing the Red Demon Sword towards Hela.

Because it has absorbed the blood, the Red Demon Sword has completed charging. At this moment, the entire sword body is exuding violent sword energy. Combined with the black power, this sword seems to be able to tear everything apart.

Of course, the greater the strength, the greater the forward swing. A strong person like Hela had no intention of facing this sword head-on from the beginning.

Hela instantly dodged the sword, but the Royal Knights behind were not spared.

The surging black sword energy split the earth and rushed dozens of meters along the ground. Wherever it passed, the bodies of the soldiers were shattered.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the Royal Knights camp under the city wall screamed.

Xia Feng still maintained the posture of holding the Red Demon Sword, but there was a hint of shock in his pupils.

Hela stood aside holding the strange curved sword, with a smile on her face as if she had a winning chance.

"It seems that you have discovered that my sword is somewhat special."

After saying that, she raised the dark blue sword in her hand and spun it around a few times.

"This sword is made of blue stone that grows in the deep sea. The entire body is made of precious crystal parts. Yes, it has the function of blocking the energy transmission of the Source Stone. Isn't it amazing?"

This was the reason why Xia Feng was shocked.

Although the sword just looked powerful, he himself knew very well that the power of that sword should be more terrifying.

The moment he swung his sword, the transformation of Source Stone energy in his body stalled, and the black power had no time to change the consumables into his body in such a short period of time.

The power of the sword just now was only as powerful as the 28th day at most.

"Blue stone?"

"Oh, yes, it seems you have some understanding."

Xia Feng was no stranger to the substance blue sapphire. Dr. Kane had used this substance when he first prepared a drug to suppress mineral disease for Turtle.

Apparently, bluestone has the effect of inhibiting ore disease, which is caused by the source stone.

The sword in Hela's hand is not an ordinary blue stone. The density of the special energy fluctuations emitted has exceeded all the blue stones he has seen so far.

Just like she said, this should be a special crystallization product of bluestone in the deep sea.

Including the hidden arrow shot by another divine envoy on the city wall just now, there were similar fluctuations on the arrow.

It seems that the fact that the black and white twins need to consume Source Stone energy has been mastered by Hela in advance.

There is no doubt that he was targeted.


Staring at the long sword made of blue stone in Hela's hand, Xia Feng chuckled indifferently.

"You really don't think you can restrict me with something like this."

In the face of overwhelming power, any countermeasure is just fancy, and this will never change.

Even though the conversion rate of Source Stone energy will be affected by the blue stone, the black and white twins on the 30th day are still powerful.

However, Hela's confident smile did not change at all.

"I understand the power of the black and white twins. If I were alone, I might not be able to win, but unfortunately, you have no chance of winning now."

Before Hela finished speaking, Xia Feng's pupils shrank instantly.

Because he felt an existence that deliberately concealed its aura was already within reach behind him.

Without any judgment, it was completely a subconscious reaction of the body. Xia Feng turned around and punched behind him.


His fist collided with another small fist behind him, and a terrifying explosive force exploded on the spot.

The aroused shock wave blew up Kuroyukihime's long hair. His pale face showed no expression, and the close black pupils stared at him.

Although it was just a subconscious punch, the power of the black and white twins on the 30th day was enough to penetrate the shield.

However, Kuroyuki's small fist that collided with him didn't even tremble at all, it was as strong as steel.

At this moment, Xia Feng finally knew the true meaning of "the strongest divine envoy".

It turned out that in the battle in the Sami natural disaster area, Kuroyukii didn't show his true strength at all.

She is the strongest divine messenger in the [Divine Code]. This thin body even has the terrifying power to compete head-on with the black and white twins on the 30th day.

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